Anyone just starting C25K?



  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'd like to join this too! Starting Day 2 tonight. I'm as slow as molassess but did finish Day 1 2 days ago. Will be great to have some accountability :).
  • caiticsus
    caiticsus Posts: 2 Member
    Just downloaded it, going to start tonight!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Its not how fast you run, its just that you did it in the first place!!

    I completed day two tonight at the gym. I will go Sunday and rock week 1 day 3!
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    Yay! welcome new people! I did week 1 day 2 last night and plans for day 3 tomorrow. Felt great! Then on to week 2!
  • Bluesman77
    I just finished week one yesterday. I never understood seeing someone out in the neighborhood running. You know what...? I still dont : ) But seriously, I feel really good about my acomplishement of finishing week 1. I keep seeing how much I have to run by the end of this program, but then I bring myself back saying "one run at a time". To all of you doing the program, keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing all of your success along the way.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bluesman - I've tried to run before and I doubt I will ever really enjoy it...but I find I have this need to move and the elliptical and cybex and weights at the gym aren't cutting it right now. Running is it. Plus it seems like running is really the way to go to get into shape and lose weight, IMO, its strength training, endurance training and weight loss all in one package.
    Also, I am not letting myself look I hit start on the app, do what it tells me, and then do it again the next time. I know that when I start running outside I will have to revert back a few weeks since it is very different, but thats cool too. I've got a while before the weather is good enough in Oregon for me to want to do that yet though.

    I completed week 1 day 3 today. I probably should have waited until tomorrow to do it since I'd just done day 2 yesterday. I could definitely feel it in my right shin and left thigh...funny how they are opposite. But I powered through and will take tomorrow off of running and start week 2 on Monday.

    HAve a good weekend all!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Week 1 Day 3 Complete and trying to move on next Tue to Level 2. I might have to stay in 1 for awhile longer but we will see! .

    Thanks for mentioning speed (or lack thereof) doesn't mean so much Laceylala. I lost 2 pounds and change this week. That's the best I've done in awhile and is quite exciting for me! Actually i'm tickled pink i can do this at all :). It's been close to 30 years since i ran for exercise.

    Yes, I'm believing this is a great way to lose weight. My weekly workout is combined with some other exercises but for some reason the jog/walk seems to be the way to go for loss for me. Hope everyone is doing well :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well I totally hurt my lower back yesterday doing yard work. Sh1t!!! I am not counting myself out of todays work out just yet, but I am thinking of doing my two errands and going home to ice it one more day and then hitting the gym tomorrow to start week 2. I WILL get this done!
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    Sounds like everyone is doing great! week 2 day 1 today after work. Lets hear how all of the week 2 folks are doing!!! I was looking at the calendar and we should be running 3 miles by the end of may! Yay us!
  • ang_mitch
    ang_mitch Posts: 13 Member
    I started it on Saturday. Was going to be one week one, day 3 today but gross and rainy outside today, so will have to wait til tomorrow.
  • lizconnor0823
    I start Week 2, Day 1 tonight. I have come to look forward to these runs!

    Last week I learned an important lesson: No Kids Allowed! My friend and I tried to run last week with 3 kids and a dog. It did not turn out so well so exercise time and kid time will now be separated from now on!
  • Bluesman77
    Just finished week 2 day 1 and boy did it kick my butt. I really didnt know if I was going to make it during those last couple of runs, but I did. I am hoping it was just because I havent run in a few days. Hoping Wednesday will be a little better. Still waiting for that runners high...(yeah right ; )
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    I think what I have as a pre-run snack makes a HUGE difference in how it goes. Today I ate a hardboiled egg at work around 4:30 I got home around 5:30 and we got running at 6:00 and I felt great! Way better then days when I've wait to eat on the drive home or right before, even if it was something little. I also tried to hydrate a bunch before but not the hour before and I didn't feel as sluggish. week 2 day 1 today and it felt good! nice work Bluesman77, I think that runner's high is in your future!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Week 2 day 1 complete!!!

    Hows everyone else doing??

    I downloaded some new fresh tracks today and it totally helped my running. I've been running at 4.7 pace and I think I need to speed it up a bit and see if that helps, I feel like I am running too slow. But I also don't want to push myself too hard and then get shin splints. So yeah. I will play with the speed slowly and see what happens.
  • Bluesman77
    I did my first run outside today. I think I like it more than doing the treadmill. I started getting pain in my side towards the end, but I got through without stopping. It was a very windy day, so I think that added to my difficulies. One more run in week two. I dont want to know whats next :noway:
  • KeikoAnne79
    I completed week 2 day 1 this morning and I was so proud to get through it. Definitely not a cake walk but I felt fantastic being outside. One of my goals is to get into the habit of waking up early and working out before the day starts because I rarely have the motivation to work out after a long day. I really enjoyed the feeling of running early in the morning before people are up and its just me and the road. I'm a little concerned about how I'm going to fit in my runs next week since my husband will be out of town and I will be alone with our 2 month old daughter and I don't have any family near by to help out...
  • MizzF
    MizzF Posts: 7
    How do you start this C25K? How far is 5K?

    I walk and run at the gym as my cardio.. -- i feel like a newbie lol. I don't really pay attention to the numbers on the machine, I just go and watch the time as I walk & run so I know when to switch off. I haven't been doing it for a long time.

    Also, i have seen some of you talk about a certain app? is that for running outside? I would love to do that, i'm thinking of trying it this weekend!

  • Bluesman77
    I use an iPhone app called "Get Running". It guides you through starting the C25K program. You can also download podcats as well. I am sure there are other ways to do it, but these are just the ways I know. Come on and join us. The more of us the better!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I use an app called has the whole training program and you can listen to the music you've got on your phone, it just chimes in and tells you when to run and when to walk. its pretty cool.
  • dodier01
    dodier01 Posts: 84 Member