

  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Have you tried calling the better business bureau or the labour board? Especially if he is working for a business, I would think that holding a persons paycheck would be illegal. Thoughts and prayers:flowerforyou:
  • Rachael2179
    Rachael2179 Posts: 148 Member
    WOW!!! I must say you have every right to be upset. Me and my soon to be husband own a construction company and I must say construction is VERY SLOW every where around here. Everybody is hurting. We only had a few employees but were not able to keep them employed full time. Unfortunately we had to let them go because financially we could not afford to keep them full time. They are all on a call in basis right now. If we get a job and they are interested in making extra money they come in. My fiance even got a job as a paramedic and does construction on the side around his work schedule. We live paycheck to paycheck as well... Unfortunately when there is no money coming in everyone hurts, but your husband is required by law to receive pay from the company if he works. You can definately report them to someone up there....He definately needs to look else where even if it's a diferent line of work... Sorry to hear you going through this. His employer obviously does not care about his employees too much
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Oops, guess I shoulda read the whole post first!! Ah well, Everything'll work out, chin up!:flowerforyou:
  • mholmes
    mholmes Posts: 949 Member
    Well he's here at my office now where THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Several other employees have called me asking why their paychecks were bouncing..... MY employer....


    I guess we'll both be on Career Builder.com for a while tonight.

    See y'all Monday... if I still have a job.

    Please pray for us.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    When it rains it poors. I have been there. I will keep you in my prayers. Stay strong.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Man, this sucks.
    I had a job like this when I first moved to the big city. Same thing, we'd wait hours after our shift and then we'd be told not to cash it for days. It really sucked and it's truly not fair.

    I agree, look into it with the labor board because there has to be something you can do about it in a "nice" way (cuz you don't want to burn your bridges either).

    My thoughts are with you guys and I hope things will fall into place.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Keep your chin up girl.

    Remember that things seem bad right now but they are only temporary. Get through this, and you and your hubby will be stronger because of it.:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Ok...it seems to me you have reason to SUE SUE SUE.

    S.C. Code Ann. § 41-10-30 (Supp. 2001) sets forth:

    (A) Every employer shall notify each employee in writing at the time of hiring of the normal hours and wages agreed upon, the time and place of payment, and the deductions which will be made from the wages, including payments to insurance programs. The employer has the option of giving written notification by posting the terms conspicuously at or near the place of work. Any changes in these terms must be made in writing at least seven calendar days before they become effective. This section does not apply to wage increases.

    (B) Every employer shall keep records of names and addresses of all employees and of wages paid each payday and deductions made for three years.

    (C) Every employer shall furnish each employee with an itemized statement showing his gross pay and the deductions made from his wages for each pay period.

    This is just one of the labor law statutes that SC has to protect employess in this case. I would DEFINATELY talk to a lawyer before his employer decides to stop paying all together and file chap. 11.
  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    amen sgt.

    an employer can't say to your husband 'there's no money'. its illegal.

    and yes, he should try to find another job. i work for an architect and there are a ton of engineers out there who do work remotely. he's not limited to where he is geographically. CAD files can be emailed just easily across the country as across town.

    good luck!
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    My prayers are with you, we are in a lots of financial strain at the moment, but I know there will always be a paycheck at the end and middle of the month.

    Is it really illegal for an employer to say there's no money? cuz my husbands boss says it all the time, I think its to scare my husband from asking for a pay raise.
  • rosenbss
    rosenbss Posts: 54
    they dont deserve him id find a new job..its not worth it..you could lose ur home..
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I can't believe that. Do they have a labor board where you live? In California the labor rules are so specific that his boss would be in jail, not in Florida. Even the wait until 5 thing would get them in a ton of trouble.
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    Prayers for better jobs or owners with better morals. Prayers here.
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    I agree with others. Your husband needs to look around. I have had as many as 12 people working for me at times in my business and I never took anyone on unless I knew I could make payroll. I never missed one and always paid employees first.

    I feel for you guys.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    omg Megan!!!! hugs and prayers sweetie...that is such a raw deal!!!:explode:

    I think you should both get your resume out there....asap....I'm crossing my fingers, toes, eyes...well can't do that...never could...sigh, but everything else I can I am! love ya kiddo...really hope things work out!

    I think you should also seek legal council....just so you know where you stand....sigh...big big big hugs!...
    Ali :flowerforyou:
  • georgiaj
    georgiaj Posts: 59
    I would file a grievance, that's just not legal in most states.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    yes big hugs!! i know that it seems like all the bad stuff happens at once... it usually does.

    Just hang in there and keep us updated... we are praying for you!
  • mholmes
    mholmes Posts: 949 Member

    Late Friday my husbands boss called and said someone who owes them money would be wiring it Monday and that B and his co-worker should get paid late afternoon Monday. Still apprehensive though since this person has been promising that same thing for months now... And once that's all used up in a matter of days to pay delinquent bills and payroll, what about 2 weeks from then? Anyway as far as my paycheck goes they turned out to be good, accounts payable didn't transfer the money until 4 and the owner gave some story that "technically speaking checks aren't to be dispersed until 5 pm on Fridays" thats a load of horse excriment (sp?) though because we always get paid at noon and have never had a problem with our checks before. The company is going through some VERY hard times financially so the checks being good didn't ease anyone's mind as to why they took so long to transfer funds that should have already been in the account to begin with. Thanks everyone for being here for me and listening to me rant. We don't have internet at home so I'm at my office right now job searching for anything within a 30 mile range of us for my hubby and possibly myself. Hope everyone has a great week-end! :flowerforyou:
  • mholmes
    mholmes Posts: 949 Member
    OK Update again :cry: B got his termination date. The 31st..... of this month
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    I so sorry to hear that... I wish him all the luck to find something better. Maybe this is a belssing in disguise... ya' never know.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: