Couch to 5K (start 4/4/11)



  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I'm about to do my 2nd work out of Week two. Wish me luck today, I'm feeling unmotivated because my neighbor started running with me and he is so much more fit than I am.

    Don't look at him as "more fit than you" look at him as "how fit your gonna be", use it as MOTIVATION!!
  • Cutiger81
    Cutiger81 Posts: 52 Member
    Just finished WK2D2 with hills mixed into the run. I felt like I almost wasn't going to make it. I completed the run with a walk pace of 17:17 and a run pace of 11:26 with a distance of 2.2 miles.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Just finished WK2D2 with hills mixed into the run. I felt like I almost wasn't going to make it. I completed the run with a walk pace of 17:17 and a run pace of 11:26 with a distance of 2.2 miles.

    That sounds pretty darn good to me, especially with hills thrown in there. We've had heavy rain yesterday and today, so I'm hoping it will slow up later today and I can run without getting totally drenched. I'm glad my neighborhood is almost entirely flat with just the slightest of inclines on one block. I think I'd fall over if I had to deal with hills right now!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Started week 6 yesterday and it went great! Tomorrow will be the first day I'll take this jogging outside - I hope I don't fall (my biggest fear)! :blushing:
  • ktspac
    ktspac Posts: 32
    Think I may have shin splints - yuck!! Luckily one of the physical therapists at work offered to make me some orthotics this week if I want to try them to see if it helps.
    I did week 4 day 1 last night but at a slower pace (13 min mile instead of 12 min mile) and I didn't really have much pain - it was actually pretty easy too. Much better than I expected, especially after working 12 hours and then quickly eating dinner and putting one of my kids to bed before running.

    hope everyone is hanging in there
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    hey all. I'd like to join.
    I tried this over 1 year ago, but didn't do very well following the program. Since then I just walked and jogged.

    Flash to this year - Gained some weight back prior and recently quit smoking 2 months ago, and I'm back to trying again.

    This time I downloaded some podcasts and that has made a big difference.
    I'm wogging 8 kms (route is 4kms and doing C25kw4 x 2 laps)

    I can keep up with 3 min non stop, but the 5 min jogs are where I'm stuck.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Peter have you tried the c210k? On c25k, I was stuck at week 4 and was getting really frustrated. C210k has shorter runs, longer recovery times, but the workout is 1 hour vs 30 minutes. You'll still be at a 5k by week 9 (in fact, most of my workouts are already 3 miles - and I'm only on W5/D2). **edited to add - my pace has picked up too, since I'm not having to slow WAY DOWN to finish the longer runs.

    Here's the schedule for week 4 to the end of c210K:

    W4/D1 - run 2 minutes, walk 3 minutes (11 times)
    D2 - same (9 times)
    D3 same (10 times)

    W5/D1 - run 2:30, walk 2:30 (12 times)
    D2 - same (10 times)
    D3 (10 times)

    W6/D1 - run 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes (13 times)
    D2 - same (10 times)
    D3 - same (11 times)

    W7/D1 - run 4 mins, walk 2 mins (10 times)
    D2 - same (9x)
    D3 - same (9x)

    W8/D1 - run 5 mins, walk 1 min (10 times)
    D2 - same (8x)
    D3 - same (9x)

    W9/D1 - run 7 mins, walk 2 mins (7x)
    D2 - same (6x)
    D3 - run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes (5x)

    ~ ~ ~ (HERE'S WHERE IT KICKS INTO 10K MODE) ~ ~ **not sure what 1 minute of walking in between accomplishes

    W10/D1 - run 10 mins, walk 1 min (4x)
    D2 - Run 20 mins, walk 1 min, run 20 mins
    D3 - Run 22 mins, walk 1 min, run 22 mins

    w11/d1 - run 25 mins, walk 1 min, run 25 mins
    D2 - run 30 mins, walk 1 min, run 25 mins
    D3 - run 40 mins, walk 1 min, run 10 mins

    W12/D1 - run 45 min, walk1 min, run 20 min
    D2 - run 50 mins, walk 1 min, run 15 mins
    D3 - Run 45 mins

    W13, D1 - run 50 mins
    D2 - run 40 mins
    D3 - Race your 10k
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I just saw recently in a thread about c210k. Do you know if there are any podcasts out there for this?
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Dear gussy! I did my jog/walk on a 5k course today and it was an epic fail! Lol! It's so much harder in the real world - it took me 56 minutes to do my 5k! So sad...

    My plan is to finish the program on the treadmill, upping the incline to 2, and then take it back outside and go from there. At that point I may have to go back to week 4 or 5 - we'll see. I'm not giving up, though - I've still come a long way even though today was a bit of a downer.

    Keep it up everyone!
  • Cutiger81
    Cutiger81 Posts: 52 Member
    Getting ready for last workout of week 2. My goal is to keep moving no matter what.
  • Kbuhman32
    Kbuhman32 Posts: 1 Member
    Im doing the 0 to 5k right now and in my 2nd week. Its a little different then this but I feel it works much better for me because it helps with the mental aspect as well. Its almost the same workouts but its groups of 3 and then a rest day. Just in case anyones having trouble ill give you the gist of my workout and maybe you can mold it to yours. Start with a 30 minute power walk and a one minute run. The next day is a 28 minute walk and a 3 minute run. The third day is an interval day were you walk one minute and sprint another minute 10x. Then a rest day. Then you start the 3 days again with 26 minute walk and 5 minute run, 24 minute walk and 7 min run and then intervals. I think you get the idea. It helps so much and you can start with a longer run or repeat days. I like to walk and run one direction so that I have to walk the same distance back. Good luck everyone!!!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    lol forgot to post that i did w3d1 yesterday. and it was awesome. those 3-minute runs made me nervous, but i lowered my incline and took it kinda slow, and survived, which is what i was going for.
  • Cutiger81
    Cutiger81 Posts: 52 Member
    I just finished my Wk2D3 workout and I'm beat. I did all of the runs except a 22 seconds of the last run. I had to run up this hill with a steep incline on my last run. I sprinted up the hill and was completely drained when I did. I made up for it with a 90 second run during the cool down. I feel like I will be able to master week 3. Keep in mind I'm running in a neighborhood full of hills. I can do this on the treadmill but figure it would be more of a workout to run my neighborhood. I really need to get some good running shoes. Can anyone recommend a national chain store? I live in Raleigh NC
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Can anyone recommend a national chain store? I live in Raleigh NC

    I've always had a good experience with ****'s Sporting Goods. I don't know if it's a national chain or not (I would think so, it's pretty big.

    ** edited because they wouldn't let me type D I C K ' S :laugh:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Can anyone recommend a national chain store? I live in Raleigh NC

    I just did a quick google search.
    This store will probably be your best on woodburn road.

    Try on a few pair of shoes, walk around the store in them.
    I have saucony's and have read a lot of people have them as well.
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Week 8 finished :happy:

    Was better. I've done all my runs outside and I've been really lucky with the weather - its only rained once, the rest of the time absolutely lovely.

    I'll start Week 9 on Saturday.

    Stick at it everyone, even if you think you can't do it, you can. Follow the program and you'll be fine. :flowerforyou:
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I made it through W2 D2 last evening, but it was a rough one. I had to wak 10 seconds of the 2nd to last run and 7 seconds of the final run...but I hung in there, so that's the important thing. I think I'm taking today off, which I'll probably regret since it's sunny today and raining the next 3-4 days :( I'm ready for May Flowers instead of April Showers!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Finished week 4 - I was able to keep up with the 5 min jogs non stop :smile:
    I downloaded a new podcast which seemed to help. Songs were 5 mins at that part, so I just jogged to the end of the song.
    Slowed my pace down though, did W4 x 2 - 8kms for 61 mins.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    W5/D3 of c210k (running portion) 1.46 mi 23 minutes 15:45 pace
    W5/D3 of c210k (walking portion) 1.75 mi 35 minutes 20:00 pace

    It still amazes me how much of running is a complete and utter mind game! The last 2 (running) days have been a psychological battle during the first few intervals. Once I get going, I'm good, but man those first few minutes are rough! On a good note, I was able to pull out my fastest time yet on the last interval (slow for most, but fast for me!!) YAY ME!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    did w3d2 today. much better on my speeds than on Tuesday. made it nearly 2 miles, instead of the 1.5 i barely rocked last time. so, go me!

    i think i've decided that when i'm done with this round, instead of moving on to the b210k like i originally planned, i'll prolly just repeat c25k with the intention of greatly improving my times. it's amazing to me that a month and a half ago, i couldn't even handle the 60 second runs and now the 3 minute runs leave me wanting more.