Food diary hiders....Why?



  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    Mine is open, I don't care what ppl see, I eat what I eat. yes some are good days and like today well a not so great day. But my weight is coming off and in this for the long haul, not just a quick fix. So yes there are temptation's that I will have.

    For me it is learning self control over these things. Not ever having them or having them and then feeling guilty b/c I ate a "bad" food.
  • fitzthecool
    I expect full reports on your food intake. All of you. Daily.
  • firmbug
    firmbug Posts: 57 Member
    Simple....It's none of your business!
  • ashleighk2010
    Generally speaking, there is a great deal of emotional baggage related to eating habits, so food and dieting can be an intensely emotional issue for many people; it doesn't surprise me they would choose to keep their diaries private.

    Other people just like their privacy.

    Totally agree.
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    I just found out, that you had to activate this, to open my diary. So maybe some people don't even know, that their diary is not public.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Well I can think of 3 seperate times someones "friend" posted their food diary on the boards just to bash them.So that may have alot to do with it.
    My diary is open to freinds only I do not need to be held accountable by anyone but myself.
    I am losing weight just fine.
    When my diary was open to everyone I got so many downright rude messages from the so called experts around here I got sick of it.
  • lestahling
    Mine's private because I want it to be :)
    I don't have to justify that.
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    Oh, here we go again. :grumble:

    I second that.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.

    Several posters in this thread itself prove this point quite well.

    ....Really? I'm not seeing it.

    As for being vulnerable, I have one friend I respect a whole lot who goes over her goal every day and eats fast food. She's in college and very stressed out, but damnit, she logs and publishes daily. Everyone, including me, encourages her and she's already making positive changes. I've had some holier-than-thou's but I take it with a grain of salt, and some of them have lost a lot of weight, so they're worth hearing from. I'm not threatened by criticism from successful MFPer's, I welcome it. Some, on the other hand, lose 1 pound and act like they know everything! Haha.

    thats what im talking about,one person sent me a message if I let my kids eat the proccesed food i eat i should have them taken sick of it.and you know what ive lost almost 50 pounds so i must be doing something right
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    I don't think it's anyone else's business...but mine is hidden because I eat junk sometimes and sometimes I don't eat very much at all and don't want people griping at me ;-)
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    Can't really see the problem, then again i've no rude people offering me 'advice'.
    Anyone can see my diary, i quite glad that i have supportive friends. When i started out i thought i was eating well but was'nt really losing. By opening my diary a few of my friends were able to give me advice on changes i could make. Now if i see one of my new friends struggling with the start of their journey i ask if i can read their diary so that i can pass on the advice i was given. I would'nt get upset if they did'nt want me too. A few of my friends have closed diaries & thats up to them. But if your going to put up a forum post requesting help, you really do need to poen it so people can help. You can always close it again.

    At the end of the day it's down to personal choice, if it bothers you that a friends diary is 'nt open send them a message. If they don't want to open you've just gotta respect that
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    For some reason I've noticed that there is a lot of entitlement on this site and this post shows one of them. My dairy is open but if I chose to have it set to private that would be my choice. My journey isn't about pleasing others. Its all about me so my choices are my own and I only take myself in to consideration. So I really think its selfish of others to try to dictate what people should or should not do when it comes to their MFP account.

    Yanno, people join this site for many reasons and everyone's reasons do not have to mirror your own. I didn't join this site for accountability...not from others anyway. I joined because the database was larger than fitdays so I can log my food quicker without having to create a lot. My accountability is to myself and myself only. In the end I don't need anyone telling me a job well done. I am my own cheerleader, motivator and disciplinarian. The support here is a plus but when I'm alone I have to be able to support myself.

    Anyway to those of you that are private you. Don't allow others to control you through their selfishness.
  • roundisnotsquare
    I hide my diary because I think it is personal and is not any one's business.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    My diary is open now, although it was hidden for the first week I was here because I didn't know how to unhide it. LOL!

    It doesn't bother me that other people don't show their diary, thats their perogative. It doesn't hurt me or take anything away from what I do if I can't see their diary.

    I don't understand why the first thought to a hidden diary is something negative like eating 15 oreos a day. Projection maybe? Watch me like a hawk or I'll jerk you around?

    Maybe this is a lesson in respecting boundaries 101.
  • Nevertolate1
    Oh please! It doesnt mean a person isnt logging or eating badly. I blog and I post status' and give my opinion on various things but because I dont open my diary for all to see I should be shunned and thought of as doing something wrong? Thats completely close minded and makes no sense. I know for myself I keep my diary closed because I dont feel the need to let everyone know what I'm putting in my mouth everyday every single meal. I am transparent enough on my blog and why cant people navigate their weight loss journey on their own terms? They should take you off their friends list for not being respectful of their choices. The key word in this post fyi is THEIR.

    I totally agree with this post...... also so people have food issues and are using this sight to help with over coming that... so in saying they are doing something wrong , becuase they don't want everyone to see them trying to over come this issues to horriable..... its like asking a trauma victim to post the healing process to everyone.. so unfair....
  • Nevertolate1
    Oh please! It doesnt mean a person isnt logging or eating badly. I blog and I post status' and give my opinion on various things but because I dont open my diary for all to see I should be shunned and thought of as doing something wrong? Thats completely close minded and makes no sense. I know for myself I keep my diary closed because I dont feel the need to let everyone know what I'm putting in my mouth everyday every single meal. I am transparent enough on my blog and why cant people navigate their weight loss journey on their own terms? They should take you off their friends list for not being respectful of their choices. The key word in this post fyi is THEIR.

    I totally agree with this post...... also so people have food issues and are using this sight to help with over coming that... so in saying they are doing something wrong , becuase they don't want everyone to see them trying to over come this issues to horriable..... its like asking a trauma victim to post the healing process to everyone.. so unfair....
  • Nevertolate1
    Oh please! It doesnt mean a person isnt logging or eating badly. I blog and I post status' and give my opinion on various things but because I dont open my diary for all to see I should be shunned and thought of as doing something wrong? Thats completely close minded and makes no sense. I know for myself I keep my diary closed because I dont feel the need to let everyone know what I'm putting in my mouth everyday every single meal. I am transparent enough on my blog and why cant people navigate their weight loss journey on their own terms? They should take you off their friends list for not being respectful of their choices. The key word in this post fyi is THEIR.

    I totally agree with this post...... also so people have food issues and are using this sight to help with over coming that... so in saying they are doing something wrong , becuase they don't want everyone to see them trying to over come this issues to horriable..... its like asking a trauma victim to post the healing process to everyone.. so unfair....
  • Sherri0706
    My diary is open to my friends only. Why? Because they are my friends. I don't even know others, so why would they need to see what I eat? Besides, this is my journey that I am choosing to take. Only I can make decisions for myself. I don't need someone else giving me unwanted personal opinions on what I should or shouldn't eat/drink. I call them opinions because unless you are my doctor, thats all they are to me. Do I have something to hide from others? No, I just have seen how some "experts" on this site can be controlling, misguided, and downright rude to others. My friends are supportive. What these other people do is NOT what I would call supportive!
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    It really surprises me that so many people say they have private diaries because they were tired of beng judged or criticized. My diary has always been public, and in no way is it perfect by any stretch, but I haven't had a single stranger send me a message about the atrocities of my food diary, and only one friend has reached out to me via private message and she actually gave really helpful advice and I truly appreciated it. I haven't had a single negative experience by keeping my diary open for the world to see. Hmm.

    But, I do agree that it's a personal decision, and to each their own. I would never delete a friend because they had a private diary. The only time it bugs me is when someone is specifically asking for advice and they don't open their diary - it's really hard to give someone good advice if you can't see their food and exercise.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    So judgmental.

    My diary is private. I faithfully log all my calories and I faithfully log all my exercise. I can't believe that you are making assumptions about other posters' integrity based on whether or not they decide to share their food diary.

    Why do you even care what other people are eating?

    If there are people who are happy and having success, than I'm happy for them. I don't try to find out every single exercise they do on a daily basis so why would I need to find out everything they eat?

    Don't be such a nosy parker and let people do things their own way. It isn't hurting you. Sheesh. Take up rug hooking or something and mind your own business, mister!
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