30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels Challenge



  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    My left knee always bothers me with the lunges. I recently had an MRI that showed nothing wrong, so I figure if I can deal with the pain I am ok. I don't usually go too far into the lunges - probably follow Anita. I just do what I can. I hadn't heard about the chair thing. Sounds like a good alternative.

    I used the chair tonight for level 1 instead of doing lunges. My legs did burn but I did not like them that much. I was definitely huffing and puffing but its harder to maintain proper form for the bicep curls that way. I will take your advice and follow Anita tomorrow.
    I did Level 1 Day 6 this morning before work….the push-ups are still the toughest for me. Hopefully by day 10 I can do both sets fully. Keep up the great job girls!!!

    Keep up the good work. Hopefully we both can get through the push-ups by Day 10 :-) (non-girlie one's for me)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I took the night off last night, so day 6 will be today. I will try out real push ups tonight though.
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Day 6 completed. I went to Zumba tonight so I followed Anita.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I did day 6 last night...day 7 today.

    I tried to do normal push ups but felt like my body was going to cave in. I know the last time I went though the shred my back and core muscles got worked so my back hurt a lot less. I don't think I'm there yet so I'll stick to the girlie push ups. I did push through most of the rest though and will do so tonight as well. I hope to not take any breaks. I really only take breaks with my arms, but I need to not do that - so that's the goal tonight.
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    I did day 6 last night...day 7 today.

    I tried to do normal push ups but felt like my body was going to cave in. I know the last time I went though the shred my back and core muscles got worked so my back hurt a lot less. I don't think I'm there yet so I'll stick to the girlie push ups. I did push through most of the rest though and will do so tonight as well. I hope to not take any breaks. I really only take breaks with my arms, but I need to not do that - so that's the goal tonight.

    I completed Day 7 today too. I stuck with the girlie push-ups. I "cheat" with arms for the side lunges. I only do one arm at a time. Hopefully by Day 10 I can do both at the same time. My daughter was with me while I worked out tonight so I wasn't that focused, she kept crawling to me to pick her up and laying on me for the ab work and push-ups. :smile:

    I previewed Level 2 tonight. I am actually excited to move up to that level next week. It looks like there are more moves to target the core in the full body moves.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I am sticking to the girlie push ups. I did manage to not take a break, unless you count the one push up I missed because a little girl wanted me to open her cup so she could eat the ice. :smile:

    I'm ready to move on. I don't really like level 2, love level 3, but will do it. It is beneficial, I just am not fond of it.

    I plan to start the C25K on Monday (running) so I might take a few more days off of this, but will still complete the whole 30 days, just a bit longer than 30 days.
  • maria2583
    maria2583 Posts: 5 Member
    how do you put 30DS on your exercise log?

    as aerobics, calisthenics, or strenght traininig...
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I just enter my own entry as "30 day shred" I wear a heart rate monitor so I just input the cals burned from that.
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    I enter 30DS as circuit training. I need to get a heart rate monitor.

    I'm tired of Level 1, I am not motivated to do it today but I will. What is C25K? I joined an April Challenge to walk, run, jog or bike 60 miles (for me). It would have helped if my pedometer wasn't at work so I could start today. Oh well.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Last day of level 1 for me today.

    C25K is "couch to 5K" It is a running program to get you to run a 5K in 9 weeks. I hope to start tomorrow (maybe even today) if the weather cooperates. We are supposed to get some t-storms and its probably not smart to run in that.
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Completed Level 1 today :smile:
    I plan to weigh myself and take measurements tomorrow morning. I hope everyone had a good weekend.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Completed Level 1 today :smile:
    I plan to weigh myself and take measurements tomorrow morning. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Way to go!!

    I too completed level 1 last night. I plan to take measurement tonight before I start level 2. I'm up in poundage, but that could totally be attributed to my eating this weekend. Definately not down anyway. I hope I see something in inches, even a little bit.
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    D1 Level 2 kicked my butt tonight. I had to modify half of the moves but it was a good workout. I cannot wait to get off this level.

    For Level 1 completion I lost 3.3 lbs and a total of 3.25 inches all over. For my problem areas I lost 1 inch off my waist and 1/2 inch off my thighs. Those results motivated me to workout tonight because I was ready to skip a night to go to bed early.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/207992-30-day-shred-challenge-day-10-weigh-in - go here and post your level 1 stats...we can keep going on either thread - doesn't matter to me.

    I did do day 1, level 2 last night and I remember why I didn't like this level so much. I want to skip through these 10 days...I know I love level 3 so I have something to look forward to.
  • abbyph311
    abbyph311 Posts: 45 Member
    I bought the Shred dvd 1 year ago and it's still unopened. Thanks for the motivation to finally get started!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Can I jump in with you guys? I was on D6L2 when I got sick 2 weeks ago. I did L1 yesterday but is was too easy so I want to move to L2. I lost 3 inches and 3 lbs before I can post my current stats.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Can I jump in with you guys? I was on D6L2 when I got sick 2 weeks ago. I did L1 yesterday but is was too easy so I want to move to L2. I lost 3 inches and 3 lbs before I can post my current stats.

    Sure, sounds like you'll be right about with me...I will do level 2, day 2 tonight.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Finished L2D2 are you all posting on another thread? Where should I log my stats?
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    I completed D2 L2 last night. Still kicked my butt. I feel like I am doing the twist planks in Circuit 3 wrong. My foot slides on the carpet so I don't twist as much as Jillian. The double jump rope is a pain, I can make it half way through but then I modify to single jump rope.

    You can post your stats here:

    I will continue to comment on this thread daily and post stats to the other thread at the completion of each level. Glad more people can join us.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    L2D2 last night!! I only do the single jump rope so you are ahead of me there :smile: I follow Anita with the plank poses, especially the first set as my knee would not allow those jumps like that. Maybe I'll work my way into the jumping jack planks like Natalie - but man, after the strength in that section, my arms about give out on me...its a workout for sure!!