Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - April Challenge!!



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Tara- puhshaw. We’ve def had a few 30 somethings along the way. Def stay around. Happy birthday tho! (remember that alcohol tolerance thing tho… :wink: )

    Megan – good luck with the trail run. Keep us posted on how it goes.

    Cait- I :heart: the pig pic too. Have you tried having a day or two where you go over your cals and a day or two where you stay under?

    Meag- Carbs…Don’t carbs. Good luck with the job and such and glad to hear you and Ty have had such a fun day yesterday.

    Rai – I’m glad to hear you are feeling better! Don’t worry about the last couple days, starting over, fresh slate today! You can do it.

    AFM: Softball went really well- met some cool new people and did pretty well. SORE AS HELL today tho. All those muscles I NEVER use- my obliques are sore from hitting and seriously I thought I had squats down, but apparently my butt muscles have forgotten how to set for play (a wide kind of squat) cuz OW. But I get many back rubs and help in my piteousness from the boy. :happy:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-No worries! I will be around as long as no one minds a 30 something in this young group of 20 somethings!! LOL Enjoy your run, and enjoy that mani/pedi...if the girl doesn't go with you, you could always try to talk your boy into it! :laugh:

    Cait-I think things will be great for a few hikes this weekend!! Mid 70's is what the forecast is saying right now *fingers crossed*! It is so great that you are realizing that you can try those diff styles...I myself still have a hard time not reaching for the double digit jeans or for the "unflattering" shirts!! I know that you are frustrated with your lack of loss...but I will reiterate that this is why taking your measurements is so important!! I will bet that your inches have gone down by leaps and bounds! Just keep at it girly...the scale will catch up!

    Meag-I think us few oldies will stick around for a while to keep our eyes on you youngsters!! LOL :wink: Congrats on taking the leap of faith with your job...things will fall into the place where they matter what! Good luck! Have a great chillax day!

    Rai-thanks girl!! and water is your friend....altho sometimes I really hate it! LOL If I were you I would NOT take the money back out of your jar...just remember that the reward you get depends on how many days you meet your goals...the more days you meet the better the reward that you get :smile: You're gonna do great!

    Gonks-Glad that softball went will be a great switch up to your normal workouts! and the added bene of the backrubs is a plus! hehe! I will def not forget anytime soon what my NEW tolerance is! Cut in half....I am for sure a cheap date these days! :drinker:

    AFM-got in a great workout today (36 minutes of cardio, 6 min lower body, 10 minutes upper body, and 8 min core=60minutes)
    I will be kickin it for the next 3 APU to insure a good WI on Wed!! I am pushing myself extra hard this month and hoping to see the 120's by my b-day!!!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Did pretty good today. Went over my total calories but only by like 100, drank all my water and ate a TON of fruit and veggies (for me). lol. $2 in the jar for today. WI tomorrow. Honestly don't think it will be 2 bad. G'night er body. :happy:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Rai-good job today! and good luck with your WI tomorrow!!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I only have a few minutes to update then its time for work work work. Yesterday's outdoor run was what I consider successful. I plotted out a 3 mile course and was able to run 2 miles. It was a lot hillier (if that's a word) then I expected which really did me in. But I finished the 3 miles in 37 minutes. Now if I had been running on the treadmill inside at my usual pace I would have had to run all 3 miles to finish in36 minutes. I wasn't walking extremely fast or anything on the last mile, so that tells me that not only did I have the hills to conquer, but I did it at a fast pace then I normally do!! I think I ran just over a 10 minute mile, but I can't be 100% sure because I didn't remember the time at which I stopped running. Either way, complete and total success!! The hubby was even saying how proud he was of me. Last time we attempted to run together there was a lot of arguing and yelling and hurt feelings because I just couldn't run like I wanted to. But look at me now!! Followed that up with 3 more miles on the treadmill today, so much more boring then outside, and a weigh-in this morning. I lost 2 lbs this week!! Yippeee! Right on track with my goals- so I have now lost 4.5 lbs in the month of April. I am really happy to finally be loosing again after the month of March with just maintaining, but I know that it was the way I was eating in March. Its good to experience that and have the opportunity to figure things out. I hope everyone has a great day and I am going to try and catch up this afternoon!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    What up y'all!! :drinker:

    OK well selfish post today because I've got a lot on my plate...

    This weekend rocked. Quit my job - which felt terrible for the 5 mins I was talking with my boss and then felt INCREDIBLE for the rest of the day! :bigsmile: I am so happy that there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Lots of uncertainty because I don't currently have a job waiting for me once I finish (May 1st) but I will have saved up enough to comfortably get me through the summer months and I am hoping that somehow I'll be able to get some shifts back with my old boss. He's talking a big game about having work for me, but I really am not going to be counting on it... Totally unreliable.

    Eating was so-so this weekend. I made tons of healthy choices but I think I ate a bit too much yesterday and definitely did not get all my water in. I stressed some about protein being too low, but otherwise I did alright. I know trusting myself is a learning curve and that it will take time. Keep trying to remind myself all day long when I'm not logging how well I'm doing, how far I've come, and to stop counting everything in my head. Eating healthy is second nature to me know - I just need to wrap my head around not having to double and triple check my choices with the food database :noway:

    Exercise and fitness is a constant frustration. I had yet another serious talk with Tyler about it last night because I definitely feel out of control on that front. I *need* to run or workout to feel good about where I am physically and in my body. I feel so "fat" (dreaded word, I know, but very accurate right now) and really just awful about how my body looks now that I've stopped running and going to the gym every day. My goal when I started training hard last fall was to look and feel healthy and fit and I just really can't help feeling disappointed with how much I've regressed in that regard these past 2 months. I was feeling on top of the world training for my 1/2 - I felt like an athlete and like I was really doing amazing things with my body - and all of those positive feelings of self-worth have totally vanished now. It's disheartening to feel like way about myself. Running had such an amazing impact on my self-image and right now I think I am missing that more than anything... I know I need to find a way to feel good about myself, regardless, but I just recognize how much easier it is when I feel like I am putting in the work and really pushing myself, physically.

    That's about it!! We did a ton of grocery shopping and have loads of amazing fresh produce in the fridge now, so dinner tonight should be interesting. Huge chicken and veg stir fry with fresh basil we purchased at the market is on the menu :bigsmile: What have you folks got on the menu for this week? I am dying to know what everyone's eating!

    Have a great Monday folks :heart:
  • amandamcphee23
    amandamcphee23 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow! If I responded to everyone I would never stop typing;; so here’s to a few!

    @Mannonkgonk: That is the cutest movie ever. Great saying. Hopefully the second one will be as good.
    @Shannonaufaman: 2 pounds is great congrats! *happy dance” time.
    @Meagalayne: That looked like a tasty recipe. How did it turn out?? I completely sympathize with your passion for running and feeling like crap because I’ve let it slip too. Running changed my life too. I’ve been injured since September and have gained weight and feel useless. But I’m doing my best to deal with my pain (since it’s not going away…) and learning pushing through. The best thing you can do is get out there clear your head and just tell yourself you can do it. If you did a ½ marathon there’s no reason to feel bad about yourself and it gives you something to strive for. Have you tried joining a running group? What am I eating? I have a turkey “sloppy Joe” I’m going to make tonight with a whole wheat bun and spinach salad. This is the first time I have made it so lets see how I goes. Last night I made a yummy stir-fry : Chicken, spinach, mini corn cobs, yellow pepper, banana pepper, garlic, roasted red pepper salad dressing, feta and brown rice. It was tasty and filling! About 500 cal per serving (but that’s because I made too much rice). Next time I’m aiming for 450cal

    AFM: I didn’t get out for a run Friday. I’ve got new sneakers and my shins are a little sore from breaking them in. I’m hoping I haven’t wasted money on yet another pair of shoes that hurt my feet. Instead I did Spring cleaning galore. Did you know how many calories you burning scrubbing, washing and moving furniture! Wowzars! House is clean for the time being. I may attempt a small walk/run today but I have to listen to my feet/legs. Other then that I’m down 2 pounds since last Monday (1 since I started here) So I’m really happy about that!
  • amandamcphee23
    amandamcphee23 Posts: 8 Member
    opps! It double posted so I deleted the text but it doesn't let me delete the post entirly!
    oh well!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    sweetflux-this is my last MONTH as a 20-something!!! I wonder if I will be allowed in this group after my 30th?!?!? LOL either way...let's kill it, and show 30 who is boss!!

    I'm 33 and no one has kicked me out yet!!!!!:laugh:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    That's about it!! We did a ton of grocery shopping and have loads of amazing fresh produce in the fridge now, so dinner tonight should be interesting. Huge chicken and veg stir fry with fresh basil we purchased at the market is on the menu :bigsmile: What have you folks got on the menu for this week? I am dying to know what everyone's eating!

    Have a great Monday folks :heart:

    Tonight-Cashew Chicken and Broccoli
    Tuesday-Salmon and Brussel Sprouts
    Wednesday-Oatmeal cinnamon pancakes (LOVE Breakfast for dinner!!!)
    Thursday-spinach egg bake
    Friday-hubby's gotta grill something...maybe venison steaks and asparagus??
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quiet here on the homefront...still maintaining my weight and not sure that I will be logging my food anymore. I'm a little nervous about this but truly feel as though I have a handle on my intake! Ran 8 1/2 miles yesterday in SHORTS and a TANK TOP!!!! Glorious day to run!!! Then I spent the rest of the day outside with my family playing in the backyard...we even walked to the park and flew a kite (now I want to watch Marry Poppins :laugh: )...had dinner (pork chops and potatoes) outside under our gazebo and then walked to get ice cream :tongue: :love:

    Signed up for a 5k this weekend...pretty small one looks like only about 250 participants. Who knows maybe I will even place in my age division :happy:

    Happy Monday everyone!!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Megan - Great Job on your outside run!! It will be tough to go back to the treadmill now, but it is way fun to run outside. I found it was much harder also so no sweat the walking. Sounds like you did great!!

    Meag - So I'm not sure I know why you can't run or be in the gym anymore. I gather some kind of foot injury? Sadly when I was slacking off I really didn't keep up with people's posts and now I'm out of the loop. :frown:

    AFM - Lost a little over 2 lbs this week!! My first weeks back and focused tend to be good cause I loose all that "baby weight" that has just been climbing on as I eat 200, 300 or 4-500 :noway: calories more than I should each day. My real wall comes at 162. Each time I reach it I seem to loose steam.

    Now instead of sniffling, hacking and blowing my nose alone- my husband has joined me! Sick together! Him getting worse and me getting better (I think I just wrote a poem!). Did somebody mention burning calories cleaning?? I think that will be my first exercise endeavor in a day or two since A. My house is a hairy mess and B. I don't want to do a CRAZY work out quite yet. I want to make sure I'm out of the woods with this cold thing.

    Had a delicious dinner last night. Spinach salad and turkey meatballs (mmmmm). Plan on eating that again tonight. Just finished breakfast which was scrambled eggs with cheese and a banana (fresh produce check!). Pizza tomorrow and after that.. well I need to do some planning. :blushing: Working the next three nights, so I might be pretty scarce on here... good time to mess around with what we will be eating Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Need to go grocery shopping desperately.... story of my life... I need to do everything so I wind up on the couch blowing my nose. Don't really care though. I'm never going to be that kind of lady who "has all her ducks in a row" and that is cool with me (and God.. which is more important :bigsmile: )

    Love you ladies and I'm so encouraged to get to see what you write everyday!!

    Rachel =D
  • shannonaufman
    Hi all! Hope you all had a great weekend and this week is starting off right!

    @wardiemelissa - good luck with your 5k!! I find it funny that a 'small' 5k has about 250 participants. I'm signing up for one the last weekend of April, and there are only 25 people signed up! :laugh:
    @amandamcphee - I hate breaking in new shoes. But it sounds like you had a good burn cleaning, etc! Congrats on your 2 pound loss, doesn't it feel goooood!? :wink:

    AFM -- I finished week 5 day 2 of couch to 5k. Today was run 8 minutes, walk 5 minutes, run 8 minutes. And I totally smoked the 8 minute runs! I was so pumped. Next up is a 20-minute run. The first run of the program with no walking breaks. I'm scurrred!! Had friends up this weekend -- walked 4.5 miles around the zoo on Saturday and then undid the burn by drinking too much Saturday night. Recovered all day Sunday (ugh), and now I'm back on track. I needed that little break in my recent monotony!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Meag - So I'm not sure I know why you can't run or be in the gym anymore. I gather some kind of foot injury?
    Yep! Mystery foot injury that has kept me basically on my *kitten* for the last 2 months and counting... Apart from working at the bar on my feet 18 hours every weekend, I can't do a whole lot in terms of workouts. The Dr thinks it may be some kind of nerve damage, but it's definitely not pain I should be just "pushing through". Thanks for asking :ohwell:
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    hello everyone!

    Sorry its been about a week. I don't get much internet time during the week and its been so busy! This past week I did go and get 3 pairs of pants, 2 pairs in my size right now 12, and one pair in 10s which fit, but are tight. I am sooo excited to have pants that fit properly lol! Also, we finally saw the sun come out on sunday and I got in a good run of about 40 mins doing hill intervals. It was a great workout. Then we got some good sunshine today too and I decided to run to the gym. It definitely makes me excited that spring is finally here! Beautiful weather!

    meagan: I agree, I tried to run more on the treadmill and had to get off it was so boring, I just hope the sunshine continues this week! and congrats on the loss!!

    amanda: great job on the loss!

    shannon: great job on the run! You will do great on the 20 min run.

    Rai: congrats on the loss, keep the motivation up!

    Now i am off to go home and cook baked soy chicken, baked asparagus, roasted red potatoes and probably some backed brussel sprouts since they are my favorite! Have a good night everyone!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-Great job on your did awesome! Running outside is a nice change, but it definately adds some extra "resistance" then what the treadmill does! CONGRATS on your loss too :) You are killin it this month!

    Meag-well sounds like you are finally starting to wrap your head around the eating without great job there! Congrats again on being confident enough to quit your dreaded job! I know that you are very upset about not being able to workout...and I know that you can't get the in the cardio that you would like (running etc) but just keep doing the biking, swimming, yoga, even strength and when your foot is ready to run again you won't be as far behind as you think!! Keep on goin girl, you are doing awesome!

    Amanda-great job on the loss :)

    Melissa-LOL! I was told that us oldies can stick around for a while!! I told the youngsters that we would be around to keep an eye on them!! :) Good luck on the 5K!

    Rachel-great job on your loss! you will push past that barrier this time...I know it!

    shelsab-Very awesome on the new clothes! I really need to go get some new clothes myself!! My 10's that I just bought like 2 months ago have become droopy already!! cool and frustrating at the same time! my goal is to be in at least a 6 and I think I may reach that by my b-day...even if I haven't reached my weight goal by then quite yet!

    AFM-as always nervous about my WI on Wed(i know, I know...I will kill it!) LOL fact of the matter is...I can't kill it every week...even if I do do perfect on my eating and workouts! I am just waiting for the week that I do great and still don't have a loss...I know it's kind of a negative way to look at things...but just reality...such is life....and we shall see! :) Still p[ushin on here though... :)
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Hey Everyone!!

    Hope you are all doing well :smile:

    I've been awfully busy at work & with some personal stuff too but have managing to eat healthy, exercise and log everything here. However, I'm sorry I just haven't had the time even to read your posts. I so miss being an active part of this group. I'm going to try to make some time everyday now.

    Will be back responding to all of you soon...
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Monday is over with now and boy was it a busy one! I had a great day though and even got to spend some quality time with my mom - Yes, I'm a total mama's girl! :blushing: It's true. We're like two peas in a pod when we actually find time to spend together. We went shopping for clothes and ended up finding a few really good deals. All stuff I legitimately needed (in teeny tiny sizes) now that the weather is getting a bit warmer, so I felt OK about spending a little on it. I haven't bought anything in a while for myself so it was a nice treat :happy:

    Was planning a chicken + veg stir fry for dinner but when the time came no one really felt like making a big deal of dinner and we just wanted to get out of the house, so I whipped up an omelet instead and called it a day. Love breakfast for dinner, anyway! So good! I had tons of fresh veggies to toss in (red onion, pepper, jalapeno, asparagus, spinach, grape tomatoes...), some egg whites, 1 large egg, and noooooch! It was friggen awesome. And I had it with a tasty corn tortilla to bump up the cals a bit. Usually don't like having carbs with dinner but I'm trying to find balance.

    Drank altogether way too much coffee today but that's par for the course, I guess. Not sure how detrimental that is to my health, really... Anyone have any insight on that? I usually drink about 5 or 6 cups of coffee a day. I know that sounds insane but honestly between my sleep and work schedule and my addiction to coffee it just sort of "happens". I'm sure it's mostly habit than anything else but I definitely craaaave coffee. All the time. Thoughts?

    Went for a walk/jog today for about 30 mins and it felt good. I was absolutely craving a run and the weather was phenomenal. Not advised but I just did it anyway. My foot is doing OK, considering. In addition I also spent about 2 hours cleaning the carpets with a steam cleaner which was probably a decent workout as well. That damn thing needs to be modified to hold more water... I can't believe how many effing times I had to disassemble the whole thing to change the reservoir. Who buys a house with carpeting, anyway? Join the 21st century, Mom and Dad! :tongue: haha All in all a good day though and felt very productive. I'm getting up bright and early tomorrow to get a whole bunch of job searching accomplished and spend some more time outside. Hopefully I'll also find time for a swim or some other workout. Definitely needing a good dose of regular exercise these days...

    Spellbinder - Great to have you back and definitely hope to be seeing more of you soon. I am trying to commit to posting more often, myself, but I totally empathize with life getting in the way. It can be very hard to prioritize this thread, even when it's something that you really want to do for you. Good luck making it fit and congrats on finding balance with your eating and exercise amidst a busy schedule!

    Tara - Thanks! I am trying to "relax" a little about food. It's definitely harder than I am likely letting on and I do stress about my food constantly, and feel very guilty about treating myself with higher carb, higher sugar foods, but I know that I just have to learn to cope with it. It's easier to force myself out of my comfort zone sometimes than to feel totally miserable not getting to enjoy all the delicious and awesome things that are around me. I still feel like I deny myself a LOT of bread-y carbs (but eat tons of fruit and veg which usually puts me near my carb limit anyway for the day) and I always turn down baked goods of any kind, which can be difficult for those around me, but I am trying to find SOME balance. Thanks for the vote of confidence though - I appreciate it! :happy:

    BTW - You are totally going to KILL your weigh-in, but if you do have an "off" week you should just chalk it up to your body's natural flux. I'm posted in the past (in response to Gonks) about my own fluxes on my way down to my GW and how crazy my Wis were as I lost more and more weight. It seemed like every second or third week I would gain, but steadily my weight was decreasing over time. The closer you get to your GW, the more flux you are bound to see. It's just the nature of the beast. Do not allow yourself to get discouraged or to second guess your methods. Calorie counting, working out, and being accountable to yourself WORKS. Just stick with it! And keep track of your progress over the long term. It's hard sometimes to see the forest for the tress but you have to know that one gain or bad week, over so many awesome losses, is just a drop in the bucket and it's all part of your journey toward your goal of leading a long, healthy life with your son. So try not to stress it - if possible! :tongue: You're doing awesome!

    Alexis - Brussel sprouts roasted in the oven are my favourite too! OMG! Try tossing them with a little olive oil and lemon juice (and S&P if you like) before roasting. Soooo yummy! I do the same with asparagus as well and it's amazing. Yum yum yum!

    Shannon - Congrats on your C25K progress! You must be really proud :bigsmile: Sounds like you have the exercise bit down pat. Don't fret too much about one bad Saturday though. We all have those days - especially while socializing. Just pick up where you left off and keep kickin' *kitten*!

    Melissa - Your runs, as always, sound awesome! And yes - running in shorts and a tank is the best feeling EVER. I ran today in 20C weather and was sweating buckets when I finished and it felt innnnnnnnnnncredible! So looking forward to the summer months. Bring on the sun! :bigsmile: Your food plan also sounds super yummy. Do you try to avoid carbs with dinner as well? Looks like apart from pancakes most of your meals at centered around lean protein and veggies - as mine are as well - but I tend to eat a salad in addition to my veggies to avoid being famished 1 hour later. I find that meat + 1 veggie is just not nearly enough food. Just curious :smile:

    OK I better get ready to get to bed! I'm going to read a little more I think... Been really trying to get back into reading. With the warmer months coming I am definitely hoping to pick it back up. I miss it so much! With running taking up so much time and being exhausted once I hit my bed finally at night, it has definitely taken a back burner priority-wise. I'll leave you with my tentative meal plan for tomorrow....

    Meal 1 - Oats/oat bran/chia with strawberries, cinnamon and greek yogurt
    Meal 2 - Raw carrots and zukes
    Meal 3 - 1 egg + 2 whites omelet w/ grilled pork tenderloin, veg and nooch
    Meal 4 - Fruit of my choice - grapes/plum something like that
    Meal 5 - Chicken + Veg Stir fry w/ fresh basil + garden salad
    Meal 6 - Night time snack. Possibly a protein brownie.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Spell-we will surely be glad to have you back!! great job on sticking to everything in the meantime though :)

    Meag-the only things I can say about coffee are: the caffine "addiction" CAN be a problem when not kept under tabs, and that coffee is a natural diuretic... therefore, it dehydrates you...and increases the amount of water that you should be drinking! The "experts" say that you should get half your weight in ounces, plus 8 ozs for every 20 minutes of cardio that you do, PLUS another 2 cups for every cup of coffee that you drink. You weigh 124ish so that's 62oz, usually workout 40min (lets just say) so that's another 16 oz, and then drink 5 cups of coffee so that would be another 80 ozs!! so 158ozs of water!!! Yah not gonna happen...LOL! that's just what I have heard :) AND btw, thanks for your words of encouragment...I will not be worries girly!!:happy:

    AFM-no stressin...I am READY for the stall when it gets here!! Just gonna keep my fingers crossed!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    smashlee1984-curb fastfood eating, complete ripped in 30 (6x/week for 4 weeks), make an effort to be thankful and happy and make healthy (fitness and lifestyle choices)
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family
    alwhisler-drink 64oz daily, lose 5 lbs, work out 3x/week, no beer.
    halina20-lose 5 lbs, finish insanity, stay away from jammy dodgers, run 30 mins straight, drink lots of water.
    kvr414-Lose 2 lbs, continue limiting fat intake to >45g/day. Increase a low carb/low GI lifestyle. stay committed to this thread!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Lose 7 lbs, strength train at least once a week (we're going to start easy), and run 3 times a week.
    springstorm: Lose 7 lbs, drink water 64 oz/day, exercise 3x/week, No binges, log everything, sacrifice soda.
    crystalfaith: workout at LEAST 4 days a week, continue progressing through the C25k challenge, drink more water!
    ngoat: (nancy) lose 3lbs, work out 3x/week and drink more water
    spellbinder25: (1)Lose 4 lbs, (2) Run 3 times/week, (3) Run 3 miles on the treadmill by the end of April, (4) Do strength training 3 times/week.
    shannonaufman: lose 6 pounds, walk 50 total miles, drink 64+ oz of water daily, continue C25K, run an entire 5K
    meagalayne- maintain between 125-128lbs; continue with YogaFit once a week; increase my H2O consumption to at least 6 cups a day; quit my job by May 1st; take time every day to feel happy and enjoy the journey!
    Rachellynch83: drink at least 64oz of water a day, keep up with c25k, finish 30 Day shred, increase outdoor family activities
    missjaygraham87 (Jay): Lose 7 lbs, do pilates 3x/week, walk the dog daily, start C25K, drink 7 glasses of water daily.
    edryer123-GW 138, and to get in a 10 minute mile by the end of the month.
    tjradd73-to lose 8lbs, drink 70ozs of water/day, 3 days/arms, 3 days/abs, >90minutes cardio/week.
    hroush-break 190, workout 3+ days a week.
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)-Complete 30 day shred, Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, 1000 crunches 3x week, Lose 8lbs, Weight lifting class 2x week
    silhouetted25 (Samantha) -1. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week, but would like to hit 5 times 2. Cut out most white flour products/pastas/breads & eat mainly whole wheat or gluten free 4. Eat more grains and lentils 5. Go on a hike 6. Balance work and working out effectively
    terrilien21 - Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day, get in at least 4 workouts a week, have one cheat day a week (saturday), no beer, stay positive!!
    fitmommy2012- lose 6 lbs, P90x everyday, at least 6 cups of water a day, be happy with self, stay motivated
    Sambloid - Lose 10 lbs and be able to do 50 push ups
    Meggonkgonk- To reach 137lbs, to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383- start and stick with ChaLean Extreme, bust out of the 150's, continue to work on my running, cook more often, and stop making excuses!
    Finncmh- loss on scale, get back to lifting, run 2-3 times a week, complete 5k April 17th, walk to work at least 3 times a week, better presence on thread than March
    lizzymaez - eat healthier/watching calories, start riding 2-3 times a week, cardio/running at least 3 times a week, and yoga at least twice a week.
    jennro7781 to lose 10lbs
    lemmyhead: log everything every day, exercise 3x week (this doesn't include my walk to work every day), sign up for and start training for the 10km run that will be held on June 19th.
    WanderLaura: Lose 10 pounds; Eat meat a maximum of 1 time/ day (no pork or beef); Jog 3x/ week for a total of 24 miles/ month! :); Do strength-building exercises 2x/ week! ; Be able to do 5 push ups with no knees by May 1st . :)
    emmarie1630-lose 5 pounds, bootcamp 3-4x/week, more sleep, less stress, tons of water
    shelsab- lose 5 lbs. run 3xweek. limit my sweets.
    JessYas-100 PushUp Challenge and lunges at least 3x/week, and get down to a scale weight of 133. Also, I'm cutting out alcohol again! Yes! :)
    mikmakmom- Get into the 130s (lose 4lbs)
    rai8759: 162 lbs by 4/25, 150 min cardio per week, drink 8 cups of water a day and eat at least one fresh fruit or veggie per day
    Goffb28: Lose 5lbs & job on treadmill for 20 minutes straight.
    kayakawaii- lose 5 pounds; eat fruit EVERY DAY; and not drink AT ALL this month
    fromaquizer- Reach first GW; strength train 3times/week and run 2times/week; ake my food everyday (no emergency takeaways!)
    amandamcphee23- Eat clean; Stay within calorie range; Have interval running incorporated into my walks (up to 5:1's run/walk); Get my partner motivated; Keep coffee consumption to 1 cup a day
    lostalykat- get back to 169(before hawaii weight) get back into healthy eating. Work out at least 1 time a week and do yoga 1 time a week. Be calm and collective for wedding planning!