Advice for not snacking at night!



  • Pough2007
    Not sure if like pickles, but when you eat a pickle , it takes your taste bug. it makes everything else taste awful. lol
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    Nightime snacking has been a big problem for me as well. I try not to snack at night because its too hard to stop. One of the things that have helped distract me from wanting snacks is by keeping my hands busy with other activities such as crafts. I allow myself one TV show per night and will crochet during that time so my hands are busy, just not busy putting something into my mouth. You could also try "me time" at night by doing something like giving yourself a facial or manicure/pedicure. I also like to workout at night because I know that once I have put effort into a workout, I don't want to ruin that feeling by eating something I shouldn't. I also drink a lot of water at night or have a cup of herbal tea. My last trick is that once my calories for the day are gone, I brush my teeth right away, which deters me from eating anything else.
  • kallen02
    kallen02 Posts: 16 Member
    I find that when I eat a really good breakfast with protein then I dont crave as much at night. Not sure why im guessing its because my body is getting what it needs so I dont have as bad of cravings at night. Try eating smaller meals throughout the day and after dinner you should be satisfied enough to not feel like you have to eat.
  • rklein88
    rklein88 Posts: 71 Member
    I put a slim fast shake in the freezer for 2-3 hours and open it from the bottom and pour into a glass to eat as a frozen shake. It's partially slushy, very filling, and feels like I got to eat ice cream :)
  • regentin
    regentin Posts: 60
    I have been doing green tea...I also add a fruit flavored tea bag so it actually has flavor. If I get hungry, I turn the water on and by the time it heats up and I drink it all...sometimes an hour will pass, and it seems to take the cravings away!
  • Jb8885
    Jb8885 Posts: 126
    oooh i like the slim fast ice cream thing! thanks!