Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - April Challenge!!



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Weighed in at 191 friday morning. Loving this new weight training program I'm doing.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Way to go, hroush!! What kind of program is it? I just do bodyweight circuits.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey All! Long time no talk! Been a crazy weekend of wonderfulness!!!! Yesterday I ran my first ever 5k. Low and behold we get at the starting line and they say the reason we called today a "Supper" 5k is due to the fact that the route is actually close to 4.5 miles. All I could think was WTF! I barely thought I was ready to do a freaking 5k let alone tack on another mile +!!!! So I just chilled myself out and said just focus on the distance of the the 5k portion and walk the rest if you have to! I had told everyone my goal was to get below 40 minutes for the 5k but secretly I really wanted to get below 35... So I put my app on that told me distances with my music playing in one ear and started off. And guess WHAT! I totally did the 5k in just under 35 minutes. After that I was pretty beat so I figured I would walk but I just kept jogging along at a much slower pace and ended up running the entire 4.35 miles! Craziness- my total time was 51minutes and change. I am just so proud that I ran the whole thing.

    The rest of the day consisted of a nice healthy family barbecue for my mom's birthday! All in a ll a great weekend. Already gearing up for another 5k May 8th and then one on June 19th! Now I just have to get my lifting routine back down and I will be kicking major *kitten* again!!!!

    Hope all is well- sounds like everyone is really doing a great job. Will try to catch up individually later :bigsmile:

  • shannonaufman
    Awesome, hroush!! That's a great weigh-in!! I bet that made your weekend better! :)

    Meag - I'm kind of on the other end of the spectrum as you. I'm super close with my family. I had a whole lot of sibling rivalry with my brother and sister growing up. They're a good bit younger than me, but as we've entered adulthood a lot has changed. I talk to my siblings and parents pretty much every day. But, oddly enough, I feel the way you do with your family toward some of my friends. I should kind of explain some back-story. I moved to Memphis to be with my then fiance, now husband. Since we started dating, I've become good friends with his good friends. They are great people, don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with them and have a blast when we are all together. But... they're not my friends. They've all known each other for 10+ years, and I'm at least 5 years younger than all of them. So I want to go out to the bar sometimes, and they're content to have a few drinks at home. And sometimes they make me feel really immature compared to them (although sometimes I feel extremely mature compared to them...) All of my good friends live at least 30 minutes away, so I only get to see them every now and again. So I'm kind of the opposite. If I got to choose my family, I would choose the family I was born to. No question. But, sometimes I feel like I didn't get a choice in the people I call my 'friends' right now. I am super happy with my life and the people I call my friends, but sometimes I wish I had my own group of people to hang out with. I don't know. This is a very recent realization for me, so I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head, haha.

    AFM - I ran week 6 day 2 of couch to 5k today (run 10 minutes, walk 3 minutes, run 10 minutes). The first ten were awesome. I picked up the pace and kicked my *kitten* up the road. I pushed myself and felt really great. But then I lost that momentum during the 3 minute run, and the second 10 minutes were miserable. I felt sooo slowww and it felt like the 10 minutes would never end. I just couldn't get it together. I finished it, but at one point I had the thought to just lay down on the sidewalk and take a little nap and resume later! :laugh: Now that I've finished week 6 day 2, it's all running from here on out. No more walk-breaks. Which, after today, I'm starting to think is a good thing. Now that I can run for 20+ minutes without walking, I almost feel like the walk breaks just break my momentum and disrupt my mental plan. But, come Wednesday, when I am facing a 25-minute run... I'm sure I'll be begging for a walk break. I'm too complicated sometimes. Ugh.

    So a question for all you *kitten*-kickin folks: I weigh in every day and log my daily weight on a site that calculates a moving average. So here's my question: I forgot to weigh in this morning, and weighed in after my run. I know I sweated out a good bit of water weight, and my weight was 1 pound lower than my weight yesterday. Should I just pat myself on the back and log that weight? I guess I'm asking... do you weigh yourself after working out? What are your thoughts on weighing after a workout?
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    i weight myself after working out sometimes, little bit of motivation but i take it with a grain of salt..and wouldnt log it. wait until tomorrow and see if it sticks.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone, It was a busy weekend with lots of drinking and yummy food. I am not going to feel guilty. I am easing back into life and I know some weekends are going to be crazy as far and food and drinks go. I had a lot of fun and was as smart as possible, but I will have to get better if I want to lose this weight. I am back on track today and tracked everything I ate so far. Planning to have some veggie udon soup for lunch since I didn't have a chance to make anything this morning/last night. I am busy for the next few weeks so I have to just do the best I can. Ready to take this one full force! The good thing is I was able to workout saturday and I plan to workout again tomorrow.. RIght now I am just trying to get through the day :) sooo tired from all the fun festivities hehe.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Monday all!! Apparently my post from earlier never made it onto the site so I'm gonna try again!!

    Cait - great job on the run!! I never thought I would miss running but I feel so accomplished about something when I'm done that I have actually missed it these past few weeks that I haven't been running.

    Kandace - welcome back girly!! And great job on the sobriety!! Thats a lot of hard work and a huge accomplishment. So now that you are healthy in that sense, it might just make it easier for the rest of your "healthy" lifestyle just to fall into place.

    Meag - I think families are different for everyone. I have always been really close with my immediate family and my mom's side of the family. My brother is like one of my best friends. But as my parents move to Arizona, I feel that I need to find a new sense of family for myself or a new support system. Family is what you make of it. Sometimes the people you were born just aren't suitable for your needs. Hopefully you and Ty will be able to make it work for the both of you.

    AFM...I have finally made it back on the wagon and hoping to have a stronger grip this time and a longer ride. Weighed in this morning even though its not my usual weigh in day but wanted to get a starting point. I packed my breakfast and lunch for work today and my gym clothes are waiting in the car so that I can go for a run after work. The bf and I didn't have a great night on Saturday and he has been distant since then. I asked him if everything was ok as soon as he dropped me off and he said yes but his actions are speaking differently. I'm hoping to get some answers from him today. And I'm proud of myself for not turning to food to cope with this. A new day...A new beginning!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    First off- CAIT PHENOMONAL RUN CHICA!!!! You super kicked *kitten*$
    So a question for all you *kitten*-kickin folks: I weigh in every day and log my daily weight on a site that calculates a moving average. So here's my question: I forgot to weigh in this morning, and weighed in after my run. I know I sweated out a good bit of water weight, and my weight was 1 pound lower than my weight yesterday. Should I just pat myself on the back and log that weight? I guess I'm asking... do you weigh yourself after working out? What are your thoughts on weighing after a workout?

    Shannon, I weigh in ALL the time, I just love playin around with what has what effect. That being said, my weight after a morning workout is often lighter than what I would have normally logged, but it also usually sticks. I would log it for your records and just mentally keep track of the fact that it was post workout. If it goes up, don't let it get to you, now you know thats how your body reacts to a workout. If it sticks- well then SWEET!
  • shannonaufman
    Meg - I'm the same way. I love weighing myself. I definitely don't let it get to me -- I know full well I fluctuate like crazy over the course of a day. I usually weigh myself first thing in the morning and log that one, but forgot today... I'll definitely make note of it and hopefully it'll stick around. I want that pound gone! haha.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Alright you running vets on here! Need some advice. Still just doing the 5k's for quite some time. No real interest in going any further than that at this point. SO here is the question. What's my next step. I looked up some 5k training plans and found the Hal Higdon 5k training. I guess I am just not sure if I should go with his Novice training plan or his intermediate plan to get some intervals in. Maybe a mix of the two?

    Would love to hear thoughts or if you have any other suggestions. The nice thing is the June 5k I want to do is 9 weeks away so that gives me lots of time to really focus on stuff! :bigsmile: Never ever thought I would get this sucked in to running!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    finncmh- I love hal hidgens training plans! I would say go for intermediate and see how you feel. If it is too challenging you can always go down to novice. :) I hope this helps.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Ok I;m just gonna toss out all the stuff I have in my brain and explain it as best I can. I train a bit more "train-ish" than some people, but less than others.

    Here's a list of the workouts I like to keep on hand. At the beginning of the week I plan out which 3-4 I'm going to do, and often adjust around life/mood:

    Long Run- For you I would run it about 3.5-4m distance, just to make that 5k dist seem less intimidating. Run slower than your 5k pace
    ~~~Med Length wkouts~~~
    Fartlek or Intervals- Fartleks are just "Sprint when you want" kind of free for all. I like intervals because they are more measured. I usually run either run distance intervals-- ie Run .25 miles (400m) 20s per min faster than your race pace and then walk .05 mi --or timed intervals -ie Sprint 30s, Jog 2min, Walk 1 min. Intervals will allow you to train for speed a bit. Make them about 2-2.5 mi.
    Race Pace- A little shorter than your race- maybe about 2-2.5m- to train goal paces.
    Mellow Run- Medium to short distance- can go as low as 1.5 or as long as 3m- This is usually just a recovery kind of run- like I just need to feel the comfort of running.
    ~~~Shorter Distance~~~
    Tempo- for you proly 1-1.5 mi, (I do about 2m for this). Start at your comfy pace and gradually increase your speed and then bring it back down. So for example, I run 2.25 miles this is what my goal breakdown looks like:

    .25 - 2:45 (5.5 mph/11min mi)
    .25 - 2:30 (6.0 mph/10 min mi)
    .25 - 2:30 (6.0 mph/10 min mi)
    .25 - 2:15 (6.7 mph/ 9 min mi)
    .25 - 2:00 (7.5 moh/ 8min mi)
    .25 - 2:15 (6.7 mph/ 9 min mi)
    .25 - 2:30 (6.0 mph/10 min mi)
    .25 - 2:30 (6.0 mph/10 min mi)
    .25 - 2:45 (5.5 mph/11min mi)

    So those are the Gonks sanctioned workouts. Don't feel super overwhelmed- you don't need to do every kind of workout every week, they are just different kinds I like to rotate around. As a beginning runner, you really only need a long run 1x every other week, the mellow run should be your meat and potatoes. I just like to have options and get bored really easily.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Ok I;m just gonna toss out all the stuff I have in my brain and explain it as best I can. I train a bit more "train-ish" than some people, but less than others.

    Here's a list of the workouts I like to keep on hand. At the beginning of the week I plan out which 3-4 I'm going to do, and often adjust around life/mood:

    Long Run- For you I would run it about 3.5-4m distance, just to make that 5k dist seem less intimidating. Run slower than your 5k pace
    ~~~Med Length wkouts~~~
    Fartlek or Intervals- Fartleks are just "Sprint when you want" kind of free for all. I like intervals because they are more measured. I usually run either run distance intervals-- ie Run .25 miles (400m) 20s per min faster than your race pace and then walk .05 mi --or timed intervals -ie Sprint 30s, Jog 2min, Walk 1 min. Intervals will allow you to train for speed a bit. Make them about 2-2.5 mi.
    Race Pace- A little shorter than your race- maybe about 2-2.5m- to train goal paces.
    Mellow Run- Medium to short distance- can go as low as 1.5 or as long as 3m- This is usually just a recovery kind of run- like I just need to feel the comfort of running.
    ~~~Shorter Distance~~~
    Tempo- for you proly 1-1.5 mi, (I do about 2m for this). Start at your comfy pace and gradually increase your speed and then bring it back down. So for example, I run 2.25 miles this is what my goal breakdown looks like:

    .25 - 2:45 (5.5 mph/11min mi)
    .25 - 2:30 (6.0 mph/10 min mi)
    .25 - 2:30 (6.0 mph/10 min mi)
    .25 - 2:15 (6.7 mph/ 9 min mi)
    .25 - 2:00 (7.5 moh/ 8min mi)
    .25 - 2:15 (6.7 mph/ 9 min mi)
    .25 - 2:30 (6.0 mph/10 min mi)
    .25 - 2:30 (6.0 mph/10 min mi)
    .25 - 2:45 (5.5 mph/11min mi)

    So those are the Gonks sanctioned workouts. Don't feel super overwhelmed- you don't need to do every kind of workout every week, they are just different kinds I like to rotate around. As a beginning runner, you really only need a long run 1x every other week, the mellow run should be your meat and potatoes. I just like to have options and get bored really easily.

    You're a machine!!!! Thank you :bigsmile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK I really only have 10 mins before dinner... A few quick comments though! I'll update on my life later - Today's been a rollercoaster :ohwell:

    Shannon - I feel ya with the friends situation! In my case, Tyler is BEST friends with all his cousins. They are one big giant happy family. It's almost "too good to be true" IMO. Part of me wonders how much of it is forced. I've only seen snippets of it, here and there, but they hang out a fair bit when Tyler goes home to visit and have regularly scheduled "cousins get-togethers". I feel really selfish thinking this but I just don't want his family as my "social circle". I want us to make friends that are OUR friends, and that are OUR choosing. Not his. And not his relatives. There's just so much hang-up there... And, TBH, as nice and friendly as they are, they just aren't really the type of people I'd ever choose to be friends with. We all get along GREAT, but we don't have a whole lot in common. And obviously I feel the need to censor myself somewhat around them. It's not even intention, but just a function of not wanting to look like an *kitten* around his family.

    I guess my situation is a bit different. My parents and I are VERY close. We live together and spend nearly every day together. My brother and I had a very turbulent adolescence together and it's just easier for us to live separate lives. We both recognize that and have accommodated it. I feel no sense of loss in that regard, whatsoever. I guess I just really crave close family-like relationships with people that I feel can understand me and relate to me, with people who share common interests, or who at least FEIGN an effort and interest in my life. With family, apart from my parents, I don't feel any of those things.

    CAIT! Holy moley you're AMAZING :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Gonks pretty much laid it out. Awesome advice as always from the Gonks school of *kitten*-kicking. My runs (when I'm training) are usually one of the following variety...

    Pace run (Sat)- the day before a long run, I run easy about 3miles. I run it at my long-run pace (which is about 10:30) - so it's just to warm up the legs and get them all prepped for my long run. This is usually the day after my Rest Day (Fri)
    Long run (Sun) - Exactly that - my longest run. I try to increase my distance by 10% or so every week, and every 3-4 weeks taper a bit and either have a shorter race weekend (rest Fri, race Sat, rest Sun) or just cut my long run to about 60%. I run a 9:1 run/walk interval to keep my pace up and try to make each mile faster than the last so I start slowwww. Much, much slower than I feel is necessary. It really seems silly at the time but seriously helps.
    Intervals - WU for 3-5 mins walking, then run anywhere from 5-12 400m speed intervals with either 400m of jogging/walking or 90secs of walking in between, depending on how much time I want to spend on my feet. This is easiest of all on a TM and Ive never tried it outside. I find I really can't focus on my time and distance much while I'm outdoors so I just stick with the TM. Each week I would add one extra interval. So I'd start with 5 or 6 intervals (2 @ 6.0mph, 2 @ 6.5mph, and 2 @ 6.7mph) and then add increase the number of intervals each week. Once a week is MORE than enough.
    Tempo - My tempos are different from Gonks... I set a time between 20 and 45 mins (for 1/2 marathon training) for my tempo and divide it up into smaller increments. I warm up walk/jog for 5 mins and then start out my tempo portion. If I'm tempo running for 20 mins I'll start at 5.5mph and each 2.5mins I'll increase my speed by a few notches.... Would look something like:

    5mins WU
    2.5mins @ 5.5mph
    2.5mins @ 5.6mph
    2.5mins @ 5.7mph
    2.5mins @ 5.8mph
    2.5mins @ 6.0mph
    2.5mins @ 6.2mph
    1min @ 6.3mph
    1min @ 6.4mph
    1min @ 6.5mph
    1min @ 6.6 mph
    1min @ 7.0mph
    5mins CD

    By the last minute I am usually DYING but I know that I can always, always, always run "one more minute"... So the increments help. And being able to constantly fool around with the speeds keeps my mind from wandering too much to thinking about how f*cking exhausted I am. This is truly the most difficult run I do, but it's also the more satisfying. Strongly recommend trying out something similar if you have a TM handy.

    Oh and lastly - Fun run - Once or twice a month run somewhere new, at whatever pace is comfy, with someone you love spending time with and just enjoy the run. It's a nice break from training and helps to remind you to pleasure out of each and every run because those runs are helping to build up your endurance and get your body to a place where it's capable of doing so much more than you ever thought possible.

    Hope this helps! :heart: Be back later, folks!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-thanks girl!! and way to get out there and keep on are right though, running a 5K is NOT done on the treadmill, and it is totally different running on pavement vs a treadmill, so keep on pushing yourself outside and you will see that 3 miles again before you know it! Congrats on the loss too! :flowerforyou:

    Meag-sounds like you did pretty great this weekend! as far as relationships with family goes...I am kinda on the same page as you....I NEVER talk to my cousins, aunt, uncle, or dad. I RARELY talk to my bro...and I also don't talk to my mom that often....even though she is the only one that lives in NV and she watches my son every other week while I work...I maybe see her like 3 times/month and talk to her only a handful/ month too! I am ok with is all about who you wanna surround yourself with and what you enjoy doing...I will never be one of those people who goes to church on holidays with my mom just to make her happy...when it is totally against what I believe in as a person. Chili sounds yummy...its quite a bit diff then how I make mine...but I do tend to use a lot of frozen and low sodium canned products to cook due to the convience of it.

    Eleanor-I think that if your body wants to stop where you are...and you are within 2lbs of your goal and happy...then go for it!! Your happiness is all that matters on this journey! I am sure that you will do great on focusing on the gym and exercise! :wink:

    Lovelee-congrats on the loss!! you are half way there and still have 2 weeks to right on track!! WTG!

    hroush-congrats on your weight this morning!! keep it up, you are doing great!

    Cait-you still are kicking major *kitten*!! CONGRATS on your "bulked" up 5k!! you killed it girly! I can't wait to see how much you improve your time on your next 5k! You can do anything that you put your mind keep it up! :drinker:

    Shannon-first of all...great job on your run! As far as the weighing in goes...I personally think that it is better to way in first thing when you get up, before you eat/drink/or workout; however, I think that the most important thing is consistency...if you weigh in before your workout every day then I would not count that weighin from after your workout today.

    Bethany-welcome back! and I am sure that everything will blow over with you and the bf, but in the meantime, great job not turning to food to solve this! :smile:

    AFM-a little toss up this mom is thinkin of moving out of state and this was the week that she had my son...well she got a ticket to PA and interview...and found out that she is leaving tomorrow @ 10am!! SO.....I decided to call in sick for tonight and tomorrow...not only does this give me more time with my son...which is cool, but it also gives me more freedom to eat whatever I feel like (which is not)...gotta keep my fingers crossed that I have learned some self control in the past few months...wish me luck!:blushing:
  • CaptainJim157
    Hello :)
    So last week was my birthday & I bought the Kinect for Xbox 360 :) I thought it'd be a nice fun way to get exercise, well,... I was definitely on the ball with that one ^^ I have a few games for it, but a couple days ago I bought "The Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout" for it, I've actually been doing okay keeping up with Bob & Jillian, :) I just finished my workout today & burned 121 calories in 24 min, but I also did a lot of shopping today, so in total I burned almost 1000 calories ^^ Go me! *Screams in Joy* :P
    I'm going to go shopping tomorrow again (gotta meet my mom at her work, (walmart) so that'll be about an hour or two of walking)
    Also gonna do TBL exercise on Kinect again tomorrow night.
    I put in my food for tomorrow, I noticed I made a lot of healthier choices, it's still tough to stick with them, but I'm sure if I keep sticking with it it'll get easier, I gotta remember, this is a lifestyle change! Not a diet, ^^
    Cheers girls! Talk to you all tomorrow :) Hope ya had an awesome Monday! :^D
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey folks. Well I should be getting to sleep soon, but I'm going to post quickly.

    My trip to the GPs was hit and miss today. Lots of good came out of it, and lots of progress on some serious issues I was having, but some bad as well. Run down:

    1) Finally feel justified and like less of a "whiner" complaining about the cold all winter since my doctor seems absolutely horrified at how cold and purple/blue my hands and feet were after about 45 mins of being inside today (it's above freezer here today). I've been very frustrated with people saying "all young women your age get cold during the winters... It's so common" when I am perpetually so cold that I can't focus, use my hands at all, and have to expend all my energy just to keep myself from crying. Thank goodness she's ordered some tests and I can finally get some kind of explanation for it...

    2) She ordered a BUNCH of tests to make sure there's no reason other than fitness/weight that I am missing my periods. Lots of tests/blood work/etc.

    3) I got a req' to have my foot assessed to see if orthotics might help, or whether there is legit nerve damage that cannot be treated with surgery. That's a plus! And apparently it'll be free of charge. We'll have to see about that yet...

    4) She expressed genuine concern about how thin I am, and my hip/collar bones being so pronounced. She said I needed to eat more and put on 5-10lbs. This was immediately after explaining how I'd lost 65lbs over 15 months in a really measured and healthy way, was really committed to eating clean, fresh and healthy food, and always aim to eat at least 1600 calories a day. Also explaining that I am/was a dedicated distance runner, lift weights, and spend a lot of time working out.

    FACT: The formerly obese CANNOT handle being told they need to gain weight. At least not this formerly obese person. Seriously.

    I was very overwhelmed by her statements, naturally, and tried to ask her how exactly she wanted me to gain weight. I have no intention to gain 10lbs of fat to keep anyone else happy. She had no suggestions - just "eat more". Well, eat more of what? Nothing. Very very frustrating and upsetting. I'm at a loss but I'm trying to ignore it. Just going to keep doing what I'm doing and try to feel good about where I am in my journey. A few lbs doesn't define me. The scale does not rule my life. I want to feel good about ME and if that means my hip bones protrude a bit then so be it!

    In muuuch better news - I found Arvinda's Indian Spice Blends today on a sweeeet trip to Marilu's Market ( and they smell AMAZING! I cannot wait to use the Madras Masala this week. It smells like the best purchase I've ever made. I really wish I could send some to everyone... I cannot WAIT to make this easy Channa recipe: -- Of course, I plan to make my own version. Any suggestions from the veteran chef's out there? I'm always up for new ideas! I'm definitely going to add some spinach for my own tastes...

    Mike - Happy birthday, again! And great to see you back! Glad you're enjoying the Kinect and getting some sweet new workouts from it. I know that food stuffs are hard for you but it's great to hear you are making healthier choices and trying to log ahead of time. Keep it up!

    Tara - Thanks girl. Definitely trying to cope! And thank you for sharing your family situation with me - sounds similar to mine. Nice to know I'm not the only one :smile: Enjoy your two days off with your son - I'm sure the break is much needed. Don't worry too much about food and just focus on being active and present with your son instead. Get out there and burn some cals doing stuff together and it all balances out :bigsmile:

    Shannon - If you are weighing in every day and it takes the averages anyway, I say count it. Won't skew the results too much but it'll give you an idea of how your weight fluctuates throughout the day. It's all good if it's only for your own records anyway. Just being accountable to yourself, so you know what's up.

    Beth - Thanks for the response :happy: Love how level headed you are, even with everything going on in your life. So glad to have you back and wishing you the best with the boy. Much love coming your way, girl <<hugs>>

    Ohhhh and I ran today. Yeppers. 3.4miles total, about 2.9miles running straight and the rest WU/CD. It was OK. Not terrible and good to know I can still run for 30 mins straight without collapsing. Can't wait to get back into the swing of things once my foot is back to 100%.

    BEDTIME! See you lovelies tomorrow! :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mike(Jim)-which one is it again?! LOL Happy Belated B-day!! Great job on getting in the calories burnt sessions!! and enjoy the kinects...I heard its tons of fun! :smile:

    Meag-WOW!! that's a lot of news to hear all at once!! :noway: I am so glad that she is ordering all of those tests for you...maybe you will find answers to all of the things that have been on your mind these past couple of months (coldness, missed periods, foot)*fingers crossed*!

    -as for when she told you that you needed to GAIN weight...I can imagine how horrified you must have felt with that news! You already know that you are at the bottom of the weight range that you wanna be, and are trying to balance things out to insure that you stay where you should be! :ohwell: You also have been adding more strength sessions that may help get you up a little more even! I would NOT suggest following her advice on just adding more food to your diet to gain a few pounds! For sure get in at least your 1600 that MFP says you should, and try to keep up with your exercise cals the best that you can! you are doing great and sometimes even doctors can be me, I work with plenty of them!! LOL:huh:

    -thanks for the well wishes on my days off...1 day down and 1 to go!

    AFM-well I did great today...within 5 cals of my goal and I even got in an extra workout!! 31min of TBL cardio kicked my *kitten*!! LOL hopin the scale tomorrow looks pretty and sets me up nicely for my WI on Wed :smooched:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    AFM- Ran outside this morning in an attempt to enjoy the cooler weather before it becomes to hot in the mornings. It was a nice 50 degrees this am which wasn't to bad except when the wind blew. I did the mile loop around our office building plus a little more. I'm still getting used to the transition of running on a flat resistance less treadmill and a hilly roads and trails. I do enjoy running outside, and hopefully if I start doing it regularly it will get better. I know I can do the distance, but since pushing my self to hit the 3 miles I haven't gotten there again. I might start concentrating on running outside to really help myself improve in that aspect- I mean 5ks aren't run on treadmills right! Also had my weigh-in this morning! As I had mentioned I had seen a jump up in the scale earlier this week so I was really just hoping to see maintenance. I actually ended up losing .5 lbs :) so I feel good about that. Now I can keep on trucking and keep seeing the scale move in the right direction for the month of April! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!

    Megan...I started running on the TM and had a HARD time with the transition to the outside! In fact I HATED running outside. It does just take time and something new your body has to get use to! Now I hate running on the TM and would rather run outside in the middle of winter than run on the treadmill. Keep at it!!! It will come....if you haven't signed up for a 5k and that is your it! That is all it took for me. I was hooked after that and am looking for races all the time!

    Congrats on the loss too!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Hey All! Long time no talk! Been a crazy weekend of wonderfulness!!!! Yesterday I ran my first ever 5k. Low and behold we get at the starting line and they say the reason we called today a "Supper" 5k is due to the fact that the route is actually close to 4.5 miles. All I could think was WTF! I barely thought I was ready to do a freaking 5k let alone tack on another mile +!!!! So I just chilled myself out and said just focus on the distance of the the 5k portion and walk the rest if you have to! I had told everyone my goal was to get below 40 minutes for the 5k but secretly I really wanted to get below 35... So I put my app on that told me distances with my music playing in one ear and started off. And guess WHAT! I totally did the 5k in just under 35 minutes. After that I was pretty beat so I figured I would walk but I just kept jogging along at a much slower pace and ended up running the entire 4.35 miles! Craziness- my total time was 51minutes and change. I am just so proud that I ran the whole thing.

    Cait...WAY to GO!!!!!! Congrats on the SUPER 5K!!!! Proud of you for pushing through till the end!!!!! :drinker: