Toning Shoes



  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I have the reebok ones and, not to be a Debbie downer but I don't like them. I didn't notice any difference except that they were uncomfortable after a while. The inside is very 'cushion-y' but after a while I felt like the tongue of the shoe was squishing my foot from the top. Also, now I guess there is a hole punctured in the bottom of one if them so now when I walk you can hear the air woosh out. I am flat footed though and seem to be in the minority.
  • Jackie0127
    Jackie0127 Posts: 71 Member
    My husband bought me the sketchers shape ups (the most recent ones) and Im taking them back. First of all ... They are heavy! Wearing them for about 5 hrs did not make me feel any different. On that note, I will probably try and go see the Reebooks beore purchasing those also. A lot of mixe reviews. I have a friend who swears by them, but we are all different! Thanks to all of you for commenting!
  • i have the sketchers ones and love them. i have noticed the posture thing definitely , which is a problem for me. and they seem a bit extra between me and the concrete floors i stand on 10 hours a day, as far as toning yes i feel they are doing something.
    when i first started wearing them my legs were more tired , like i had worked out when i hadnt.
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    I worked around trainers at a gym I worked at and they never recommend them. They said its a disaster waiting to happen if you are going to workout in them ( at least the sketcher ones I think). A lot of people don't run/ walk with their feet in the perfect position, so they often roll their ankles. And I don't think its possible for shoes to do the work of actual workouts, but I don't know about the rebok ones. Definitely try those before you buy, good luck!!
  • tringler1
    tringler1 Posts: 1 Member
    I have three pair of the Avia Avi-motions and I absolutely love them but unfortunately my doctor just told me that since my one ankle has pronation due to an accident they are absolutely the worst shoes for someone with this problem. Who knew? I feel more motivated to walk in them and do feel like my body compensates to keep balanced.
  • oh yes there are definitely times that its not good to wear them.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I have the Reebok Run Tones. I don't notice any difference in shaping, but they are definitely THE most comfortable sneakers ever. You can get them at Marshall's for $50, which is a big chunk off the regular price elsewhere.
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    i own the rebook easy tones. I had a pair for a year......then wore regular shoes and felt the need to buy my easy tones again.

    Now, i love them, BUT i'm thinking they really dont "tone" much up. i think its more for the comfort and hope that they'll do the toning

    plus, not sure about this or not, but i think they may be messing with my already made shin splints :(
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I have and LOVE my Runtones. They're SO comfortable. No clue if they shape (prob not) but they're comfortable enough that I don't care and would buy another pair anyway.

    That being said: toning shoes, unless specifically designed for the activity, should never be worn for running or 'working out'--because the entire theory behind them is instability, creating instability while doing anything more strenuous than standing/walking, you're extremely liable to injure yourself (the most common being rolling an ankle). I know that several makers design 'toning shoes' specifically for these activities (Reebok, for example, has Walktones, Runtones, and Traintones. I"m sure you can figure out which is for which), but don't try to use, say, your Shapeups to go running in. You're just asking for an injury.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I have the sketchers ones, and I really felt my legs got a workout when I wore them. I don't know for sure if they did anything but overall they were comfortable and seemed like they could be beneficial over time.
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    I have the shape ups and can not wear them because they hurt my arch....apparently I am someone whose feet hurt with too much support.
  • paloo97
    paloo97 Posts: 1
    agree with most of all, I too have shapeup's and when I am walking with them on, my usual stretch of uphill is quite difficult to do
  • ValMae
    ValMae Posts: 52 Member
    "I heard the foot doctors are loving them, they are making them a bunch of $$$$$"

    why? causing foot problems?
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I got my Ryka toning shoes at Costco and wear them at work (I'm on my feet a lot). They are very comfortable with good arch support and super cushioning. I wore them on one outdoor walk, and didn't like that they slowed me down a bit.
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    I have a doctors shoals version of them. They are very comfortable and when I walk in them I can feel it in the back of my thighs and calves. I also feel it in my butt if I walk long enough or if i walk up hill alot! Hope this helps you out! :happy:
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I have a pair of the Reebok RunTones and I love them for general walking around anywhere.. They are much more gradual than the Shape-Ups, but like someone else said, I wouldn't recommend using them as workout shoes because of the added instability.

    These were also a big plus because they don't look like typical toning shoes (at least to me), and blend in more as regular athletic sneakers
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I have Rebok EasyTones. I don't think they are very comfortable and because I have low arches they hurt after wearing them for very long periods of time. They're weird to walk in but I have noticed a difference in the shape of my legs and butt.

    I was thinking about getting a pair, but I'm flat footed. So that might be a problem!
  • I have the Reebok easy tones. When I was wearing them I was bartending at a huge sports bar and what I noticed is that they were super comfortable when I was moving around but because of the round bottoms if I was just standing or stationary they were actually quite the opposite. However, when I was busy and running around the bar I definitely felt like they were giving me a little extra workout. I don't think you can expect to drop any pounds by wearing them, but I would say they will definitely help shape your cavs! Hope that helped
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have Reebok Easy Tones and I don't think they do much on their own. They are amazingly comfortable and supportive. I kinda feel the "balance bubbles" when I walk especially up stairs so I can see how they affect stability which promotes toning, and when I run they feel bouncy. I would recommend them and great comfortable shoes but I don't "feel" the toning.
  • keegrsmom
    keegrsmom Posts: 27
    I agree with some other posts. I have the Sketchers and while I don't know if I buy the hype on toning, they sure are the most comfortable workout shoes I've ever worn. I have bad feet and have stopped workouts in the past due to foot pain. I have NEVER had stopped from foot pain with these shoes. In that regard, I'd highly recommend them.
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