why am I gaining?



  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    i hate to say it, but i really think you need to change the type of foods you eat. i don't see any fruits, veggies, or anything that's not prepared in your journal. your sodium intake looks like it would be crazy high. chips, fast food, and microwaved meals and pizza are OK in moderation but not several times a day. do you have time in your day to cook a healthy meal for you and your son? maybe instead of using a fast food or already prepared meal you guys could cook something together depending on how old he is? start to get both of you interested in cooking. i'd stop using sugar in the morning on your cornflakes too and switch to something like oatmeal that has more fiber and keeps you full longer. be careful w/ the portion size of that though because slightly under the measuring cup is the serving size, not slightly over. mix in some light brown sugar/peanut butter and have a piece of fruit with it. for lunch, pack a sandwich and a fruit or carrots/any veggie instead of the chips. they take about the same amount of time to prepare and if you use wheat bread you'll gain fiber and much less sodium. good luck!

    My son is little, he eats healthy thankfully, it's just me. You are so right. I am trying to get rid of all of the foods in the freezer that I bought in bulk (all the prepared smart ones, lean cusines, etc) b/c I don't want to throw them away. I suppose I could give them away. I do need to incorporate more fruits and veggies. by the looks of it I am not losing b/c I eat the wrong foods. Thank you for the breakfast tip with the oatmeal and removing sugar. thank you so much for your honesty!
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I took a look at your diary, its looks like you eat alot of processed food, which is full of junk. I know its hard but try to eat more natural foods, fresh chicken, vegs, fruit and see if this helps..
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    I took a look at your diary, its looks like you eat alot of processed food, which is full of junk. I know its hard but try to eat more natural foods, fresh chicken, vegs, fruit and see if this helps..

    Yes, the processed foods are no longer my friend! I will be doing some shopping tonight and hopefully cooking my own meals since I am not eating so well. Thank you for your help =)
  • ChristineMiller2
    Missbezzy I am so glad you are so good hearted about our advice, sometimes its so hard to hear! I bet you will see fast results if you make the few tweaks you have too since it sounds like everything else you are doing so well!! Good luck!!!
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    Thank u for being honest and helping me!