Phenermine 37.5



  • Cyn_125
    Cyn_125 Posts: 21 Member
    I am also on this pill. My doctor prescribed it because I was pre-diabetic. I am on my third month right now and have lost 30 lbs on the pill. After doing blood work again the doctor says I am now in the normal range and no longer pre-diabetic, so for me these have really been great. I haven't had any side effects, but I'm sure it works different for everyone. I do think the pill helps me to not be as hungry as I used to be, but some days I still do feel hungry. I've been working out 5-6 times a week 1hr to 1 1/2 hrs a day and also watching what I eat and eating my 1200 calories so I'm sure that helped also and it wasn't just the pill. I think this is the last month I will take them. I've been trying to take them only every other day and that has been working just fine. I did just find out I will be taking medication for Thyroid so I'm not sure how that medication will affect my weight loss. I am determined to keep up with my exercise and continue to lose weight.