

  • Thanks for all the input--I was always leaning towards sticking with rice, almond and sometimes (rarely unless it's my only option/on sale) soy, but I just wanted some food for thought (keep the thread going fi you so please!) I think what I need to do is start looking into different brands of rice and almond milks to get the these low calorie ones you guys are talkin' about.

    I use Pacific Foods rice, soy and almond milk...around 130-140/ 8 ounces. Any more brand suggestions? I'm looking for plain milks--no flavors or I don't really dig the taste/may use it for cooking. Sounds like a lot of people leans towards Silk Almond Milk--I had no idea it was so low in cals. Sweeeeet!

    I Love Blue Diamond original unsweetened. Only 40 calories a serving.

    Me too!! Just can't bring myself to drinking cow milk ever again!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    only drink the others if your are lactose intolerant. otherwise i belive you get more calories and less protein from them rather than skim.

    No offense, but soy or almond are better as they are higher in protein and antioxidants, vitamins, and much lower on sugar. You can get light Soy 60 calories, the Almond they have original which is also 60 calories, or the unsweetened which is 35 calories. All these for an 8 ounce serving.

    Soy has more protein, not the almond milk!

    I love almond milk and everything BUT it is not higher in protein. Almond milk only has 1 gram of protein per each serving so, dairy milk serves as a much more practical protein source with 8 grams of the macronutrient per serving. Skim milk also contains more riboflavin, folate and Vitamin B12 than the almond alternative.

    It doesn't really matter to me because I use it to blend my protein shakes. I just want to get the facts straight.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Thanks for all the input--I was always leaning towards sticking with rice, almond and sometimes (rarely unless it's my only option/on sale) soy, but I just wanted some food for thought (keep the thread going fi you so please!) I think what I need to do is start looking into different brands of rice and almond milks to get the these low calorie ones you guys are talkin' about.

    I use Pacific Foods rice, soy and almond milk...around 130-140/ 8 ounces. Any more brand suggestions? I'm looking for plain milks--no flavors or I don't really dig the taste/may use it for cooking. Sounds like a lot of people leans towards Silk Almond Milk--I had no idea it was so low in cals. Sweeeeet!

    I drank rice milk for a while after I had my daughter> The down side to that is it is full of sugar. You are better off with the almond or soy. Just a thought
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    I can't get past the taste of the two so I just use fat free milk but then again I seldom use it.
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I don't remember off the top of my head how much more sugar is in oat milk, but it's the most delicious of them all!!! It's like drinking an oatmeal cookie. I rarely ever get it, but it's such a treat.
  • Milk (esp cow's milk) was never intended for human consumption and is really harsh on your digestive system. Incredibly fatty and full of hormones/steroids. The milk industry tries to stay relevant by convincing the public that milk is the only good source of calcium (there are tons of veggies with as much or more calcium per serving without the fat or high amounts of calories).

    Check out the book Whitewashed at your local library.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    How about this on a similar topic:

    Real butter v. earth balance/smart balance/etc.

    What do you use and why?

    I tend to stick to self-made spray bottles of olive oil or flaw seed oil--for rice, cooking (not flax), toast, etc.

    If I want a spread--not all that often--I'll use Smart or Earth Balance, but I'm not sure how "smart" that is. Sometimes I'll just opt for avocado. I try to stear clear of butter because it's so tasty :) The boy I buy food/cook food with LOVES butter when he cooks.

    A friend of mine recommended onion butter--water and onions cooked down into a paste with a pinch of salt. Mmm! That sounds awesome to cook with.

    I use real butter bought in individual pats at Costco.
    Why? Oh the taste!
    Avocado is lovely as a spread with sliced boiled egg. yum.
  • I only use real butter, margarine and all the others are full of junk I can't even pronounce. I just use less, and enjoy the full flavor. I've learned to go without on my corn on the cob, but I still use it on other veggies and in cooking. Moderation is the key, and it just tastes so much better!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    cow milk grosses me out. If I drink it I feel like it coats my entire throat and I feel nasty for hours afterwards. Soy milk resulted in kidney stones for me, so I stick with unsweetened Silk Almond milk. I like it.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    my family only drinks goat milk (we use goat butter and goat cheeses too). My kids have all had issues with cow's milk. Goat milk is much easier for most people to digest and tase better IMO than cow milk. We raise our own goats so I know they are hormone free. You may want to check into goat milk as an option.
  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    I like fat free organic milk. Heritage!! not Horizon brand. Soy milk adds weight to thighs and hips, it is good for women who want to or are pregnant. Almond milk is ok for you. and Rice milk is bad for you because white rice is just sugar.
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member

    I Love Blue Diamond original unsweetened. Only 40 calories a serving.

    I too use this to blend my protein shakes - the only time I have milk now. Or the occasional bowl of cereal if im running late for work.
    Cows milk is for ... well ... baby cows! :wink:
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    Milk (esp cow's milk) was never intended for human consumption and is really harsh on your digestive system. Incredibly fatty and full of hormones/steroids. The milk industry tries to stay relevant by convincing the public that milk is the only good source of calcium (there are tons of veggies with as much or more calcium per serving without the fat or high amounts of calories).

    Check out the book Whitewashed at your local library.

    My view too.

    I hate cows milk anyway - it was the free milk in school - always warm and claggy - yukk. I like cheese but try and limit it to goats or sheeps milk cheese. Same for yoghurt. Butter ? Don't really need it IMO. If I am cooking I use oil, either olive oil or rapeseed oil.

    I have taken my coffee and tea black since the age of 14 -so no issue there.

    It's the hormones and stuff which freak me out. I know that all foods contain unwanted ****, but this is the one item that we can do without, or use an alternative.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Every person is different, so it will end up being trial and error to find what you prefer and are willing to live with.

    Personally I prefer to go with the most unprocessed foods available. I read (and saw on You Tube) how they make the rice/soy/almond milk and other replacement foods.... uhh no thanks. I'll stick with the natural stuff.

    In spite of being overweight I have never had issues with cholesterol, blood pressure or blood sugar. All of my older brothers (5 of them) and their wives are either normal weight or slightly underweight and ALL have cholesterol and blood pressure issues. They eat the "typical American diet" that includes a lot of highly processed foods and replacement foods... margarine, soy/almond/rice milk, low fat/no fat this that and the other and packaged/boxed foods. When I met my guy he was eatting a typical bachelor diet modified to include non dairy/low fat because he had very bad cholesterol issues and was on 3 different medications for it. Over the last 5 years we have lived together I have gotten him to change his diet. In the process of doing this he has gotten his cholesterol numbers cut in half (now normal) and has been reduced to 1 cholesterol medication. If he keeps his numbers down he may get off that medication too. We eat real butter, full fat dairy products, whole eggs, beef, pork and all the other things that are on the "bad for your cholesterol" list. We just eat it in moderation and as much unprocessed as possible.
  • kerrylou45
    kerrylou45 Posts: 60 Member
    I was brought up on soy milk from a baby drinking formula to drinking soy milk for milk replacement until about the age of about 10. I have just recently had a health scare which involes hormones and it was through this that my mum told me about the issues around soy and estrogen. So I did some reading and discovered that all the issues i have had over the years where all the possible out comes from drinking soy as a baby. I mean just about the whole list and i was amazed. At the age of about 8 i started getting extreme emotional issues and by 9 I had well formed breast (by the age of 10 i was in a C cup and by 13 in HH) and my period, which are very heavy. By the age of 11 I was depressed and was seeing a doctor to try and figure out why I was having so many issues, which also involed weight and growth. The only outcome they could find was an exessive amonut of estrogen. At the time there was no connection made between the two and so was told I would "grow out" of it and just had to roll with it for now. When I was 20 there was research being done here in NZ into the two and I was asked to be part of it. I turn it down because I thought I was fine and those days had gone and I was fine now. Looking back and going through what I am now I know I wasnt fine and reget not taking it up. I still have some real issues around estrogen and my cycle and how much it effects me mentally and really look forward to getting my period because during that time and if I am lucky for a few days after I feel normal happy and full of energy and life is good. But for the other three weeks its hell. I dont feel like me and get very withdrawn and emotional. My thinking is very slow and negitive, like living in a 'fog' If soy is the real reason behind this i really dont know and the research I have done on the internet doesnt confirm or say its not possible but the fact that I personally have these issues and they are all estrogen related and I was was broguht up on soy cant be denied. So for me I wont recommend soy for anyone of any age
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