Anyone just starting C25K?



  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I've gotten as far as downloading the app on my phone and wanting to start! Haha, does that count? :) I'm fully planning on giving it a try this week :)

    Same here! Except I said that last week! haha I don't why it scares me, I love kickboxing and doing all sorts of things I never in my life thought I'd be doing but running 3 miles straight scares the hell out of me!
  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    I actually just discovered this app last night and downloaded it...It looks AMAZING and I can't wait to use it, but I need a little advice though.

    I am NOT in the best shape, obviously. I can whip out a good 45 minutes on the elliptical but I am not a runner. I've never ran, that I can remember. Should I wait to start this program or just dive in and give it a shot? At 256lbs I don't want to trash my knees! Is this really, REALLY for beginners or should I build up some of my stamina first?
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    So day 3 of week 2 was scheduled for tonight but there is pounding hail going on right now... so might have to be postponed till tomorow... unless it lets up. I like running outside far more then in the gym. MissKMN... I would suggest you try it slowly... running on dirt will help take the impact off your knees... I would listen to your body, if you feel like you're going to hurt yourself stop and try again when you feel more comfortable. Good job to everyone!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Today is Week 2 Day 2 for me. I spent an extra workout in Week 1 before attempting to move on but finally did so!.

    Miss KMN, i didn't exercise at all for years before Feb 1. Just take it slow. Slow the run down to a pace you can do, walk more or step up the workouts if you have to to build up. But at least for me, starting has been doable. :). Good shoes and a good bra are a necessity to run.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    I downloaded the C25K app for Android last week and did Week 2 Day 1 last night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I haven't run in years but I'm getting used to it. DH used to run all the time and I'd love to be able to do a 5K with him. He can run for 45 min w/o stopping so I've got to get my endurance up again.
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    So it was only barely snowing when I got home so me and the bf put on warm clothes and hats and when for it. It was cold, but fun, I was really tired before but I felt really after going. Day 3 Week 2 done... on to Week 3! Yay!
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    So how is everyone doing? Week 3 day 1 yesterday after work. It was definenlty harder than week 2! But still fun! Excited theres only 6 weeks left till the goal!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    So I started Last night was W1D2 for me and I got the walk/run parts mixed up so I ended up walking 60 seconds and running 90 seconds!! I did it and didn't die! I've so got this! Congrats to all of you that keep running along!
  • RachArmstrong
    RachArmstrong Posts: 17 Member
    Just finished week 2 and am Dreading week 3. It's a big bump up to 3mins non-stop. But I'm loving the results. My cardio is going great and I've realised that I do have those leg muscles that other people have :)

    Any advice for week 3?
  • I actually did my first run of week three last night. I was dreading it too, but it was not that bad. I was surpirsed by that first three minute run. It actually felt pretty easy. The second three minutes was hard, but I got through it. I am not a runner by any means, so I think you will do just great. Let us know how it goes.
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    Bluesman77, good for you! I didn't really look to see what the goals were for week 3, my boyfriend carries the phone with the app on it, so when we hit the first 3 minutes he knew it was coming and I didn't. It wasn't too bad though, but I was like "did we miss a walk?" I was more prepared for the next one, which was good, cause that was pretty tough. I'm excited to do more though.RachArmstrong, I would say for Week 3 just know that you will have to pace yourself for the last 3 minute run, but you can do it! I was surprised that it wasn't that bad.
  • kaitlinrc
    kaitlinrc Posts: 24
    Ok, week 3 day 2 today. Definitely felt harder. I think the snack I had before the run made me a little sluggish but I made it... My shins were hurting a little so I might wait 2 days instead of one before I do day 3 to give myself a rest. Hows everyone else doing?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Last week I did two days of week two in a row and unfortunately that second day I could barely walk off the treadmill. My shins are still sore today. So...I am going to give it another few weeks or so and try it again. Outside. Maybe that will help. And also not push it, every other day is more than fast enough.
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Finished Week 3 Day 2. The 3 minute parts are killer tough for me but have done them.

    On the plus side the first minute (plus a bit) now seems easy! That was not so when i started. :).
  • renashcha
    renashcha Posts: 2 Member
    I start Week 5 Day 1 tomorrow, the 5 minute sessions shocked me but not as much as it shocked me that i could do them!! Awesome app and glad to have others to share with now :)
  • renashcha
    renashcha Posts: 2 Member
    I start Week 5 Day 1 tomorrow, the 5 minute sessions shocked me but not as much as it shocked me that i could do them!! Awesome app and glad to have others to share with now :)
  • I did run 2 of week 3 yesterday. I was still huffing and puffing by the end of the third run, but I felt great once I was done. I really like the voice in my ear during the run. She reminded me that I had a hard time running for a minute two weeks ago. So true. And it was also encouraging when she said that my body would get used to it and I would be able to run longer distances in the future. I really like this program. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    I finally got a chance to finish week 3 today. I had a day or two extra to rest up, and gee whiz it got easier! I'm so pleased, this program is wonderful, I would never have thought i would make it through Week 3.

    On to Week 4! And looking forward to it :) I cannot wait to see if i can do this one. 5 minutes? Are you kidding? Oh this girl is sooo going to try....!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Today's a holiday in Massachusetts so DH and DD are home. It's beautiful out so I skipped the gym and took the Springer Spaniel for a "walk". He's good company but doesn't understand that I want to keep my jogging steady. It isn't time to sprint. I did Week 2 Day 2 since I goofed off last week. It's definitely harder outside.
  • Mrfsgirl
    Mrfsgirl Posts: 3
    I downloaded the app and started....but thanks to Michigan weather, the snow has put a stop to my progress!! Waiting for the warm weather to restart! :-(
    I am doing the 30 day Shred and riding a stationary bike for now!:sad:
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