NSV ...weird comments about your weightloss ...embarrasing



  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    It is amazing how those 'negative' comments stick with us. When I was in high school I remember a popular girl saying to me "you would be pretty if you were not so fat" I am 31 years old and still remember how that made me feel--My grandfather (God Love him) also said to me this winter "You are getting so Fat" it was so hurtful. I excused it as he is getting old and has lost his filter but I really wish people would keep those thoughts to themselves. It really hurts. The last time I went to visit my grandfather I made sure he knew I had lost 12 pounds!!! I hope I get to a point where nobody can call me FAT ever again!!!
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, I can't believe all the rude/insensitive people you all know! haha.

    A few years ago I was at a party at a friend's house and there was a girl there I didn't recognize. Later in the evening I realized it was a girl I knew from high school (about 8 years ago from that time, crap I'm getting old) but she was a lot bigger in high school. As soon as I realized who she was I just played it cool and acted like I had realized it all along and just hadn't been that talkative to her yet... I wasn't even comfortable complimenting her on her weight loss in a polite way, I can't even imagine saying "wow you're not fat anymore." :( Someone else mentioned it later when we were all sitting around talking, she said she just got tired of being heavy and started eating right and took up running. Oh, and of course I was a twig in high school but on that evening I was probably near my all-time high so I'm sure she and everyone else were thinking "what the hell happened to him?"
  • BlindFaith
    I had some random "older" guy come up to me once when I worked as a manager for a cookware store in town.

    It was Pancake Day and I was demonstrating some of the equipment to a smallish crowd of customers by making smoothies and pancakes for everyone.

    I was offering them around and this guy said "no, I don't eat things like that...and you shouldn't be eating things like that either by the look of you".
    I was shocked for a split second and then I just smiled sweetly and replied with "well, Sir, I respect your opinion. Thankfully they have diets and medical help for my conditions. They don't for yours, now please leave as you've just insulted the store manager. Have a lovely day!!"

    He left a bit quickly (although he moaned the whole way out the store) and I got a small patter of applause from the other customers.
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    I ran a marathon in 2005. I went to a friend's going away party and had to leave early to do a training run. While I was leaving a guy remarked, "Aren't you too fat to run a marathon?" Well it took me over 6 hours but I did it- all 26.2 miles. I used those remarks to motivate me. Don't let idiots bring you down.

    Bet that chap had never run a marathon. Well done - I plan to do one 2012/2013 :-)
  • octopusami
    octopusami Posts: 87 Member
    Definitely was a lot of hard work but worth it! I am doing a Warrior Dash this summer dressed as She-Ra. Good luck in your training!
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    People can be so insensitive.

    Coming back from summer break this past fall, one of my students, who I had last year asked me if I was pregnant. I chuckled at it at first, but then I was asked that at least once a week by other students and teachers.

    It was so awkward, especially because my husband and I are having so much trouble conceiving. It really hurt every time someone would ask.

    Thankfully, I haven't been asked it for quite a while now.
  • p222
    p222 Posts: 20
    It's sometimes ridiculous how callous people can be, especially if they think they are complimenting you now. I think sometimes people don't realize that as we lose weight, we also have to change how we mentally see ourselves. So, when they insult the old us, it still hurts. I've yo-yo'd through the years, and the worst time sometime like this happened to me it came from my mom. She's 3-4 inches taller than me and weighs a good 25 lbs. less. I had recently lost some weight and she mentioned, "sweetie, you look great, I was starting to get worried because you were looking SO chubby!" Um...thanks? And then she promptly adds, "it's wonderful how nice you're looking even though you still have a ways to go." Yeah, so apparently I was a hippo, and now I"m only two-thirds of a hippo, which still makes me chubby?
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I am lucky I have never been called fat and I have been all my life. But with my weight loss I have been called a "hot momma" and "skinny" so many times, for a person who doesn't like attention this can get a little embarrassing lol
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    My sister in law said in front of everyone that I have a big belly and I should control it. And my another sister in law said I am biggest in family and must be eating junk.(I have hypothyroid and they all know that). I weigh 149 lbs.:mad:
  • tmendoza1045
    I'm really sorry that someone felt they had the right to be rude to you like that! You're very pretty, and you definitely look great and I am sure you have always been the pretty attractive woman you are right now!!! I'm pretty sure your hubby thinks so ;)

    A few years ago I had a co-worker come up out of no where and ask me, "have you ever thought about having gastric bypass surgery?" I proceeded to shock her by explaining that I used to be two sizes small than her and was a trainer.

    I also had a boss who I became pretty good friends with and when I started losing weight he told me I was going to look, "svelt and pretty" when I lost the weight, well one of my "friends" heard this and decided she had to help me by getting me off to the side and warning me that I should not lose too much weight, her words were, "don't get too svelt because you're pretty and if you lose too much weight women will be jealous and men might start flirting with you too much." So as you can see there are all kinds...we have to believe in ourselves and enjoy where we are and who we are becoming whether the naysayers around us like it or not!!! Blessings to you "hot mama" have fun getting stronger and happier!!!
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    Too many people these days ignore the concepts of politeness, compassion & courtesy under the guise of Freedom of Speech.

    So true, or my favourite: "I'm just being honest." No, you're using honesty as an excuse to be rude. I haven't had anyone say anything negative as of late but I do remember overhearing my mother discussing my weight with my grandmother, she was concerned there was something wrong medically. My grandmother, without missing a beat, replied "There's nothing wrong with her that sewing her mouth shut for a few weeks won't cure." I was 14, and as much as i love my grandmother, i'll never forget that.
  • purplespeckle
    I would've said " I know I was FAT but I see that your the same *kitten*!"

    haha! love it! GOOD ONE!
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    never mind him, so unsensitive, you are one hot mamaééé

    PS: love the Me was FAT but you are the same *kitten*! lol
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Some times men are just brutally honest. Congrats on your weight loss!!!
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    I remember when i was single and only 9st and this friend of a friend (bloke) was talking to me and he was eyeing me up and down and said that i could do with losing a some off my hips LOL i was really slim with boobies and lovely shaped hips whereas all my friends were like beanpoles.

    So i looked at him and said 'well at least i can do something about that like more exercise whereas for your big nose, you're stuck with it matey' and walked off PMSL.

    Can't believe the gall in some people.
  • smileylittleorange
    smileylittleorange Posts: 45 Member
    just want to say people please don't let idiotic comments get under your skin:-) a few years ago i'd lost 3 stone i was over the moon i bought myself a nice outfit for a family bbq . My sister came up to me and told me what she thought in her head 'the ***** she looks so good' i know she didnt mean it how it sounded but I was so sensitive about comments in the end I just stopped trying to be the person I wanted to be, the fit and healthy one with a zest for life. I felt I was not good enough .. I even did not bother ordering my own official wedding photos for a year as I felt I looked horrid. Actually I looked great but I became hyper critical of my body as suddenly comments seemed to focus on me. I had spent years being in the background of a big family ! Everytime I put on a couple of pounds I would get so upset I would eat more. In the end I ended up putting all that weight back on! And then some! Now i'm doing this for me and nothing is gonna stop me now! But i have wasted the last 3 years being overweight and miserable as I let stupid comments get to me x
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    people are so insensitive!

    about 2months back i was in the shopping centre with my sister, my husband and my kids, a lady came walking up to my sister, who she knows from my old gym
    my sister turns and introduces me:

    "this is my sister, she used to be biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig(holding her arms as wide as she could!)

    i felt so offended...especially as my sister weighs about 70lbs more than i did even at my biggest!
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Sorry about the *kitten* hole.

    I was shopping at a sporting good store w/my husband a few years ago at my heaviest weight (lost 50lbs after that, gained 30 back now I'm at it again) and the owner (small town store) came and asked what he could help with. We explained that we were going rafting and needed whatever it was....he looked shocked and said that I shouldn't be out in the sun for that long especially on the river. I looked puzzled I'm sure, he said - "well, in your condition" I said what condition - he said, "being pregnant and all" I told him I was NOT pregnant. He said "oh, you sure look like it" I said - well, I"m not. He said again "well you look....um, like it".

    I was so hurt, it was aIl I could do to not bust out crying - we left the store and my husband was really sympathetic - but nothing can really help a blow like that.
  • NattyBo
    NattyBo Posts: 41
    Just having women other than my SO flirt or hit on me strikes me as very weird! And still not used to it, to be honest.

    Shows you how shallow people can be in some ways though - I feel like I was always a great person on the inside that not a lot of people would get to know because I was so overweight.
  • zydratethief
    Just having women other than my SO flirt or hit on me strikes me as very weird! And still not used to it, to be honest.

    Shows you how shallow people can be in some ways though - I feel like I was always a great person on the inside that not a lot of people would get to know because I was so overweight.

    HAH! Having people flirt with me is new to me as well...

    I was completely oblivious to it untill she squeezed my rear and my friend explained to me she was showing an interest
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