SLIMSTERS (Closed Group)



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I am too...might just have a couple 'cause I am doing very well on my weight and I don't want to blow it...2 days to recover as well...why, do I have to be a lush, why can't I crave lettuce and broccoli and water...oh, ya, I wasn't born a rabbit:laugh:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I thought about it lots but by the end of the workday, lush wins. Here's to being eliminated first week. :drinker: :drinker:
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Good luck everyone!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    The slimsters were able to pull off the win against the Slickers:smokin: I have to admit, I really thought that they were going to beat us. :noway: They are some tough competitors for sure. But, so are we.

    Faith, your still in the competition:drinker: you made it just by a hair
    Lindsey, you WON the advantage for next week and that also helps our team....yeah

    I really don't know if I have it in me to lose a ton this week; but, it's going to be worth one hell of a try. I really don't want to be eliminated. I need to try and at least make it until the end of the month thru the Chicago trip. Then, it might be all over for me:cry:

    The new elliptical comes tomorrow. I had to reschedule due for some much needed sleep.
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    I am so excited! I have a feeling our team is going to do awesome again this week, and it is really a good thing that I have the .25 advantage because I am hoping to lose 2 pounds this week, but even that is going to be reaaaally tough. So someone else from our team needs to be the Biggest Loser this week.

    A new elliptical? That is exciting.

    What are workout plans for this week?

    Here is mine:
    Monday: 3 mile run, 45 min stationary bike
    Tuesday: 40 min running, lifting 45-60 min
    Wednesday: 6 mile run
    Thursday: 3 mile run, lifting 45-60 min
    Friday: rest day
    Saturday: 13 mile run :/
    Sunday: easy bike ride, lifting, and Insanity abs

    Also maybe we could come up with a team challenge this week. We could do that everyone stays under sodium for the week or tries a new workout or something like that. What do you guys think, any ideas?
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Lindsey - you ROCK!!! Way to go!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    The rest of you aren't too bad either :wink:

    I couldn't believe all the big losses this week from all around - everyone did SO GREAT!!!

    Here's my plan for the week:

    Monday: 30min C25k, 30 Day Shred
    Tuesday: 30min Elliptical, 30DS, 30min Treadmill
    Wednesday: C25k, 30DS
    Thursday: 30min Elliptical, 30DS
    Friday: C25k, 30DS
    Saturday: either C25k or Elliptical, 30DS
    Sunday: May be a rest day.....if not then probably 30DS & Treadmill

    My husband works out on the elliptical after we put Redmond to bed at night and I usually workout with him on the treadmill. Last night, I didn't do the C25k during the day, so I did that last night. I've already done the elliptical and 30DS today, so I'll get on the treadmill on a slight incline at a low speed for however long he is on the elliptical. I'm going to try to get my cardio done in the morning so I can do that as an additional workout every night.

    I'd be up for a team challenge too - whatever you guys want to do. I'm horrible at being creative, so I'll leave that up to you guys :happy:

    Hope you guys are having a great day!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I already have the 360 minute "move it" challenge thread, not sure what else to do...seems like, everyone has a good training program going on for goals. I like going to Zumba classes at the gym. Kettlebells and circuit training at home. I still have not done my Birkham Yoga which I still need to check out. Lastly, I have the new elliptical coming tomorrow. I sure do miss having one around the house for sure.

    I will continue to make healthy meals at home. Tonight we are going out since I feel like I earned that one after the long night. My goal is to continue cooking at home and make more healthful meals. Tomorrow, is French onion soup for sure since I bought a bag of onions (huge bag). Also, have a bit of a taste for fish tacos.

    Lastly, I need to watch the alcohol...that's my devil!!!

    Maybe, we should just have the daily check-ins for support.

    Oh, lastly, my goal is 1.4 to 2 lbs this's already making me nervous
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Woohhooo! Good going guys! I hope to lose alot this week. My aim is to exercise 2 days on 1 day off this week. Only drink once this week not twice, and stay under cals 6/7 days. Drinking lots and lots of water. I'll be weighing daily at home to keep it in check.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I would like to point out the highlights of Week #2's weigh-in

    First, Lindsey is our superstar....
    1) New personal low weight recorded
    2) Busted thru the 170s into the 160's
    3) Winner of the 0.25 lb advantage for the week

    Second, weight busters....
    1) Irishgirl, busted thru the 180's into the 170's
    2) McFatterton, busted thru the 190's into the 180's

    Third, nine lives award....
    Faith, look at the numbers...need I say more

    Fourth, things to watch
    1) MszShogan, will she bust thru the 170's this week
    2) Skinnyby 29, will she bust thru the 230's this week

    Remember, the next weeks winner gets to throw a little power around ...yep, that right....we will look at you with fear in our eyes as you decide who gets the 0.25 lb disadvantage the following week

    Who's going to the be the recipient of the 1st Fit-n-Trim to Win Challenge....will it be you?????
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Trying to pump myself up to hit the treadmill when Redmond goes down for his nap. I'm SO exhausted! I never would have imagined that staying home with a 4 month old would be SO draining! So, I'm thinking about taking a day off.....we'll see. Maybe just a walk on the treadmill tonight.

    I'm also getting a little frustrated - the scale has not gone down an ounce from Monday. AHHHHHH!!!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Trying to pump myself up to hit the treadmill when Redmond goes down for his nap. I'm SO exhausted! I never would have imagined that staying home with a 4 month old would be SO draining! So, I'm thinking about taking a day off.....we'll see. Maybe just a walk on the treadmill tonight.

    I'm also getting a little frustrated - the scale has not gone down an ounce from Monday. AHHHHHH!!!!!!

    Sara, I think it's because you are exhausted...nap when he can't get anything done when your that tired...maybe, after a good nap, you'll have energy for a light cardio later

    .I've not lost anything either and need to get back on track with diet...I was eating everything in sight yesterday.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Faith eliminated herself from the comp....:cry:
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    You two are working so hard! Don't get discouraged. It has only been a few days since our last weigh in. I am fighting the urge to check my weight every day, because I know after last week it probably won't have changed much.
    I am going to observe at Loyola Hospital in Chicago all day tomorrow so I am kind of nervous because I don't have any control over breakfast, lunch ,or dinner. We are getting food served to us, and we aren't able to leave during breaks so I can't even go buy anything. Hopefully it isn't donuts for breakfast and a bunch of junk for lunch. I really like to be able to know and plan what I am going to eat and when. I guess one day of not being in control won't hurt me too much. I just need to stay in control and not eat every single morsel that they put in front of me.

    Sara, I agreed that you should take a rest day and take a nap! Otherwise you are just going to get more and more tired and exercise is going to feel more like a chore than something you want to do. Plus, you've been killing it all week! You deserve a day to relax.

    Kim, how is the new elliptical?!

    and I'm sad to hear about Faith. It would have been fun to try to get our whole team to the very end. I hope no one else drops out. Does that mean there won't be an elimination this week?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Yes, I am using what I originally posted. Anyone who does not weigh in on Monday is eliminated and everyone else is safe. Challenges still apply.

    So, I was kind of bad on Tuesday and Wednesday...It was my weekend and I had some beers...working that double on Monday nearly killed me...takes a while to recover.

    Anyway, back on track with exercising and such. The new elliptical is way cool. I work this weekend so I will be good with diet, exercise and alcohol. The weather has been so beautiful as well.

    Ok, plan is for 3 hours of exercise between now and Sunday mixed with cardio and kettlebells for maximum burn...stay within calories *fingers crossed*. I can't do something stupid like order pizza at work.

    we should call them the "slacksters"
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I did take a rest day yesterday.....tried to take a nap, but I just laid there for a 1/2 hour thinking "as soon as I fall asleep, Redmond will wake up", so I just got up. He slept an additional hour after I got up :ohwell:

    Back at it today though, did C25k Week1 and the 30 Day Shred. If Jason works out on the elliptical tonight, I'll join in on the treadmill. We're having our first "date night" since Redmond was born (4 1/2 months!) tomorrow so I'm hoping to add an additional workout in tomorrow. And, it's supposed to be almost 70 degrees and sunny tomorrow! I think we'll definitely go for a walk at the park. Can't wait!

    Wondering if I haven't seen a drop on the scale because I started doing the 30DS; this is the first weight training I've done since I started working out again. I know I'm working hard and eating right, so it's not getting me down, just frustrating. But, it'll happen.

    Have a great weekend Slimsters! Think S-L-I-M!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sara, I bet your night will be wonderful...and, you and hubs will probably only talk about Redmond!!!

    My weight is actually up 2 lbs...Aunt Flo came a' knockin', I know why I was mackin' out on everything in the house on Wednesday. Plus, I crave the sodium. Anyways, I have been on track the past two days. I am sure that by weigh-in, I will hopefully have lost a pound. That's my goal. I can see it now, 174.2. :love: I'm not taking the pressure off myself because of Faith leaving.

    Anyway, wouldn't it be funny if Faith decided to weigh in on Monday and screwed any slackers over....:laugh:

    I am shooting for an hour of exercise and, I'm def be moving
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I'm 2.2 lbs down already :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I'm 2.2 lbs down already :laugh:

    See, you were freakin' out about nothing!!! Your welcome to come back to the challenge. Just weigh in on Monday. I was just saying how funny it would be if you weighed in on Monday. Then, some slacker who thought they had it easy this week would be in trouble.:bigsmile:
  • runner915
    runner915 Posts: 106
    Nice job Faith! Are you going to rejoin the challenge then?

    I had my conference yesterday at the burn unit of a hospital. Breakfast and lunch were provided and I went way overboard. But they did have cookies during one of our breaks and I didn't even go near them. A very small victory when I think about how much I had already eaten, but I still was proud of myself nonetheless. Then my class went out to dinner and I ordered a veggie wrap and sweet potato fries and ate every single bite :( I was so mad at myself last night. I really need to work on my self-control. I wasn't even hungry most of the time. I feel like I work so hard for a week and then undo it all with one lousy day.
    But I am going to work my *kitten* off today and tomorrow to make up for it. I have the longest training run I've ever done today so I'm just telling myself that all that food yesterday was fuel for this morning's run.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!