Foods you absolutely can not keep in the house?



  • christa_dee
    cheesecake and pudding!
    i could seriously probably go through a big cheesecake in one day...i LOVEEEEE it.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    there is nothing I cant keep in the house
  • adriayellow11
    Well your crutch is healthy at least! Mine, Girl Scout Somoas. Turned me into an MFP failure for two weeks until I stepped on them. ;)
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    Rice Krispy Treats....or Girl Scout Cookies. Damn Thin Mints....
  • adriayellow11
    I have to keep most cheese out of my house. I love cheese. LOooovee it. And tortilla chips.

    I pour a bunch of salsa into a bowl, mixed with shredded cheese, and use it as a dip for tortilla chips. I can eat the whole bag in one day, and have done that quite a few times.

    I have to keep my cupboards and fridge pretty "lean" or I will over eat. Especially when i take my ambien at night.

    AHHH I do the salsa cheese tortilla chip thing too! Well, not anymore. My Mom taught me to eat that for lunch!
  • hummingbirdxss
    hummingbirdxss Posts: 87 Member
    Nutella! Which I have in my cupboard now....:grumble: I eat it by the spoonful sometimes! I like it on bananas though, so I just have to practice some self control.

    Any sort of chips will be GONE the day after I buy them. I loves salty and crunchy. YUM YUM!

    Nutella........ might as well be crack. If it's here, it's gone. Bread, spoons, fingers....whatever. That stuff is just pure evil !! :bigsmile:
  • chaissone337
    potato chips are my weakness
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Beer dip, spinach dip, you name it. If it's dip, i'll be eating it with a spoon!

    I also have a weakness for rum... :blushing:
  • MaysMom
    MaysMom Posts: 103 Member
    Most comfort food or things my kids consider comfort food... Hamburger Helper (we used to eat it 2-3 times a week!), mac and cheese, hotdogs, bacon, potatoes (loaded with sour cream, cheese and bacon)... The list could go on and on. That's not mentioning the Little Debbies, chips, ice cream, soda, cookies, brownies. Those are just givens.
  • andrea777
    andrea777 Posts: 23 Member
    No chips allowed in my house...omg if they were in my house right now I'd be eating them...they are my weakness...for sure.

    Scoops, mexican cheese, sour cream, jalepenos, and mrs renfros habenero salsa....forget it..i'm done.

    nice stroll down memory lane for me! It's been 76 days since my last nacho..but who's counting!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Pizza, ice cream, chocolate, twizzlers, white bread, olives -- anything. Luckily, I don't have a family, so I can keep it all out of the house (but the dog is annoyed -- she likes pizza!)

    Is anyone else hungry after reading this thread? I guess I'd better hit the gym! LOL
  • Darka
    Darka Posts: 24 Member
  • Criolla80
    Criolla80 Posts: 14



    Macaroni and Cheese.


    I love these foods!! I wouldn't stop until they are gone.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Special K cracker crisps...sea salt...yeah, they're 'good' for you, but not when you kill the whole box in ONE SITTING!!!
    They are just too good :grumble:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Ice cream.

    I have no control over my portions. So it stays in the store.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    cookies (though I haven't touched my wife's girl scout cookies)
    chips (especially ranch doritos)

    pretty much anything that you take a "part" of and sits out on or near the table, in other words, snacking foods.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member

    Ya, I yelled it.
  • zuchy
    zuchy Posts: 40 Member
    -chocolate chip cookies
    -white pizza

    I will just eat all of what is in sight.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I have to keep most cheese out of my house. I love cheese. LOooovee it. And tortilla chips.

    This. And peanut butter. And dried fruit. And nuts. Actually, if I could do away with snack food I'd probably be skinny as can be
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    Mutliseed Crackers,all crackers I'm just magnetically attracted to eating their entirety lol,oh and kid's cereals,also doritoes!