OT....when does school start?



  • Pamy
    Pamy Posts: 148 Member
    I have an 18 year old and a 16 year old and the school holidays are a n:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ightmare for me too hers to when they go back LOL:drinker: But i love my 2 girls really!!!:heart:

    Pamela xxx

  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I'm an empty nester too but I'm the school bus driver, so I love summer monthsand not so much the end of august which is when school starts for us lol.
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    My son starts preschool this sept, I'm sad :cry: But sort of looking forward to it, hes 4 and My daughter turns 1 tomorrow.:drinker:
  • snow7kids
    snow7kids Posts: 25
    Been there done that. This is my first summer without tearing my hair out. It's not that they stopped bickering, it's the fact that 4 of my kids aren't even home. My 17,13,11 and 9 year old have been visiting my mother in England all summer:happy: Which has left me with my 15 yr old and 6 yr old only. My house is so quiet...food bill went down. Electric bill cut in half. They come back on July 31. The younger kids start school Aug 6 and the older kids a month later. I prefer the year round school schedule but once they start 7th grade, it ends.
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Speaking from the other end, us students can't wait to go back either... lol. The parents are driving me NUTS.:laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • judys
    judys Posts: 16
    OMG i'm feeling the same way......my two little ones are at each other alllllllllllllllll the time.
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Public school starts the end of august here.. but the christian school my kids will be going to doesn't start till after the holiday weekend in September. I have mixed feelings about it this year.. Yes my kids drive me nutty just like everyone else.. but I have homeschooled them for 3 yrs..so part of me will love not having to teach them....and another part of me will miss it sorely! This will be my 6 yr olds first time in school...ever..and already she is giving me gray hairs about it! Along with both my kids going to school I will also be having a pretty big change myself.....being home with my kids and babysitting for the last ten years..this will be the first time I will be working away from home..as a teacher's aid for a kindergarten class at my kids school...... I better make sure I pack plenty of tylenol! So...it's a big change for us all and I am grasping on to every day of summer like it's my last while I have it!