A question for heavier men about calorie intake-from a lovin



  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    rmseverson's husband is right. You've got to find what works for you. If you can't lose on 1900 a day. Adjust it by 200 calories and try at 2100. Along with that shake things up at the gym, do things that really push you to the point that you don't think you can go. 500 calories is a good burn, but he really needs to shoot for at least 850, burnt calories are burnt calories. Every week push yourself harder and farther.

    Make sure he is also getting all the vitamins he needs as well.
  • bruceseverson
    More on my comments (I am the husband who commented above) - Also try to gradually add fiber to your diet. Most diet plans greatly underestimate the appropriate amount of fiber that the normal person should eat. My doctors have told me to aim for 40 grams of fiber per day (which I seldom hit, but I get close). I use cold-milled flax seed added to yogurt or high fiber cereal, and eat a lot of vegetables. Also, I drink between 25 and 30 cups of water every day. As far as vitamins, I take a multi-vitamin specifically for my age with Selenium, a calcium citrate supplement, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Fish Oil Supplement, and Milk Thistle. I try to eat a very good breakfast, with less for lunch and a moderate dinner, approximately 50%-20%-30% split. Again, however, everyone is different, and it would be a good idea for your husband to speak to a registered dietician to go over meal planning and supplementation, especially if he has health issues.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • ParkersMomma2010
    ParkersMomma2010 Posts: 99 Member
    More on my comments (I am the husband who commented above) - Also try to gradually add fiber to your diet. Most diet plans greatly underestimate the appropriate amount of fiber that the normal person should eat. My doctors have told me to aim for 40 grams of fiber per day (which I seldom hit, but I get close). I use cold-milled flax seed added to yogurt or high fiber cereal, and eat a lot of vegetables. Also, I drink between 25 and 30 cups of water every day. As far as vitamins, I take a multi-vitamin specifically for my age with Selenium, a calcium citrate supplement, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Fish Oil Supplement, and Milk Thistle. I try to eat a very good breakfast, with less for lunch and a moderate dinner, approximately 50%-20%-30% split. Again, however, everyone is different, and it would be a good idea for your husband to speak to a registered dietician to go over meal planning and supplementation, especially if he has health issues.

    Thank you so much for posting! He definitely does need to be put on a multivitamin but does take Fish Oil for his heart. I like your percentages for how you split up your caloric intake. I still think we may see the registered dietician. Thanks for the advice!!!
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    I`m 6'3, weigh about 265 now, I exercise 4-5 times a week and eat 2200-2400 calories per day.

    That results in 1-2 lbs loss per week.

    If I only eat 1800 cals in a day or have lower calories for a couple days, I find it very hard to get through a work out session.

    I eat often, 5 or 6 times a day and break my calories down like this:

    Breakfast: 500 cal
    snack: 300 cals (granola bar + 1 fruit)
    lunch: 500 cal
    snack: 300 cal (crakers and cheese)
    supper: 500 cal
    snack: 300 cal (protein shake after my workout)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i'm 6'2 when i started mfp i was 285 and allotted 2120 cals and have so far lost 30 lbs at that intake.. currently i'm at a plateau and am trying to make adjustments to get the ball rolling
  • Dbow0207
    Dbow0207 Posts: 220 Member
    Tell him dont sweat it, we all loose weight at different paces. I'm at 1820 a day, and I try to stay there no matter what exercise I do. Is he eating back the amount of calories that he worked off? He may want to lower his in or eat different type of foods. Does he lift weights too? You burn more calories with weights. Does he snack or sneak junk food and not log it? Its easy to revert back to old habits if you think that eating it here and there and not note it. I'm sure you're not together 24/7
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I am not as large as he is (right now 6' and 191 pounds) but I have been eating around 2200 calories a day average and losing about 1.5 to 2 pounds per week. That is with exercise every day, some days just walking a lot.
  • cdbillups
    cdbillups Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'11" and when I started MFP I weighed in at 250lbs. I think my caloric intake then was around 1600 calories. I work a desk job and didn't figure I'd exercise much. When I filled out my profile, I picked Sedentary lifestyle with 3 - 30 minute exercise sessions a week. As long as I stuck to the calories (or try to end each day with around 100 calories left) I lost weight. The only time I did any exercise was to work calories back off from eating too much at any particular meal. This worked for me for the first 35 pounds, losing around 2-4 pounds a week. Then I hit the proverbial wall and didn't lose anything for three weeks. The only way I got the scale to budge again was to start walking during my morning and afternoon breaks at work. I can get a mile in during my 20 minute break. Since then, the weight has started coming off again. I think now my caloric intake is right around 1350 and my current weight is 206. Not sure any of this information helps but it sounds like we both started from roughly the same place just took different paths.
  • ParkersMomma2010
    ParkersMomma2010 Posts: 99 Member
    Wow Im getting ready to have my husband read this thread. Thanks again to all that responded. I really feel him not eating enough is the main issue especially with working out 5 times a week. Now to make sure its all healthy calories he takes in:bigsmile:
  • surv8r
    surv8r Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'-10". I started MFP 6 weeks ago at 260lbs, I'm at 235 now.

    I work approx 75% office / 25% outdoors. When I filled out my profile, I picked Sedentary lifestyle with 4 - 30 minute exercise sessions a week. I recently revised it to 5 - 40 minute sessions.

    My calorie intake is 1540 / day, and I rarely eat that much, and have never ate my banked calories.

    On average I consume 200 cal breakfast, 300-400 for lunch & 400-500 for dinner, with a mid afternoon snack of usually 100 calories.

    My excercise consists of walking & jogging, and I recently seriously started the C25K program.

    My weekly loss has ranged from 1.5lbs to 7 lbs, with no difference in my daily routine.

    Tell him to hang in there!
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    So hubby and I have decided we are going to lose weight after having our first child. We joined the gym mid February and I am about 10lbs away from my goal weight but hubby is struggling to drop the weight despite exercising 5 days a week and eating right.

    This is my question? My hubby is 5'8 and 259lbs so on the heavier side (although I personally like bigger men :wink: ) Can any of you guys on here share with me your caloric intake for the day that you successfully lost weight at a healthy but consistent pace. Hubby is starting to get discouraged and I really am very proud of him but the weight is not coming off like we anticipated for him.

    I think the hardest part is that I have set my daily intake for 1200 calories and I know that is way too low for him but we both generally eat the same way. Plus at the gym he is burning 500+ calories. I think he is alloted 1900 plus those 500+. We need lots of hope and experience. The doctor wants him to get to 165lbs and suggested Gastic Bypass or lapband but we have chosen not to take that route.

    Thank ya'll for reading this and for your suggestions and input!!!:smooched:

    I am glad you did not choose to go with surgery. MFP is a much better way. What kind of exercise is your hubby doing? I started at 350lbs Jan 24th working out 3 days a week for 1/2 hour. In March I kicked up to 5 days a week with the same 30 min routine. About 15 min on an elliptical and 15-20 min on weights. I did drop 30 lbs doing that. The last week and a half I have been doing P90X at home instead of the gym, the workouts are about an hour long and I burn about twice the calories I was doing at the gym with makes sense because it is twice as long. The difference is I was not that sore from the gym, even if I increased the weights. P90X has me sore as hell, but in a good way. You don't really state what his workout is like, but interval/circuit training will work well. Keep using different muscle groups to keep the body from getting used to a certain workout.

    My caloric intake has been 2040 + 600ish in exercise calories if I can get them all in. I try to eat at least 1/2 of them back. This is with a 2lb a week deficit settings. Tell him it can be done, but if he is not feeling sore he is not working his body the way he needs too.
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    accurate calorie counts and clean eating make the difference.
    get a hrm for exercise calories and subtract out your bmr from what it reads.
    get a good kitchen scale and measure everything that goes in your mouth.
    make some similar MFP friends, share your struggles and successes
    i'm doing this as a new life, not a diet.
    i was scared to death of lap band because bypass wrecked my mom
    she ended up drinking coke and oreo cookies round the clock and only stopped when she puked more than she swallowed.
    besides i'm strong enough to choose good health without gimmicks
    my diary is open and i'm looking for hubby's friend invite
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    accurate calorie counts and clean eating make the difference.
    get a hrm for exercise calories and subtract out your bmr from what it reads.
    get a good kitchen scale and measure everything that goes in your mouth.
    make some similar MFP friends, share your struggles and successes
    i'm doing this as a new life, not a diet.
    i was scared to death of lap band because bypass wrecked my mom
    she ended up drinking coke and oreo cookies round the clock and only stopped when she puked more than she swallowed.
    besides i'm strong enough to choose good health without gimmicks
    my diary is open and i'm looking for hubby's friend invite