*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!



  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    Hm, I sucked it up this week! Over cals almost every day and only three days of exercise. School has been rough!

    (4/01) - 137
    (4/08) - 136.6
    (4/15) - 136.5
    (4/22) - 137.6

    Up 1.1 this week, but hoonestly that's better than I expected. Next week my goal is 136.2! :)

    I have school all weekend which means A LOT of catering. My weekend challenge is to stay under calories sat and sunday, which i NEVER do! And for next week, NO DESSERTS! That's going to be hard!!

    Thanks everyone!

  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Can you ladies please remind me what the challenge for the week is and what the weekend pact is? I think I missed a day of chatting on here...

    Great job everyone...the losses are looking great!!!!

    Keep it up! :bigsmile:

    Hi! The challenge for this week was to try a new activity/workout DVD/Exercise video on Youtube...something you haven't done before and do it for about 45mins.

    And the weekend pact is just something to help people stay on track at the weekends because that's my biggest downfall! So set a few challenges for yourself that you usually struggle with at weekends...can be drinking more water/logging your food/fitting in extra exercise etc.

    And we'll check up on you over the weekend to see how you did! It has worked for me the last 2 weekends and I plan on doing the same this weekend! :smokin:

    My Weekend Pact is:

    1. Drink 12 cups of water Saturday and Sunday
    2. Factor in some 'Easter Egg Eating' on Sunday and try to stay within a reasonable calorie count!
    3. Get a run in on Sunday morning.
    4. ENJOY THE SUN! :happy:

    Happy weekend everyone! x
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Challenge Goal 125

    04/01 - 139.8
    04-08 - 141.4
    04/15 - 138.4
    04/22 - 137.8 (down 0.6)

    Slowly getting closer to that goal!!

    As of Sunday I will have made it thru 90 days of P90X and will start 60 days of Insanity! So excited! Ready to get rid of the rest of this body fat!!

    Everyone have a wonderful Easter weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    First let me say, CONGRATULATIONS LADIES! For those who have had losses, big or small, a loss is a loss is a loss. Take it and be proud! (Shout out to Lorraine!! So exciting!!) For those who maintained, you didn't gain, and that is still a victory. When I hadn't checked in for a few days and caught up reading posts, I saw that nearly everyone was having an off week. That (especially for me) can lead to emotional eating ... so what? We're all human and we're not perfect. The most important thing is that we got back on the horse and kept going. All of us. I'm so glad we're here for each other.

    As for me, I'm happy to report I'm down to 215, which was my Easter goal. Yay! I loss of 2.8 lbs for the week. To be honest, I worked my butt off, but yesterday afternoon and today I have been in a tremendous amount of pain. Cramps and painful bloating have made me really miserable. I have decided not to workout today because I feel awful, and I'm opting out of the weekend pact this weekend because I don't want to set myself up for failure. I'm having massive chocolate cravings, there is (now) candy everywhere I turn, and I'm giving into my foodie-who-loves-to-cook side and making a massive feast on Sunday. And I intend to enjoy every bite. I did try to compensate this week and stayed 300-400 calories under nearly every day, so I'm hoping that will help. If I feel better, I'm going to try to hop on the elliptical at least tomorrow for an hour, if that doesn't happen, you can bet I'll be back in the saddle on Monday.

    Much love and blessings to you and all your families this Easter weekend. I'll try to check back later.

  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    BOOO HISSSSS! This sucks!

    4/1 288.9
    4/8 288.0
    4/15 287.6
    4/22 288.0

    Something's gotta give! Need to walk tonight. This non-movement is driving me crazy!
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    Sorry, hope everyone has a good holiday!!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    4/1: 170.8
    4/8: 169.0
    4/15: 167.0
    4/22: 168.0

    I need to kick it in to high gear this next week. I need to get focus. I am runing my first registered 5K on May 1st and I really don't feel prepared for it. I know I have been running a bunch and training for it and I know if I set my mind to it I can do the distance no problem but I am very self-conscious about running and exercising in front of people. In my mind I am still that fat girl on the treadmill. I still imagine people thinking or whispering "what does she think she's doing" or "look at all that flab bounce when she is running". For me to do this 5k it is more than overcoming my hate for running (which is more of a love/hate relationship now) It is for me to get past these stupid self-image issues I have had for the last 8-10 years. So here is to a great week next week. Thank you for listening. Hope you all have a better number than I did. Have a great weekend!


    I have walked a handful of 5k's here and there, but I did a Disney 5k in February run/walking it, and it was awesome. You will be pleasantly surprised at how many people of all shapes and sizes are out there just doing their thing, and no one gives them a sideways glance. Don't be self-conscious, be proud of yourself! No one will be whispering or taking notice of anything that you take notice of on your body. We are our own worst critics, so be kind to yourself, my friend!

    Have a great Easter!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264

    As of Tuesday this coming week I will have my Master's completed and won't have to do a limited workout each night...instead I can do my Insanity workout and also incorporate some running and strength training! I got a sneak peak of that last night and I LOVED IT! Could have worked out all night!!!

    Hope you all had a great week and enjoy your weekend :)

    Congratulations on a job well done! What a wonderful accomplishment! :)
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Another Weekend Pact!
    going to make it a success, two in a row!! ; )

    Weekend Goals:
    1) At least 400 cals burned on Sat and Sun
    2) Drink at least 3 Liters of Water
    3) Be under calories Fri and Sat, and on Sun, watch carefully, chew slowly, truly enjoy each bite, and don't buy into the lie that to really live, I have to eat alot!!!

    Good luck, and Happy Easter!!
    He is Risen!!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    BOOO HISSSSS! This sucks!

    4/1 288.9
    4/8 288.0
    4/15 287.6
    4/22 288.0

    Something's gotta give! Need to walk tonight. This non-movement is driving me crazy!

    Hang in there! You will figure out how to get past this little bump.
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Easter Fab Ladies! xxx:flowerforyou:
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Checking in after the weekend. Friday was really bad. Not even going to mention it other than it was not on track at all.

    THe rest of the weekend was pretty good. Both Sat and Sun were under on Calories. I managed to stay under on Sodium on Saturday. Sunday was an overload of sodium but most of that was from Easter Ham. I also managed to drink my 80 oz of water each day which should help flush a little of that sodium through my system. The only thing I didn't do a well as I hoped was exercise. I ran yesterday which was great. Today I did go for a couple of walks and helped my husband put together a shed so I was active but I didn't get in an actual workout which I was hoping for.

    Overall, It was a good weekend and I didn't go off track which was great. Now to get focused so I can finish preparing for my 5K next Sunday.
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Overall, It was a good weekend and I didn't go off track which was great.

    Well done! I know how tough it can be at occasions where family & food are involved so you did really well. :flowerforyou:

    As for me, Overall it was a successful weekend for me too! I surprised myself by working out all weekend. I did a 35 minute run + 30mins of weights on Saturday, Sunday and today so Im delighted with myself for that. Dont know where the energy came from though!
    And I drank lots of water this weekend. So happy with that!
    On the other hand I wasn't entirely happy with my food intake this weekend. It's not that I went over calories but I didn't reach my minimum calorie goal any day over the weekend :cry: Unfortunately I didn't do a good grocery shop last week and I didn't have enough food in my house to last me the weekend so I had to ration everything out and get as close to 1200 cals as I could everyday. Somedays I was pretty low and it wasn't on purpose I just didn't have enough food stocked in my house. (Was working at home all weekend and couldn't get to the shops)
    Anyway, some people were giving out to me that I wasn't eating enough and I explained my situation to them but they kept saying it to me ALL weekend and I kept giving them the same answer! It really annoyed me that they were getting on my back like that. It was only 3 days out of my whole life, I wasn't doing it on purpose and I explained that everything would be back to normal on Monday when I could go grocery shopping. I was so frustrated and felt bad about myself, especially last night, but there was nothing I could do. (What annoyed me more is that if they looked back through my diary they would see that this wasn't normal behavior for me, I usually get my minimum daily goal in, so it wasn't something I was going to make a habit of.)

    Sorry to vent ladies, but even though it was a pretty good weekend for me, I felt like crap this morning because people were giving out to me over something that was literally only lasting the weekend. Im back to normal now as I went grocery shopping this morning so hopefully these other people will get off my back. I know they're only looking out for me but once was enough to say it when I told them it was only a temporary thing.

    OKAY! Now that that is off my chest, I am ready to get back into action this week! It's a short week for me here as I will be jetting off to Malaga in Spain for my uncles wedding on Thursday morning! Sooooo excited! Will be gone for 5 days but will hopefully try to log on while Im over there :) I will be trying my HARDEST to stay on track over there as the following weekend is my birthday so I dont want to have gained anything for my birthday except lots and lots of compliments! :laugh:

    I also bought a dress for the wedding...in a SIZE 10(UK)! What?! Yes you heard me correctly! Never before I have I been so excited to wear a dress! My family wont believe it when they see me in a size 10! Im going for the shock factor! :noway:

    So Im going to be weighing in on Wednesday morning and posting my new measurements for the end of the month as well. Im so excited! Hopefully I'll have another loss by Wednesday but if not, Im still going to be happier than Ive ever been on a holiday!

    So here's hoping you all had a good Easter and are ready to kick butt this week :)
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Happy to report in this Monday. I stayed under calories ALL WEEKEND! I worked out each day too. I finished up week one of Insanity on Saturday, then Sunday was supposed to be a rest day, but it was such a nice morning I took Archie on a mile walk, then I took Roxy on a mile walk. Once we got to my parents for Easter dinner I got my husband to go on a walk with Lukas and I as well. So I ended up walking over 3 miles :)

    Saturday during the day wasn't difficult at all for me, but Saturday night my husband, my friend and I went to Novi for a friends birthday. Thankfully I can pass up cake and cookies very easily as I'm allergic to chicken eggs so no temptation there! She had jello shots and all sorts of other goodies, but I had already agreed to be the DD so I just drank water.

    Easter dinner I convinced my family to go more of a healthy route, we found a recipe for cheesy potatoes that was 400 calories less than the one she normally makes, we had broccoli and fresh strawberries as well. I also only had one glass of Sangria, which is surprising haha :laugh:

    Hoping the good weekend will help out with a better weigh in this Friday! I'd love to see the 160's again :smile: Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend with family and friends. If you didn't stay on track, just get back on the wagon today!!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Positive: 1) I didn't have any desserts this weekend, yay! 2) Went to Olive garden and didn't order a full size meal. I ordered the minestrome soup, salad, took sips from my honey's mango lemonade and had some of his pasta. The salad was delicious, but I couldn't finish my soup. I was too full. I call this progress! Trust me when I say that I would've eaten at least half of a full plate had I ordered a regular meal.
    Negative: We had several photoshoots this weekend (hubby is a photographer) and went all over town, so it was hard to keep track of my intake.

    I will be heading to the gym today, so excited! :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    On the other hand I wasn't entirely happy with my food intake this weekend. It's not that I went over calories but I didn't reach my minimum calorie goal any day over the weekend :cry: Unfortunately I didn't do a good grocery shop last week and I didn't have enough food in my house to last me the weekend so I had to ration everything out and get as close to 1200 cals as I could everyday. Somedays I was pretty low and it wasn't on purpose I just didn't have enough food stocked in my house. (Was working at home all weekend and couldn't get to the shops)
    Anyway, some people were giving out to me that I wasn't eating enough and I explained my situation to them but they kept saying it to me ALL weekend and I kept giving them the same answer! It really annoyed me that they were getting on my back like that. It was only 3 days out of my whole life, I wasn't doing it on purpose and I explained that everything would be back to normal on Monday when I could go grocery shopping. I was so frustrated and felt bad about myself, especially last night, but there was nothing I could do. (What annoyed me more is that if they looked back through my diary they would see that this wasn't normal behavior for me, I usually get my minimum daily goal in, so it wasn't something I was going to make a habit of.)

    I also bought a dress for the wedding...in a SIZE 10(UK)! What?! Yes you heard me correctly! Never before I have I been so excited to wear a dress! My family wont believe it when they see me in a size 10! Im going for the shock factor! :noway:

    You have been doing so amazing. I am sure people were just worried that you were going to stall you progress by puttinug your body inuto starvationu mode. Hope you get to the store today and restock. Have fun at the weddinug. You need to post a pic of you and your new dress when you get back!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I also bought a dress for the wedding...in a SIZE 10(UK)! What?! Yes you heard me correctly! Never before I have I been so excited to wear a dress! My family wont believe it when they see me in a size 10! Im going for the shock factor! :noway:

    I looked up the conversion to US sizes. Excellent job! :drinker: I wish I could fit into that size at a (slightly) lower wieght than you are. I obviously need to work on toning some. :embarassed:
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    Okay for this weeks challenge I am going to do 25 miles on the treadmill...between walking and jogging. I have already met a 15 mile and 20 mile goal this year so I am going to push for 25 between Monday and Friday...Wish me luck!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Check your e-mail ladies! =)

    Post your challenge plans here (thanks, Kim for starting it off!)

    I was aiming for 15 but NOW I am going to change that to 20!
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    OK, I'm going to try for a total of 15 miles using both the treadmill and outside (weather depending...looks pretty depressing though this week in Detroit). I wish my elliptical used some type of actual measurement, well, it might, I just don't know what the units are that it calculates distance in.