The hardest thing to you about getting healthy/losing weight



  • bensford66
    I have the same problem... I try to keep healthier things at my desk (almonds, and banana chips) but lunch is often where ever I feel like going and there are only so many "healthy" choices. I come home to a sandwich and small bag of chips and then off to the gym most nights. When I get home I'm looking for something loaded with protein but usually just end up eating something loaded with carbs. I keep lots of good food on hand. I have whole grain crisps, no fat cottage cheese, eggs, fruit and veggies, dried fruit, nuts, yogurt, etc all over the house. My mind says eat something healthy, my stomach says eat something big, and its a battle trying to eat what I know I should, and not pig out on it and make it a bad thing.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Honestly, I think _the_ hardest thing for me has been balancing social life. I'm not even particularly social. But I do have friends and coworkers who like to get together on occasion. When people socialize, it is usually accompanied by food & drink, and most often, not the "healthy" variety. When this aligns with my 'free day", it's perfect. But when it doesn't, it's a real struggle sometimes to stay disciplined while people enjoy their chips and dips and beers and whatnot. When going out to eat, I hate having to pay good money for some salt-drenched crap, that would have been 10 times better, healthier, and cheaper had I made it myself. And I'm tired of having to explain myself to everybody about why I'm not eating junky and drinking as much beer anymore.

    Sorry for mini-rant :)
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    anything layered with whipped cream.

    I agree!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Honestly, I think _the_ hardest thing for me has been balancing social life. I'm not even particularly social. But I do have friends and coworkers who like to get together on occasion. When people socialize, it is usually accompanied by food & drink, and most often, not the "healthy" variety. When this aligns with my 'free day", it's perfect. But when it doesn't, it's a real struggle sometimes to stay disciplined while people enjoy their chips and dips and beers and whatnot. When going out to eat, I hate having to pay good money for some salt-drenched crap, that would have been 10 times better, healthier, and cheaper had I made it myself. And I'm tired of having to explain myself to everybody about why I'm not eating junky and drinking as much beer anymore.

    Sorry for mini-rant :)

    QFT....From another mother, I tell ya. Lol.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I gave up nothing... but it is hard to limit myself to 2 slices of bacon at a time. :ohwell:
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    my boyfriend works a physical labor job and has a super fast metabolism, so he always eats fast food... even when I'm with him! He tries to convince me to get something but I say no.. and he keeps pushing.. ha. He supports me but thinks sometimes that I need to be more flexible, but I won't do it!!
  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    Honestly, I think _the_ hardest thing for me has been balancing social life. I'm not even particularly social. But I do have friends and coworkers who like to get together on occasion. When people socialize, it is usually accompanied by food & drink, and most often, not the "healthy" variety. When this aligns with my 'free day", it's perfect. But when it doesn't, it's a real struggle sometimes to stay disciplined while people enjoy their chips and dips and beers and whatnot. When going out to eat, I hate having to pay good money for some salt-drenched crap, that would have been 10 times better, healthier, and cheaper had I made it myself. And I'm tired of having to explain myself to everybody about why I'm not eating junky and drinking as much beer anymore.

    Sorry for mini-rant :)

    I am really having this problem as well, all my friends think I am nuts because of my 'lifestyle' change!
  • RoyaDee
    RoyaDee Posts: 43
    Cutting out candy was hardest for me. I haven't actually changed my eating habits (I ate very healthily already) except cutting my calories from around 1600 to 1200 a day. The only thing that gets me is the candy/chocolate, which I can eat scary amounts of at the time.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Weekends where my life is obviously less structured. Remembering to take that darn water bottle wherever I go! And dinners at my parents'.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    i think the hardest thing for me was hurting my mom's feelings when i stopped eating some of the foods that she cooks. she's a southern cook, puts fat meat or butter in everything (veggies), fries a lot, bakes a TON of bread. it's taken some time, but she's finally figured out that i will eat her cooking if she cooks healthy! now she's even excited to try the new healthy recipes i send her!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    So many things...1st weekends, during the week, I can easily prepare breakfast, lunch and snacks for work and resist going downstairs. Weekends, less structure, more temptation (and it starts Friday evening).

    Unhealthy food in general, i'm an emotional eater, so any tempting fat food is good then and in large quantities.

    Alcohol and restaurants too...

    I didn't give up anything (except trying not to eat my emotions).....I just wish I would stop having food thoughts more often.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    This might sound crazy especially coming from me since I have been overweight my whole life, but the food part is the hardest. My body is getting use to working out, its like I HAVE to do it, but the food part can be difficult at times, its a mental thing.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Weekends in general are very difficult for me. Monday through Friday I'm at work and can only eat what I've packed or have handy at my desk and even if I do go down to the cafeteria or order out, with everyone around here knowing I'm watching what I eat, it keeps me on track. However, on the weekends, I've got no schedule and if DH is busy, no one around to witness my bad eating.
    It's getting better but has taken me some time to figure out. I make sure there's nothing in the house that will tempt me and what there is of snacks are pretty healthy. I try to get some exercise in and have some sort of plan for the day. And when I do get those boredom induced cravings, I try to squash them to coming up with something to do, even if it's something sedentary like reading a book.

    The second hardest thing that has gotten better but can still be a challenge is planning meals that feed both me and DH who's not even thinking about trying to eat more healthy things. He's not too picky but there are definitely healthy alternatives that have been shot down... Work in progress!
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Wanting More
    Junk/Fast Food
  • acollier0510
    acollier0510 Posts: 7 Member
    Going out to eat...that's the hardest thing for me! I do fine during the weekend with structured meals at work and in the evenings. The weekend is all about socializing, especially in the South, so it's hard to eat right on the weekends! Just have to make more healthy decisions...

    I hear you Kristy! That is definitely the hardest part for me, especially trying not to have a beer during the NCAA tournament. Pure torture!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I didn't give up anything, I just learned to better control my portions and stop eating like a football player!

    I still allow myself to eat whatever I want, just in moderation.

    The trickiest thing to try and cut back on though has been booze.The worst part is trying to control myself the next day with hangover food...I guess the big solution to the problem would be to just cut it out all together, but...I'm young and have only been able to *legally drink* for a few years here! Plus all my friends are in college, so it's hard to find a low-cal alternative to all the liquor.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Lays potato chips and homemade onion dip!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I think the hardest part is still all the planning. I'm getting better at it, but some days it is just so much mental effort to calculate every bite that I take. If it were just calories, it wouldn't be bad, but I'm trying to increase protein while keeping fats and carbs pretty moderate. So I'm often mentally juggling combinations of foods to get me at the "right" numbers.

    That said, some days it's also hard to stay away from the cookies. No foods are off-limits, but I no longer eat sweets several times a day every day. They are actually a treat now.
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    Patience is definitely not my strong suit; I'm all about immediate gratification...which makes any long term lifestyle changes challenging.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Wine. I really like to have a drink occasionally, but I know it always drags me over my calorie limit.

    I think the hardest thing for me is mental, though. I almost always eat healthily, I very rarely have any sort of junk food, maybe some crisps stolen from the children every 2 weeks or so, and a small piece of chocolate once a week, and yet weight loss for me is very very slow. It is frustrating listening to people losing 2 lbs a week or more, when in 3 months I have lost 4 lbs. I knew it would be slow because I was very healthy in lifestyle before I joined here and started really working on it, so there aren't any huge changes I can make.