Private profiles



  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    If people are in need of friends or support from here then they should not be completely private in an effort to get that. But, there are people who don't want/need that but use the tools that the site provides.

    Really, its a personal choice and I'm sure everyone who has their stuff set the way they do has a reason for it. The boards can get pretty open and people get free with their information, so it wouldn't be a stretch to be able to find out info on most people who've been here for some time.

    I've been here for quite awhile and I do think I've made some friends who I cherish. I don't mind making new ones, but I don't necessarily 'need' them. I would be perfectly content if I went private and just kept the friends I've already made.

    I agree with this, it's up to each person. I also see that a lot of people on here join with a group of family or friends and they keep their profiles on private b/c they only want to connect with each other. If someone sends you a friend request and their profile is set on private and you don't like it just don't accept it. Period. I respect privacy and people are entitled to it. I would be content with the good friends I made on here, I don't really need anymore either but if more want to come along, hey that is great too =)
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I've wondered the same thing. I respect a person's decision to keep food diaries private, but I'm confused as to why a profile would be private. This site is about support. Eh, whatever. I second Kerri. I'm glad you're my friend! :)

    Could not agree more Allie. And, just like Kerri, you rock too!! :drinker:
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    If they are not active in forums or blogging, and their profile is set to private, how are you even finding them?

    I could think of a few possible reasons:

    Maybe they signed up with a group of real-life friends (family or work friend competition maybe?) And those are the only people they want to connect with?

    Maybe they are super private people and don't want just any random person to see their information?

    Maybe they only want a small select group of friends and don't wish to receive requests from others?

    Maybe they are only using the site through their phone's app and haven't spent much time messing with the privacy settings on the site? When I started I didn't even realize there was a community here, I thought it was just an app for my phone.

    Different people use the site in different ways. That's all there is to it.
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    Well this site is intended for tracking food above being a social network. Some people probalby don`t give a hoot about making friends on here, the're in it just for the calories.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Different people use the site in different ways.

    Not questioning that. Like I said in the original post, I was just curious.
  • AnneFordham
    I had not really thought about it before, mine was friends only but I have just changed it to public, you are right it makes sense on a site like this.
    Maybe we are used to the need for privacy on sites like facebook etc. But when I think about it, there are no secrets on my profile, nothing that I would not want anyone else to see!!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    For me personally, I am not actively looking for any more friends. I have a small list and prefer to keep it that way. I really want to "know" my pals and really give them 100% support. So this new privacy feature, as your post hints at, will limit the # of friend requests I get. I do still get them, and I take them on a case by case, did we interact on a forum post? do we run into each other on a mutual friend's accnt? If I think we may be a good match, I accept them. But I do feel a little bad to decline folks. I don't want to hurt someone's feelings at all. I feel guilty when I do even though I've never even met them! It's nothing personal, but all the nitty gritty details of why I'm here & pics are for my friends only. Only they need to be that up close and personal with me. :flowerforyou:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If someone wants to keep their profile private I dont care.Obviously they feel the need to and if it makes them more comfrotable on the site then cool.It just really dosent matter to me either way.
    I also accept any friends request i get without looking at the profile anyways.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I'm sure some people are only interested in using the tools on this site, they're not really here to make friends.
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I don't think mine is private. Read away. ;)
  • Poehlerbear1983
    I had made mine public a while ago because people are mor elikely to comment and encourage if they know what they are commenting and encouraging on. But I agree with you I like to see how other people are eating and doing things because sometimes it helps give me knew ideas about what i could be doing
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Options mine?
  • Giovanni_P
    Giovanni_P Posts: 107
    But here, we are all pretty anonymous anyway. A user name, a short description, our city and some pictures. Pretty vanilla. I like to look at people's profiles and send friend requests to people who I feel would be a good match with me as far as workout goals, background, etc.

    So, here's my question: if your profile is private, how the heck am I supposed to know any of that about you??

    Well said. My point exactly.

    At the same time, how many friends are "too" many friends? I have about 30, and find that my home page is full of new posts all the time. I've noticed how some people have 100+ friends. How do they find the time to exercise, work, and constantly respond to all those posts?!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    But here, we are all pretty anonymous anyway. A user name, a short description, our city and some pictures. Pretty vanilla. I like to look at people's profiles and send friend requests to people who I feel would be a good match with me as far as workout goals, background, etc.

    So, here's my question: if your profile is private, how the heck am I supposed to know any of that about you??

    Well said. My point exactly.

    At the same time, how many friends are "too" many friends? I have about 30, and find that my home page is full of new posts all the time. I've noticed how some people have 100+ friends. How do they find the time to exercise, work, and constantly respond to all those posts?!

    Mr. Nine..I'm really just a bot.

    I prefer to have a smaller list as well but each time I review my friends list I start to feel guilty. I usually have a very solid criterion and method for these things..but I still feel guilty LOL. :p I do *try* to comment on my friends relatively often when I can. I can afford to spend the time doing so because I'm on the internet because I'm nursing my baby so often. He's getting older though and my life is changing already so I'll be on here less and less and that is awesome for me LOL :]
    P.S. It doesn't hurt if you can type 90wpm either :wink:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I am a friend *kitten*.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I am a friend *kitten*.

    Idk about that "friend" part :p
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I am a friend *kitten*.

    Idk about that "friend" part :p
    Are you saying I am just whorish n general?
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    I have to admit that once the option became available, my knee-jerk reaction was to go private. But after going out to various forums and subsequently clicking on people's profiles out of curiosity ... and then running into a couple private ones, I came to the conclusion that it was not very friendly and it wasn't really what I wanted.

    I'm absolutely sure I wouldn't know more than half of the wonderful people I know here now if I had been set to 'Private' from the beginning. *Loves* all my MFPeeps! :happy:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,342 Member
    I am a friend *kitten*.

    Idk about that "friend" part :p

    GET OUTTA MY HEAD, LADY! :bigsmile:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I am a friend *kitten*.

    Idk about that "friend" part :p

    GET OUTTA MY HEAD, LADY! :bigsmile:

    How are we to be good friends if I can't be in your head awhile? :laugh:

    Yes're...whorish :wink: