Getting very, very frustrated!



  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    hi there!

    love the fact that you are from Ukiah! i liked there for 3.5 years before moving out here to the coast. at times (especially weather times like these!) i really miss being inland a bit.

    thanks for barging! enjoy London! :-)
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Thanks so much to all of you for your thoughtful posts and advice! I am surely not going to abandon this community now (now I need to be sure not to abandon myself in this process!). Yes, there are so many days when it is literally almost impossible to feed myself correctly... it turns out to be all about the kids and their meals, etc... Protein shakes are a great idea. I will definitely start my mornings with one once in a while. I am sure that I should start lifting weights... although it is not something I look forward to. I try to keep my exercise in it's most 'natural form'. I know that may sound funny, but I really relate to the idea of walking/hiking and doing strength/flexibility training such as yoga (and it's many practices)...but being in a gym setting or just using dumbbells at home is not appealing to me. It sounds like I should working on my mind-set though.

    I will also check out some body fat calculators for reference. Believe me, I would love to leave the scale behind! If not for me, then for my 4 daughters!! I need to continue to walk a thin line with girls because I clearly don't want them to develop body image issues as a result of their Mom becoming seemingly obsessed with calculating every last calorie! :-0

    Ok, again, thank you all so much. I will post any progress!
