soooo... yesterday was prolly the WORST day ive had in a while. i dont know what happened, but i got in this i dont give a ish mood and ate anything and everything. today, i am suffering from it. i felt like one of those girls on those shows where they literally binge eat alllllll day long! that was me. im being so truthfully honest right now and im so embarrassed! i ate mcdonalds for lunch, quarter pounder with med fries and large sweat tea. went to work and ate a whole tube of ritz crackers, grapes, all kindsa of lil snacks (healthy but it gets worse)... went home from work earlier... ordered a pepperoni pizza... ate HALF OF THAT! a large! then i drank a bottle of pop... now mind u... i havent had a single sip of pop for the past month! and then to top it all off, i had a big bowl of frozen yogurt, WITH CARMEL TOPPING!!! WAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?!?! now today, i dont only feel like a failure, but also disgusting from all that GROSS food yesteday! just wondered if anyone else has ever had a time or two like this.... thanks for the letting me vent. lol.


  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    happens to me all the time. I just try to think tomorrow is a new day. But I think in time it gets better. It is super hard with all these temptations around us.
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    I did it on Saturday - had a deluxe quarter pounder meal (medium mind you, like that makes it much better!!) AND then went to a wedding reception on the evening and ate buffet food!

    But I only had a roast dinner and fruit on the Sunday...

    Just be good today and put it behind you! I know exactly what you mean though, I felt HORRID after eating all that rubbish food!! :)
  • BrooklynBloom
    BrooklynBloom Posts: 7 Member
    I have had plenty of days like that. Try not to become so discouraged that you give up on your diet all together. Just get back on the horse, you can do this! You are only human. Did something make you upset or angry? I am an emotional eater and I usually eat like that after someone has made me feel upset. If you can identify the trigger you can prevent it from happening in the future.

    Best of Luck!
  • crazymama2two
    OH LORD!!! dont EVEN feel embarrased. ive done that...actually i STARTED to do that saturday but felt like such holy hell after i ate my Five Guys Burger and fries that i couldnt move without feeling like i was going to yes, youre not alone and THE ONLY thing you can do today, besides drown yourself in water to flush yourself out, is DONT feel guilty about it. you cant change it, but you certainly did learn from it im sure :)

    throw in an extra 10 mins to your regular routine for the next few days/week...just to even out your guilt.

    youre sooo not alone!!
  • kararee
    kararee Posts: 1
    Happens to the best of us.. just shake off that gross feeling and keep going.. :)
  • Skolls081102
    It happens. Don't beat yourself up over it. Pick back up, and move on today. You had one bad day in what a month???? That's not bad. It will actually probably shock your system (in a good way). It will reiginite your metabolism. Seriously, you had a bad day. It was just one day. Just don't have that day today, or tomorrow, or the next. Get back on track. You can do this. One day doesn't ruin you.
  • mixmastermolly
    It happens. You can't change what happened yesterday but you can control what you put in your mouth for the rest of the week. We can't be perfect all the time so let that go and think about what happens from here on out. :)
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I always feel sick after a bad day. I had fries last night and my belly is reaming me for it this morning.

    BUT, as has been mentioned - just keep looking forward. the future is the only thing you can change!
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    Today is a new day all you have to do is get back on the wagon!!! :)
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    We all have our bad days, try not to let one bad meal turn into a whole bad day and even if it does TODAY is a new day and get right back on track. Sometimes we have to give ourselves a little treat so we dont blow out of control.

    Dont beat yourself up about something you cant change.

    Keep positive and Take Care!
  • MarcAwesome
    Don't let it get to you. You can allow yourself a day like that every now and then as long as you do not let temptation get a hold of you.
  • cdpysi38
    cdpysi38 Posts: 2
    I find that what works for me is if I give myself 1 day a week as a "cheat day". I allow myself to eat what I wish in whatever amount I'd like to have (of course trying to stay within reason if you can), then I get it out of my system and can be motivated for the rest of the week. If you do good the rest of the week and get your heart rate up at least everyday, that one cheat day doesn't hurt you because your metabolism eats right through it. I've been doing it for at least the past 2-3 months and have still lost weight.
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    Trust me, we have all been there. I struggle with it a lot, I have to tell my fiance to kick me out of the kitchen when I reach for the snacks and ice cream so I don't undo my whole week.
  • shumatet1982
    I learned one thing over time. Strive for consistency, not perfection!

    I had this day today. I just ate anything in my way :)
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    LOL! Friday is usually my cheat day as we go out for lunch from work. So last Friday, we went to the diner and I had the Super 8 - 2 eggs (poached), 2 sausage links, 2 pancakes and I got potatoes instead of the 2 pieces of bacon. Then my husband calls and he's having a KFC craving. So I had KFC for dinner. I had to leave the table because I kept popping popcorn chicken. 900 cals over! I'm going to have to live on that memory for a long time. The next day, I got right back and I'm keeping going.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    soooo... yesterday was prolly the WORST day ive had in a while. i dont know what happened, but i got in this i dont give a ish mood and ate anything and everything. today, i am suffering from it. i felt like one of those girls on those shows where they literally binge eat alllllll day long! that was me. im being so truthfully honest right now and im so embarrassed! i ate mcdonalds for lunch, quarter pounder with med fries and large sweat tea. went to work and ate a whole tube of ritz crackers, grapes, all kindsa of lil snacks (healthy but it gets worse)... went home from work earlier... ordered a pepperoni pizza... ate HALF OF THAT! a large! then i drank a bottle of pop... now mind u... i havent had a single sip of pop for the past month! and then to top it all off, i had a big bowl of frozen yogurt, WITH CARMEL TOPPING!!! WAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?!?! now today, i dont only feel like a failure, but also disgusting from all that GROSS food yesteday! just wondered if anyone else has ever had a time or two like this.... thanks for the letting me vent. lol.

    Your on a Carb fat downer today. You need to cleans. Drink a lot of water with lemon, tons of Veggies and if you like fish, a light white fish, (talapia, cod, flounder, Not breaded) Whole grains ( nothing white besides the fish today.) When I eat like that I find I crave it again and again. You need to get it out of your system. I know everyone needs a cheat day. But you don't want your cheat day to destroy all the hard word you did for the week. Good luck.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I was like that yesterday.
    Oh yes and I am like it today too.....
    I am soooo fed up with me, I think you might know what I am talking about.
    Tomorrow is another day I guess, but I am struggling to get thru this ****ty day first!
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    *internet hugs*

    I read somewhere that if you stick to a healthy, balanced diet 80% of the time, then the 20% you spend having something you really want isn't going to kill you. I find that every now and then I give in to a craving because if I don't, I have a bad day and go careening off the wagon.

    I'm an emotional eater too, so when I'm stressed, bored, or depressed -- I tend to crave hostess pies (chocolate or berry pls) and McDonalds. It's hard to combat emotional eating because... the eating is something that I do to make myself feel better when I'm sad, so if I take that away I actually have to deal with my emotions :) It has led to me lashing out at people around me... I guess being healthy is making me cranky!
  • hwilliams519
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I always feel like those girls on tv too, except they are tiny from their eating disorder. I've never been one to skip a meal, or throw it back up. Once I eat all that just stays. Sometimes yes, it is an emotional trigger. I eat when I'm angry or lonely. However, there are just days that I eat everything in sight for no apparent reason! And once I get started, it's like a monster has been unleashed. Maybe one day I will be able to say that I don't do that anymore, or at least not as often.

    But again we are just human. And feeling guilty does not do you any good. Just try to move on. Something I heard recently is that when you notice that you are having one of those days, don't think I will just start over tomorrow (or Monday) - turn it around today. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I'm still dealing what that on a daily basis.
  • lfclancy
    lfclancy Posts: 46
    I learned one thing over time. Strive for consistency, not perfection!