Can you take a look at my food diary and tell me what i'm do

MissMalinSara Posts: 137
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So i've been using MFP for about 2-3 weeks - and haven't lost a single pound.
Please have a look at my food diary and tell me what i'm doing wrong/right!!
My goal is to lose 7 pounds before May 16th.



  • ..
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Are you very over weight?? If not you probably won't lose much - if any! Try to excerise 30mins 5 days per week (go for a good walk) and drink more water! Try Albran and skim milk for breakie, apple for morning tea, Special K and Skim milk for lunch or a small fruit and yogurt from the green grocer, then for dinner have the old meat and three vege. Chicken and Salad, Steak and pea potato and carrot. Have tea or coffee too. You should loose some weight then. Avoid bread and ryvita..enough carbs in fruit and veg and your cereals.
    Good luck!!
  • It looks like you are eating way to many carbs and not enough fruits and veggies. You could be eating a lot more food during the day which would help you feel full, if you added things that have less calories. Fiber and fresh foods are key. Good luck.
  • Jouquetta
    Jouquetta Posts: 20
    Where are you're green veggies?

    McDonalds, Burger king, those delicious sounding cookies, Starbucks.... NO MORE!!

    You want those size 8s... drink more water... a lot more.
  • I'm new to MFP, but I've lost 35 pounds before joining and am using this as a tool to continue my fitness plan. Looking at your diary, I'll share some info that you may/may not know, that I learned in meeting with dietitians and nutritionists.

    Most calorie deficit diet plans default to 1,200 calories for women, because most women have a basal metabolic rate (BMR) of between 1,200 and 1,800 (or so), and thus 1,200 creates enough of a deficit that most women will see results without sending their bodies into starvation mode. I was on a 1,500 cal plan after using the Harris-Benedict BMR Equation to determine by BMR. My dietitian recommended this particular formula to me because it was the most consistent she saw when compared to metabolic fingerprint testing via breathing test. Anyway, point is, I strictly followed the plan, and saw absolutely zero change, when I should have been seeing something significant. I did the metabolic fingerprinting (the breath test is supposed to be the most accurate way available at this time), and found out that my resting metabolic rate is actually 2260, meaning I was under-eating the number of calories I need to blink, breathe, and lie in bed all day by 760 calories (and actually need significantly more than that due to my level of activity. I'm a odd-ball when it comes to resting metabolic rate for a female, age 25. As such, my body was in starvation mode and therefore hanging on to all the calories it was taking in because it thought it needed to conserve energy. Upping my calorie intake is allowing me to build muscle and lose fat again.

    So, what I'm saying is that it's possible that your metabolic rate is more than the average person. You could do the formula ( ) for a guesstimate, or see a dietitian to do a metabolic fingerprint test (easy, painless, and cost about $35 at my gym) and that will tell you your unique BMR and what you should be eating. Calorie counting, as much as I'd like it to be a perfect system, is a lot of guess work. If you're not losing weight and you don't have the time/money to see a dietitian and investigate this further, my best advice is to play with it. Increase your calorie intake a little, see how it goes. I know it sounds a little crazy to eat more to lose weight, but your body will lose muscle and then some fat in starvation mode, but if you're giving it just enough to sustain itself, it just stays stagnant (more info on starvation mode can be read here: ).

    Hope this helps you out. I know how frustrating it is to not see the numbers shifting.
  • Ahh, i've been counting calories religiously.. but eating the wrong food!!!

    More green veg and fresh fruit for me it is.. Should I drop my calorie intake?
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Couple of questions......what is your BMR? Am wondering if you are eating too few calories since you only have a little bit you are trying to lose. Also, I would cut out all fast food if possible. Seems like you are option for small high calorie options and I wonder if you don't find yourself a bit hungry? Try some lower calories options to make up your meals, your tummy will get full with more veges, whole grains, and protein.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Way too much fast food, junk food and over 300 calorie cookies! Plus you're regularly skipping meals and going far above or below your daily calories, none of which is good for you.

    You need to eat fewer carbs, normal meals each day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, two snacks/small meals) and you really need to add some veggies in as well. Get away from the fast food and giant sweets and eat some lean proteins, veggies and whole grains.
  • Don't drop your calorie intake. 1,200 is minimum intake for an adult female. If anything, you may be eating too few calories.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    no one has even asked this..but are you exercising? i didnt see any workouts in there.

    hey i am probably like you, i'm small and its tough for me to lose any fat. the smaller you are the tougher it is..and diet alone wont cut it. its just the way it is. i was around 123 and looking to shed a last few lbs before I go into my 'bulking' or muscle building phase, and i had a 1300 cal limit, and i lifted for 40 mins and did cardio for 50. i was pouring the sweat by the time i left the gym. i lost about 1 -1 1/2 a week.

    and remember your body likes good fuel. just like your car if you give it watered down gas it wont run as well or as efficient. fast food isnt good food. it will suppress your energy. eat plenty of veg..whole grain pastas, rice and bread.

    the 1200 cal limit is a myth..the only reason people use that number is because people who eat too little tend to binge hence throwing off any weight loss from a calorie deficit.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 161 Member
    I notice your calorie goal is 1200... are you eating enough? I would also suggest eating more often. Maybe eat 2-3 small snacks between meals which I see you are doing but I don't see where you're logging dinner. Also you may want to increase your fruit and veggies which I have found to make a world of difference. Try to get at least 3 servings of each per day (carrots, celery, brocoli, green leafy salads and even low sodium V8 juice are my favorites:happy: . You may want to also cut out the fast food and watch the carbs. If possible check out your local grocery store for healthier choices of whole grains, fruits, veggies and lean protein. This site has a lot of suggestions on great food ideas so check out the community and even look at other member's diaries for healthier options. Lastly... How much water are you drinking each day? This helps boost the metabolism and keeps you hydrated. Shoot for at least 8 glasses (64oz) minimum per day but definitely more if you're working out. You were running consistently at one point but I didn't see exercise in your dairy recently ... definitely want to be consistent wth your workout and even try to mix it up a little to include weight training and/or circuit training with minimum 30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days per week. May want to also monitor your sodium intake which can also contribute to water retention especially from the fast food and carbs you're consuming. Tweaking what you eat as you go is part of the process of figuring out what works for you. Keep in mind it may take a few weeks for your body to adjust to your new changes in eating and exercising. Don't give up... soon you will see the pounds start to shed but most importantly you may find that your results may actually be inches lost so keep track of how your clothing fit and monitor your measurments as well ...scale results aren't always the indicator that you are making progress. Go For It!
  • gailygail99
    gailygail99 Posts: 582 Member
    looks like you are not eating enough to me
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I would agree with other and say you are not eating enough and the wrong kinds of food. There was a bit of processed fast food in your diary and if you are eating that there will also be a lot of sodium. I also didn't see much water on the days I checked.
  • Thankyou guys - your information has helped a lot!! ..

    I weigh 127 pound and im 5 ft 7.. just want to lose 7lbs. I need to sort out my diet and maintain constant exercise at least 4-5 days a week!!
    I shall do this and on my goal date May 15th i'll let you all know how ive done! :)

    I just want to know what foods contain high amounts of sodium as ill try and avoid that!
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    We have very similar goals! Most processed foods are full of sodium, so try and steer clear of them! It's surprising how much you can eat and what great foods you can squeeze in to a 1200 calorie diet. My meal plan is by no means perfect and I have an odd job that means I have to eat a lot of convenience foods but I still try to get my veggies and protein in there! Also, as you're aiming for such a small weight loss you should probably be aiming for a 1/2lb weight loss a week, which should bring you up to about 1400 cals. And if you do exercise, eat your exercise calories. You're already pretty small and in a healthy weight range so you really shouldn't be pushing it or you'll get tired, weak and prone to binges!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    For your weight and height you are already very near the bottom of the healthy BMI range. So shifting any additional pounds is going to be hard work. Why are you aiming for 120lbs?
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I noticed a lot of carbs too...

    A general tip is this: Imagine you have a big plate. Fill half of it with leafy greens and 1/4 of it with protein and 1/4 with carbs. I usually eat a slice of whole grain bread to help me feel full with a big helping of greens and a bit of meat of some sort...

  • Ahh ok thanks! I want to be 8.7 stone as I'll feel and look better for it - but yeah. i need to cut down on carbs big time!!

    Do you think i'll be able to achieve 7lbs weight loss (starting from today) by 16th May?
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Ahh ok thanks! I want to be 8.7 stone as I'll feel and look better for it - but yeah. i need to cut down on carbs big time!!

    Do you think i'll be able to achieve 7lbs weight loss (starting from today) by 16th May?

    Possibly. When you are at or near a healthy weight, shedding additional pounds requires laser focus, and realistic expectations. The most weight you should expect to lose at this point would be around 0.5-pound per week. And that would be in combination with good nutrition (not a diet of convenience foods), goos hydration (water), and—if you want the weight loss to come from fat, and not muscle—a combination of cardiovascular exercise in combination with resistance training.
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