What is your Why moment/reason for Joining My Fitness Pal?



  • pinkchrome
    pinkchrome Posts: 14 Member
    I saw a picture of me in my favorite dress that I wore ALL the time. When I asked how come no one told me how horrible it looked on me they all shrugged which I took it as "you're fat, its not the dress."

    I started MFP because I found an app for it in the marketplace. Found it to be easier than WW..
  • DJKenn
    DJKenn Posts: 17
    My brother and his wife were logging their food intake on MFP when I came to visit them last week. I've been working out since January, but had not lost any substantial weight. So, I decided to join so I could track my food. I'm having fun so far. That was the moment.

    My reasons are: to try and gain a more accurate self-image of myself, to look good in my recital dress, and to be a little slimmer when I shave my head (I'm participating in Bald for Bucks).