Skinny ppl at the gym



  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    agreed :( It's discouraging. I always feel like people see me working out and judge me for being big, when in reality I am the one that needs the gym. She needs a burger ;) haha
    Maybe she needs the gym to look like that. It isn't like all skinny people are like that naturally. Some of them work hard for it.
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Not at all!!!! Isn't that the look we're all aiming for anyways?
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    Awesome post Allie!!

    I'm not a huge muscular guy, but I am in pretty decent shape these days. Now that I bought my first pair of tri shorts, I will be wearing them when I go swim. They are tight and fitted but I wear them for ME because I need to practice in the equipment I will be wearing on race day. When I ride the bike at the gym on nasty days, I wear bike shorts that are also tight and again, it's for ME. I know I will be on the bike for an hour minimum and, without my bike shorts, my *kitten* would HURT!!

    For people who don't like the "skinny people" at the gym, you are entitled to your opinion. However, many of those people worked their tails off to get their results and don't deserve to be shot dirty looks for being in shape any more than someone deserves a dirty look for being overweight. That actually seems pretty hypocritical to me.

    I'm with Allie; I support and encourage everyone who is at the gym as they are all making good choices to live a healthy life and improve themselves. I hope that everyone can learn to do the same.
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    Awesome post Allie!!

    I'm not a huge muscular guy, but I am in pretty decent shape these days. Now that I bought my first pair of tri shorts, I will be wearing them when I go swim. They are tight and fitted but I wear them for ME because I need to practice in the equipment I will be wearing on race day. When I ride the bike at the gym on nasty days, I wear bike shorts that are also tight and again, it's for ME. I know I will be on the bike for an hour minimum and, without my bike shorts, my *kitten* would HURT!!

    For people who don't like the "skinny people" at the gym, you are entitled to your opinion. However, many of those people worked their tails off to get their results and don't deserve to be shot dirty looks for being in shape any more than someone deserves a dirty look for being overweight. That actually seems pretty hypocritical to me.

    I'm with Allie; I support and encourage everyone who is at the gym as they are all making good choices to live a healthy life and improve themselves. I hope that everyone can learn to do the same.

    Thanks Celo! :smile: You're the best!

    Keep at it guys! Never forget that you ROCK because you are taking your health into your own hands. Keep doing what you are doing!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • ashahl
    ashahl Posts: 81
    I have to admit I'm also one of those skinny girls that wear short, tight clothing to the gym (spandex and tank tops). I do it mainly because I get so freaking hot working out, especially doing cardio! I work my butt off at the gym. It also does motivate me to stay in shape and work on any problem areas I see. Plus I work out with my boyfriend all the time so I like to look cute for him. And I do work very hard to tone my body to look at least moderately good in the outfits I wear! I also have to admit I wear a bit of make up to the gym but just a bit of concealed and maybe a touch of powder because I'm self-conscious about my skin (mostly my dark eye circle) and it makes me more confident.
    A lot of the thin girls are just as insecure going to the gym as people who are a bit larger. I personally get really jealous when I see girls who are really toned, muscular and fit. I feel like I’ll never get to that level and have tight curves.

    Also I don’t think women judge each other too harshly at the gym, I think we are happy to see others getting active and fit. When I see a larger woman giving it her all on the treadmill I’m like “Damn woman is rocking it, good for her!” I think guys have a tendency to judge each other more like who is more muscular, cut, or who can lift heavier weights.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    anyone ever feel discouraged by the hot, skinny people at the gym. At my gym girls wear sport bras and spandex to workout. Im like really?!? I hate feeling like that when im supposed to feel motivated :(

    What discourages me, with the tiny ones who wear next to nothing is not what they are wearing or their size. If they are in there busting hump just like me, I look at them and say that's where I want to be. It's the ones who walk in, hair perfect make up done... sit on the bike for 5 min socialize for another 30 and then leave. They are not working on fitness, they are there to flirt, talk and take up space. But the truth is, I get discouraged because they are small and don't have to try. They are naturally thin people and I will never be that.
  • RoyaDee
    RoyaDee Posts: 43
    I'm not really angry about the tight clothes because buying cute workout gear is one thing I'm really looking forward to (once I'm actually at a size that they sell nice gear for!) But I won't lie, as a university student my gym is packed with 18-22 year-olds who are physically at their peak and it's incredibly intimidating. I'm not even that large (170lb, 5'10) but I am always by far the largest girl in the room. I can't help but feel a bit judged, even though I try to tell myself it's just in my head.
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    I don't have any problem with skinny girls at the gym ;)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Wow, alliecore and ashahl, you took the words right out of my head!

    Though in my tiny apartment gym I am often the smallest one (except when the 2 figure athletes in the building show up -yipes!), vie never looked down on anyone except this one chick who shows up and talks loudly on her cell phone the whole time. I feel a bond with others in the gym and hate when the love isn't reciprocated. I've actually started wearing a tank top over my sport bra for that reason :ohwell:
  • jade3599
    jade3599 Posts: 22
    I have been on both ends. Where I felt good and confident because I was maintaining my skinny weight- Not like now where I am in the baggy clothes and admiring the fit ppl at the gym.
    Everyone is different. I know when I put a picture of myself thin on the refrigerator IT MOTIVATES ME MORE than when I put a picture of myself overweight. The positive inspires me more.
    If you don't have any pics of a healthy you yet, find someone's bodytype that is similar to yours in a magazine and then put ur face on it! Visualization and belief that YOU are gonna be that person in the picture is positive motivation. Hope this made sense. .
    Good Luck and Good Health too all!!:happy:
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    ppl w a full face of make up, butt shorts and their cellphone make me laugh at the gym. Not to mention that while I do about 10 things in my sweaty tshirt, they are leisurely walking up the stairmaster while reading fashion mags. What a waste of time.
  • itzamos
    itzamos Posts: 24
    I really do not appreciate how women get insecure and tear each other apart. I have honestly lost 'friends' over my weightloss, and it's sincerely upsetting! Finally, after years of being fat and depressed, I actually look hot! I'm ROCKING that shiz. I shouldn't have to feel ashamed or guilty. Just keep going to the gym, and someday after months or years of grueling effort, you too will realize how passive aggressive the world is towards fit-looking people.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Agh! I hate these posts... I always feel like I have to defend being skinny, which is surely the ultimate goal? Can't we just support eachother no matter what shape or size? I don't judge bigger people, I'm also a silent cheerleader because I've been there and I want them to succeed. I wear full make up and my hair is usually done, purely because I go straight from work. I also wear fully fitted gym clothes because I worked hard to drop 50lbs and for the first time in my life I'm comfortable in my own skin and being able to wear nice, cute gym clothes was part of my goal in losing the weight in the first place. And now, now that I've lost the weight, it's almost twice as hard to keep it off and I'm having to work out harder than ever to stay at this weight. I'd certainly hate to think that when I'm working up a sweat the people around me are judging me because I'm 'skinny' in good fitting gym clothes and wearing make up.
  • Franticantics
    Wow...This post is really showing some insecurities...Less judgement maybe,ladies?

    Personally, I go to the gym straight after college, full time dance college, this means I go to the gym with a full face of make-up. I wear what I have, this means that on the occassion, I have worn a LEOTARD and shorts, sometimes its a sports bra and joggers. Also, on occassion when someone i need to talk to rings me, I answer.
    And trust me, i sweat it out like the best of you.

    It shouldn't matter what you wear t the gym, because if you are all at a gym, chances are that you're there for similar reasons. No need to slate...
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I thought it was kind of humorous that "bigger" girls are complaining/worried about being judged at the gym. Yet, they are judging "skinny bitches" in their athletic wear for being too healthy/slutty,
    Just work out and do your best. Don't focus on the skinny girl and what she wears to the gym. Just focus on you.
    Would you let a skinny girl stop you from going to the beach? NO! So enjoy your workout, and think only about you and your health.
    Don't worry about how they dress..
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    oh i dont judge skinny or fit ppl at the gym. I love the motivation of some slamming bodies at the gym. I do judge the makeupped cell phone talking boyflirting ones... and wearing make up to the gym... isn't that counterproductive??? i would hate to have mascara running down my face....
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Doesn't bother me in the slightest- they're slim and in shape BECAUSE they go to the gym. That'll soon be me! (although maybe with a vest over the sports bra - nobody wants to see the stretch marks on my stomach!! hahaha!!)
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    This mentality is no fault of the posters nor any one else that has struggled with weight loss. (Not that it is an excuse either.) I honestly believe the poster had no intention of berating "skinny" folks at the gym rather simply voicing an opinion of that "mentality" that seems to haunt many people that are over weight. Insecurity is part of the mentality that often times accompanies obesity and the struggle for claiming a more fit physique. Like peas and carrots. These topics reiterate the point that not only is this journey one of a physical nature but also of an emotional nature. You can lose all the weight and still have the "big gal/guy mentality".