MFP Runner's Club, July 25



  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    Hi Everyone and HAPPY Friday!!!

    I have a question which may be stupid, but I'm going to ask anyway and please answer honestly....

    Last night I did 45 mins on the elliptical for a distance of 4.25 miles. *Now this is where my inexperience comes in* To me, the elliptical is similar to a running motion without the impact. If first off that notion is wrong, the rest is worthless, but anyway...if I was able to do that time/miles without completely dying, how much harder is it going to be to actually be running???

    Sorry if this is confusing and if I am completely wrong in my thinking.

    Thanks for your help on this!!!

    Theresa: It will be different because a: you don't have a machine helping you (unless you plan to run on the treadmill), and b: the impact is missing. However, if you are doing the couch to 5K, it is a gradual process, and you will grow with it. HTH

    I will chime in as I do both - I find the elliptical to be a completely different experience when it comes to using your core muscles. Running engages your core much more effectively, whereas the elliptical has your arms moving much more than running. The impact of running is definitely a factor too. Also, elliptical uses your leg muscles differently, so you will feel the burn/soreness different as well.

    I cannot wait to hear your progress once you start the couch to 5K program - I think you are really going to like it.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    I posted it last night that I mapped out a 6.4 miles course for me to run this morning, and I did it.
    I can't believe it, but that is the same as a 10k.
    I never ran that far even before when I was healthy before I was sick. I had only gone 5.5 miles before. This site is great to really get you motivated!

    And I ran at least 6.2 miles of it. Once I started, I ran all the way.
    (My daughter is at a friends this morning, so she didn't go with)

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is awesome!!! so happy for you!!! Isn't it the greatest feeling! Did you have permagrin when you finished!??! I know I did!! I told everyone that would stop and listen!!
  • runnerwithstyle
    runnerwithstyle Posts: 146 Member
    I did 3.5 today!
  • jdtrainer
    jdtrainer Posts: 160
    Great work everyone!!

    I did my plyometrics workout this morning. My legs are still sore from my muscle pulls, but I was able to do about 95% of the exercises.

  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    I would like to join the runners club. I have taken a break for the last couple weeks (still doing other exercise), but am going to get back on the road.
  • jdtrainer
    jdtrainer Posts: 160
    Welcome mamakitty! I think you will find this to be a very supportive group.

  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    Welcome mamakitty! This is a great group to be a part of.

    Today I did 45 minutes of treading water and tomorrow is off.

    Hope everybody has a great weekend! I'll let you know how my half-marathon goes on Sunday.

  • I posted it last night that I mapped out a 6.4 miles course for me to run this morning, and I did it.
    I can't believe it, but that is the same as a 10k.
    I never ran that far even before when I was healthy before I was sick. I had only gone 5.5 miles before. This site is great to really get you motivated!

    congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is awesome!!! so happy for you!!! Isn't it the greatest feeling! Did you have permagrin when you finished!??! I know I did!! I told everyone that would stop and listen!!

    I did have a permagrin and emailed everyone right away!
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