YOUR best diet foods???



  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    Is slim fast bad?
  • RZO42488
    RZO42488 Posts: 64
    Drink water all day even when you're hungry......helps the appetite
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Ever try a low carb diet? (Sorry I couldn't read every response to see if someone mentioned this already) I don't get as hungry on my low carb diet because I'm allowed to have a decent amount of fat, the fat and protein stabilizes your blood sugar, you feel full longer, you don't have ups and downs with hunger as much. My snacks could be a hard boiled egg, or cheese. . of course if I'm at home there are more choices for what to eat.

    My friend and I are eating Kelp Noodles (at home) because they kind of help fill you up but they have barely any calories or carbs, no sugar.
  • Rekeca
    Rekeca Posts: 5
    I usually I don't like yogurt but I am going to try it.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Chobani Yogurt - Strawberry Banana, Strawberry, Pomegranate or Blueberry
    Light String Cheese, Laughing Cow Cheese w/Whole Wheat Ritz crackers
    Dole Peaches in 100% Juice
    Banana, Grapes, Strawberries
    Sun Chips (IN A SANDWICH BAG -- do not bring the bag to work lol)
    Hershey's dark chocolate minis (2 is the limit)
    Kozy Shack Chocolate Pudding
  • DayAtATime
    Pink Lady apples, sugar free fudgicles, chicken, artichokes, mushrooms, roasted tomatoes, salad, lower calorie salad dressings from Trader Joe's, almonds, grilled peppers.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    1. Greek Yogurt
    2. Vitatops/Vitamuffins
    3. Fresh Veggies (baby carrots are my favorite)
    4. String Cheese
    5. Protein Shakes
    6. Potatos (usually in the form of hash browns cooked with spray olive oil)
    7. Spray Butter
    8. Spray Salad Dressing
    9. Laughing Cow Cheese
    10. Apples with PB2 (PB2 is basically a peanut butter replacement and it is fabulous!)
    11. Bananas when I need sugar NOW!
    12. Cereal for Dinner (fills you up and the carbs keep you going/full just long enough until bed-time)
  • KileyPowers
    grains that are least processed are the most filling. the more processed a food it the quicker it is digested and the faster between meals your become. steal cut oats are awesome to keep you full!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    A very filling breakfast for me is one that includes eggs -- especially omelets! Just two eggs, loaded with green peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach, and a bit of cheese. To mix things up, I'll sometimes have an english muffin with peanut butter and banana, or oatmeal with fruit.

    Snacks -- fruit, veggies and hummus, rice cakes, kashi granola bars, cheese strings, greek yogurt with fruit.
    Depending on how hungry I am, I may have two out of the three above, equalling in 100-200 calories.

    Lunch -- wrap with veggies, cheese, hummus or mustard.

    Snack -- see above!

    Supper -- Anything goes.. stirfry with rice, veggie chicken breast with tons of vegetables, soup, spaghetti squash with spaghetti sauce and veggies.

    I find if I load up on veggies I'm satisfied/fuller longer. Protein also helps with this too!
  • Coleman73
    Coleman73 Posts: 42
    Crystal light green tea peach mango 10 cals in expensive and filling. Eating a good breakfast keeps me feeling good past lunch time. then lunch is usually pretty light. Breakfast about 400 cals lunch about 300 cals dinner 500-700 cals and in fuit packs likes Brothers all natural 45 cals, my tea 10 cals and a muscle milk lite 100 cal Im generally pretty full and not wanting for anything. Feel free to friend me or check my open diary.
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    breakfast ...1/2 cup berries while I am making my omlette ...

    omlette .. ... made with one whole egg, one egg while , chopped red onion, 2 chopped mushrooms .. when done topped it with 2 tbs salsa

    lunch ... fine sliced.... 1/2 cup of jicama (really love this), medim carrot, little red onion, red cabbage .. tossed with 1 or 2 TBS braggs apple cider vinegar then topped with 1 Tbs fresh ground flax seed and 1 Tbs sunflower seeds

    snack 1 oz low fat string chhese

    dinner .. 4oz very lean peppercorn pork tenderloin, large portion fresh string beans and about 1/2 cup quinoa

    and about 8 raw almonds just before I go to bed ... find that my weight loss has improved this way .. maybe makes my metabolism work when sleeping and I am sure the added fiber helps

    I take vitamins and probiotics and drink tons of water

    my question is this .. I have been way under my calories suggested ... but I am eating really good food .. so do I have to eat caories for the sake of calories????
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I always drink water first whenever I feel hungry. That takes care of it at least 50% of the time. If that doesn't work, I sip hot tea. But, I also always have a snack between meals which is part of the plan. Usually almonds or pb on toast or plain yogurt with fresh raspberries (when they're in season). Good luck.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    my question is this .. I have been way under my calories suggested ... but I am eating really good food .. so do I have to eat caories for the sake of calories????

    Calories are a unit of measurement, which measure energy. Energy your body needs to function. Your body requires X amount of calories (energy) to keep running. So it's not calories for the sake of calories; it's calories for the sake of a healthy, fit body.
  • doriandenise
    where do i get the chiobani yogurt you guys are talking about?
  • LareishaH
    LareishaH Posts: 205 Member
    You can get it from your local grocery store. I enjoy strawberry and blueberry!
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    bell peppers

    pop chips--YUM on my cheat day only
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Coffee, tea, fruit, Fiber 1 bar, Special-K meal replacement bar, water, water, water...
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    Almonds are one thing that helps to curb my hunger. I also noticed that if I eat one hard-boiled egg in the morning with my oatmeal or cereal, my appetite is more manageable throughout the day and it doesn’t take as much to make me feel full. Also, what kind of job do you have? I work at an office where I sit most of the day and there are times when I mistake hunger for boredom because I’m doing the same things day in and day out. On the weekends I’m able to keep myself busier to where all of the sudden I remember “Oh yeah I better eat something soon”.
  • Jentorres8814
    Jentorres8814 Posts: 121 Member
    where do i get the chiobani yogurt you guys are talking about?

    When you buy the chiobani yogurt make sure you look on the front of the yogurt. Some are made with 0% ( fat free) milk, 1% and 2%. Just in case your wondering why some you eat are thicker than others.