ALWAYS starved at night



  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    It's important to NOT EAT CARBS at night.....they are used for an immediate energy source. If you don't use them, you will store them....protein at night is much better to eat. If you want something sweet, mix cottage cheese or ricotta with a packet of splenda, raisins and cinnamon.....but no carbs! :-)
    This makes no sense, cheese has carbs in it as do raisins and other fruits.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Idle hands are the devils play... and in my case, when I am sitting doing nothing...that devil starts calling my name. I will admit it, I eat when I am bored. So I keep busy! If i'm active, I'll be less inclined to open the fridge and stare into that pit of despair.

    The other thing I do is try to eat balanced meals thru the day. Try breaking your meals down into smaller meals more often.

    I eat about 5 meals a day... but none of them are truly large meals. It helps my blood sugar remain at a fairly level plateau thru out the day.
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    i feel the same way. i do fine all day.. then at night i feel like munching on anything and everything. i try to drink lots of water and sometimes i'll even brush my teeth early to hopefully avoid eating. if i just have to have something.. then i'll have a fruit or something low calorie and healthy. :)
  • JJBRAY85
    JJBRAY85 Posts: 35 Member
    You want something that will keep your protein levels up through out the night. No protein in your system mean you go into a catabolic state and your body starts to break down your hard earned/fat burning muscle! Three things I eat on a regualar basis that will keep my protein levels up through 75 % of my sleep cycle are a casein protein shake, Tuna, and Cottage cheese. The shake i get from optimum nutrition, double chocolate and its delish, Tuna with a lil bit of maricle whip but right out of the bowl, no bread. Cottage cheese right out of the tub, but i buy the one thats mixed with pineapple, taste ten times better. All three of these options have a slow realease protein in them and will keep your protein levels up through out the night and keeping your body in a anabolic (good fat buring) state. Hope this helps
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Drink water or save enough calories for one healthy dessert. I love vitamuffins, sugar free pudding or a skinny cow ice cream bar . I also have some fruit too!

    I agree! I used to have a bowl of ice cream every night. At the beginning of this lifestyle change I even tried telling myself that eating a bowl of reduced fat ice cream was okay, I was still losing weight but barely. I gave up sweet/sugar for lent but still having the cravings at night. So I save up my calories and I make a smoothie at night: 1 cup of frozen straw( no added sugar). 1/2 banana, and about 1 c of skim milk. Really yummy and feels me up so I dont feel so hungry late at night. Good luck!

    I totally agree with the banana smoothie idea. I have done it a lot myself. I slice up a banana, freeze it, and that way I have it for a smoothie or to add to my protein shake whenever I want it. I take one of my frozen bananas, add a cup of light soymilk and blend together. It's great! I like to add a little cinnamon to it as well.

    Another thing I do is something that I read in another post here... I save up my calories because I also get hungry late-afternoon and even after dinner.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Thanks to all the great ideas
    I usually go to the gym around 8 pm since there isnt many people there and I wish I could go to bed early but being a college student I have SO much work in little time to do it so going to bed before midnight would be a miracle
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Thanks to all the great ideas
    I usually go to the gym around 8 pm since there isnt many people there and I wish I could go to bed early but being a college student I have SO much work in little time to do it so going to bed before midnight would be a miracle