Just Starting, and family already annoyed.



  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Wow. Too bad that he cannot see that you are just trying to get used to this new way of doing things and that you just need his support. If he will not give support, that is ok. That is what WE are for. Just voice your issues / concerns / hopes / successes / let downs, etc to us. Keep on keepin on!
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    I am very fortunate that my husband is very supportive but every once in awhile I get a crack from him. Like a few weeks ago we ate Chinese and my fortune was "Be concerned not obsessed with your health" after reading it my husband said "Amen!" and he's not even religious :)
  • loveandprideforever
    loveandprideforever Posts: 29 Member
    Yep! I agree with what someone else said up at the top, STAY POSITIVE. Don't focus on the negative, with your family or with yourself. Having good experiences and sharing them will be beneficial with your family as well as hopefully, allowing them to jump on the bandwagon too because they see how great it can be.
    I, too, have this "annoyance" problem with my family. They are always frustrated because they have to sit out some food without salt, pepper, bacon, etc, or when they order out, I'm very specific (dressing on the side, no sauce, extra greens and tomatoes, add...whatever, etc.). They are getting used to the fact that I just won't feed my body junk and expect it to perform and there are even times where they will joke and say, "You'd be so dissapointed, I had three brownies today." or "You'd be so proud, I skipped the seconds on the greasy lasagna today."
    Just know that it will get easier and any time someone is varying outside what is expected of them, there are going to be people trying to pull them back in.... Stay Strong and (like someone else said), just come on here and tell US about it because Trust Me, We are all doing it too!
  • daniellefsc
    daniellefsc Posts: 37 Member
    It's frustrating when you are surrounded by people who are not supportive. We'll cheer you on! I've only been on this site for 4 days and have already lost 1.5 lbs. Keep up the good work!
  • Drlnmc
    Drlnmc Posts: 13
    My daughter was annoyed when I first started. However, she has seen me drop the weight and she sees how much energy I have. She told me, "Mom, you look great. You've made me a believer." Now she's considering joining me.

    It is easy to obsess over something you are passionate about. However, simply come online to the site and find other people (like us) who are just as passionate as you. We will always provide support and a positive attitude. :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Maybe it is just me, but I try to keep as much of it to myself as possible, I love MFP because I know here I can get support. I will get occasional compliments from hubby or from friends, but I don't rely on it. They don't know how much of a struggle this is for me. I make the food in this house for meals, so if I am preparing something that I don't want to have to be embarrassed about logging, I just fix myself a salad with spinach and tuna or something like that. The kids know sometimes I eat something different because I don't have "enough calories' left for that day.

    I do, on occasion, have to take my kids to the daycare at the gym or get up early/stay up late to fit in my workouts, but that is about it. If hubby asks what I did at the gym, I tell him. Otherwise I keep my victories to myself. No one is more proud of them than I am.

    I do have a supportive hubby, and my kids are great. No one is trying to sabotage me (unless you count hubby bringing chick fil a to bed when he gets home late from all our activities) so I am lucky in that way. I know I get all the support I need here so I try not to drive my hubby and family crazy.
  • butterfly_lvr
    I too have a very supportive husband; in fact it is really because of a recent health scare of his that got us both to make changes in a hurry. I think this time around will be easier for me as he is doing it all with me. We made the food changes, we cleaned out the pantry together, he reads labels more, understands why it may take me a bit longer in the grocery store, he works out with me and is keeping me motivated and from getting discouraged because I don't see the numbers dropping. Even when it was just me doing it last year, he was supportive; he made up log sheets for me so I could log everything I was eating and it helped but my big downfall had always been exercise - or shall I say - lack of it. Well I now have 3 different DVD's to work out with and my dad gave us the money to buy an elliptical; plus I have a set of 3 pound hand weights for me, 5 pound for hubby, resistance tube and body ball so we have enough things to use - it is just a matter of DOING IT.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I'm single with no kids, so I only talk to my dog about this. She sometimes looks annoyed! LOL

    MFP is a great place to come for people to listen to your successes and the tough days. Hit the boards -- we'll listen!

    And I'll bet that your husband can't wait to see the new you!
  • Pamc64
    Pamc64 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, i know what you mean.....I've been on this site for a week (lost 4 lbs this week !!! ) , and I love it. But, I too, have started receiving that "OMG, here she goes again" look when I start talking about it to my husband. But, you know what ? He reaps the benefits of a happier/healthier me, also. SO, he can just listen and be supportive. Last night we talked about going to Dairy Queen for icecream after running a few errands. At first I said yes, then after thinking about it a while, I changed my mind and told him I didn't want to go after all. He seemed kind of disappointed, but complied. I felt a little guilty, but not so much that I would jeopardize my progress because of it. I worked too hard this week for those 4 pounds ! Hang in there. If your spouse isn't enthusiastic and supportive, then find someone who is. I like this message board too. It's nice to read that others are having the same experiences, and to learn how they're dealing with it. Good luck to you.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    What kind of barcode scanner do you have? Does it tell you the calories and such for your food?
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    I encounter this at work, one of my coworkers is always saying how she is going to eat whatever she wants whenever no matter how many calories so it feels like she is getting down on me for being conscious about what I eat but do you know what I say? That is her opinion and her life and this is mine. Your husband will come around once you start losing weight and feel healthier, your positive energy and happiness will rub off on him. Just talk to him about being patient with you and how this is something that is important to you and he will come around :-) Good luck!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I was excited too when I started and wanted to share my success. Now, after 11 months, I only share if asked, because I learned people don't really want to hear if they are not ready. You can't force it on them, so explain if asked, continue to a deeper explanation if they seem interested and share it all with the people on MFP. :wink:

    I agree with this totally!
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    I am totally obsessed but I don't care! I have been dieting like a freak for over a decade and it is finally paying off, so I AM GONNA SHOUT ABOUT IT!!!

    ... Driving my family nuts though!

  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    I am totally obsessed but I don't care! I have been dieting like a freak for over a decade and it is finally paying off, so I AM GONNA SHOUT ABOUT IT!!!

    ... Driving my family nuts though!


    Good for you, I am the same way!! Everyone is probably getting annoyed at me but its my body and life and I am the happiest I have been in a long time!!
  • loganaw
    loganaw Posts: 62 Member
    my family went from being straight up annoyed to extremely concerned. they'd catch me with my measuring cup in the kitchen everytime i'd pour myself some cereal....portioning veggies....milk...any liquids. i'd weigh before and after every meal. constantly down in the dumps about eating too much. basically turning into a recluse because food was/is an obsession. just don't let it get out of hand! of course there will always be people that are annoyed/secretly jealous that you're making a change in your life!
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Suzy said it, he is jealous of you doing something for yourself and somehow he feels left out, men are like large children, he will adjust.
  • bigbluejim
    My wife isn't annoyed...she actually suggested it. Her frustration is that she thinks I'm not eating enough, and that the food database is wrong. lol
  • Shmookalink
    Shmookalink Posts: 68 Member
    @Loganaw - Ha! Try eating "cauli-rice" with your evening meal at family get-togethers. They look at you like you are from another planet!

    [cauli-rice is pan fried grated cauliflower - looks like rice but most definitely doesn't taste like it! Low GI Dieters will know this already, of course :happy: ]
  • suzykitty
    suzykitty Posts: 12 Member
    Oh no! I was just complaining how hubby was not supportive. He just came home from garage sale shopping with an almost new Reebok eliptical trainer for me! My bad!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    My family/friends were annoyed at first too.... That was 2 years ago. Screw them. Take care of yourself.
