Am I the only person who dislikes Zumba???

Ok, I have a confession to make:blushing: ...I hate Zumba! I'm constantly being asked: "Have you tried Zumba,? Don't you love it?" I usually mumble something incoherent in return, while they continue to wax poetic about their last Zumba workout. Well it's truth time: "I have tried it and I don't love it!" Give me planks, squats, weights....but no Zumba! Ok, that felt great!

Moral of the story, do what you enjoy because you like it and it works for you...not because it's the popular thing to do!


  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    LOL! No, you're not alone. I dont like it either.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I actually do like zumba (sorry!), but only because I don't feel like I'm exercising while I'm doing it. The actual moves are not really my thing and make me feel pretty silly, but it's a good workout and I'm concentrating so hard on learning the choreography that there's no time for me to think "ohmygod, I can't do anymore. I'm so tired!", etc. That's the best part about it for me. But I totally understand if you don't like it. I don't like the bubblegum "shake your bon bon" part about some classes. Bleh. On another note, am I the only one who hates spinning??! haha
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    To be perfectly honest I haven't tried it so I don't know if I count. I don't like dancing though, so I am thinking I will not be much into it.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    I actually do like zumba (sorry!), but only because I don't feel like I'm exercising while I'm doing it. The actual moves are not really my thing and make me feel pretty silly, but it's a good workout and I'm concentrating so hard on learning the choreography that there's no time for me to think "ohmygod, I can't do anymore. I'm so tired!", etc. That's the best part about it for me. But I totally understand if you don't like it. I don't like the bubblegum "shake your bon bon" part about some classes. Bleh. On another note, am I the only one who hates spinning??! haha

    "shake your bon bon", funn!! I haven't tried spinning but I know what you mean!
  • LadyT02182011
    LOL! Janice you crack me up! I guess I would probably feel the same way about Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. Lol! I haven't tried it, but I have no desire to at this point just because everyone else is trying it. I have well over 100 dvds and ON DEMAND fitness on cable. As you can tell, i have a plethora of dvds and exercise equipment to boot ( I pretty much have an entire gym). You must do what works for you. I actually need to pull out some of my old Richard Simmons tapes. That's what really motivates me, because if those women can lift their legs and keep it moving, then I most certainly should be able to. All exercise dvds and workouts doesn't fit everyone! Do what makes you happy and it will help you reach your goals, just that much quicker. ~smile
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    This is interesting as I am about to give it a go, with 2 friends, but was talking to another friend I do circuits with this evening and she hated Zumba. She said she barely broke a sweat and it seemed like a waste of 45 mins. The aerobics and circuits classes we do are pretty hardcore, so I worry I will find Zumba a bit of a flop in comparison.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    LOL! Janice you crack me up! I guess I would probably feel the same way about Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. Lol! I haven't tried it, but I have no desire to at this point just because everyone else is trying it. I have well over 100 dvds and ON DEMAND fitness on cable. As you can tell, i have a plethora of dvds and exercise equipment to boot ( I pretty much have an entire gym). You must do what works for you. I actually need to pull out some of my old Richard Simmons tapes. That's what really motivates me, because if those women can lift their legs and keep it moving, then I most certainly should be able to. All exercise dvds and workouts doesn't fit everyone! Do what makes you happy and it will help you reach your goals, just that much quicker. ~smile

    Absolutely right! If anyone would have told me a would like the 30 DS I would have asked have they lost their mind!! But it works for me. I also love Leslie Sansone, but some people are not challenged by her DVD's. It's really important to do what works for you, then you'll be more inclined to keep it up!!
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    The jury is still out for me. I rented Zumba Power from the library. Its one of the earlier dvds (made n 2004) and its just ok. I hv three other Zumba dvds on reserve and I hope they r better.
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    See that's why you are one of my friends. I absolutely hate it and don't understand why people love it. I do really enjoy Jazzercise though, I get strength training and cardio and they show you step by step. When I went to Zumba, some of the songs didn't go with the moves so we were off beat and that made me so mad. On top of that I also don't like Latin music, and last but not least they dont tell you when to switch the moves, its like you already have to know the step to do it so unlike Jazzercise. I am glad I am not the only one who thinks its the pits.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I do love Zumba, but you're right the key is finding the workout you love! I think my joy Zumbaing comes down to the instructor. I basically limit my Zumba time to one instructor at my gym (which happens to be the least popular one). The instructor that most people like I can't stand! Strange how that works :ohwell:
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    I tried it and I hated it. I dont know whats wrong with me but it seemed impossible to do. I wont be doing it again. i just started the 30 day shred. I find it easy and doable. I also have on order the turbo fire set. I hope that will work.
  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115
    Ive gone to a Zumba class with a GREAT instructor... and then Ive taken classes with instructors who made me realize why some hate the class... Ive concluded the INSTRUCTOR really makes the difference....which is why I dont think Id ever like Zumba DVDs or the Wii Zumba
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    From the part about 'they don't tell you" to switch moves I think that part is the instructor's fault...the latin music, well, that does come with the territory!

    I have to lol, though - I *do* like Zumba but have been waay too intimidated to try it anywhere till Curves - figured I could handle one minute increments, lol!! It's funny, though - to me, the machines are the rest...but there are other ladies who feel like the dancing is the rest and groan when it's machine time. There are two instructors at our curves, though, and I did have more fun with one over the other, even though they both seemed nice enough.
  • Imthatg1rl
    Imthatg1rl Posts: 109
    I haven't tried it, but then again I hate choreographed dance/ aerobics. Let me jog, do yoga and pilates and I am good.
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    i have a confession to make i actually like zumba because i enjoy it and it doest feel like an hours exercise even though i come out sweating at the end but then we have a really nice energetic instructor which i think helps ...each to thier own
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    No, I don't like it either...I'm a weights and elliptical kind of girl. But I do really enjoy dance central for kinect.
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    some zumba classes are not fun AT ALL. i've been to many instructors and if i had to be stuck w/ the one girl who does the same steps over and over to the same music every time - i'd hate it, too.

    but my favorite instructor makes it so much fun. i love her choreography. it's funky with lots of grinding hips movements. it's sort of a hip hop/latin fusion. doesn't feel like i'm working out at all.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    This is interesting as I am about to give it a go, with 2 friends, but was talking to another friend I do circuits with this evening and she hated Zumba. She said she barely broke a sweat and it seemed like a waste of 45 mins. The aerobics and circuits classes we do are pretty hardcore, so I worry I will find Zumba a bit of a flop in comparison.

    Sometimes the instructors are crappy or sometimes we don't give it our all. I burned 624 calories in my hour long Zumba class tonight.

    I did Zumba only in the month of February and lost 4 inches in my waist.

    It works, but like others have said...everything isn't for every body.
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    I've tried it numerous times and it's not my favourite thing!
    Maybe I'm just not a dancer :P
  • Corinne_Bruce
    I LOVE Zumba!!! A great instructor is a must otherwise you will hate it. My instructor is awesome and the music is great, more hip hop than Latin. I burn about 500 calories doing about 50 minutes, so almost as much as running for 50 minutes. If you don't know the steps then you will feel like you are not working out, because you are not moving. You learn the steps over time though; my first class was a mess! It's not for everyone, but trust me if people go to this class it's not because of a fad, it's because they enjoy it. I mean we can say anything is a fad now...30 day shred, P90X, Zumba, Crossfit, etc. If it works do it, if not do something that works for you.