? Friend going to far to lose weight...



  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Atkins, but I stayed at under 20g of carbs a day for two months. Lost about 50-60 pounds AND went crazy. I was literally crying because I wanted a bagel.

    Once I went on an expired dairy product binge for a week in hopes that I would get food poisoning to drop some pounds. :blushing:

    Sometimes you just need a quick fix to show yourself that weight loss is possible. When your friend's plans fail and she gains it back tell her something like, "I'm glad you got to experience you at X pounds. Want to go back permanently?"
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I don't have time to watch the scale yo yo me around. I need this weight to happen and fast.

    Does she know that all of these diets are only going to add to that yo-yoing? Does she expect to eat like this for the rest of her life? Because once she stops, whatever option she choses to do, the weight she lost will only come back on.

    Yes, it's hard work to lose weight but if you do it the right way and the hard way, it stays off for good! You need to change your habits to what is comfortable in your lifestyle so you can continue to follow through with them for the rest of your life. Otherwise, you will be constantly losing weight but only temporarily.
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    with my weight loss people ask me what I do and when I tell them watch my calories, hard work , sweat, tears, they get discouraged. people want a easy out. I think you done all you can. you gave your advice, point of views if your friend does not want to listen and do it her own way, then there's not much you can do. you can disagree with her choices but support her in other ways. like going to the gym or walking, riding bikes together.

    Same here!!! At the middle of January I weighed 160, right now, I weigh 147. When people ask me how I am losing it I tell them I attribute it to 2 major things, "Zumba and cutting out soda". I am now expanding on my cardio and including the elliptical and running.

    I was the same way...I wanted the quick fix and when I would have people tell me they lost weight by hard work and eating right I just did not want to hear that. I wanted to hear that they did it with that magic pill...lol. I finally realized though earlier this year that you have to REALLY want it in order to change. You have to want to change everything in order to get in shape and get healthy. I just finally decided I was ready to take that step.
    Thank You all. My friend has been on a host of diets, and has taken a load of pills to lose weight in the past.
    She's 5'7 and does not really need to lose 60 pounds, but she won't to lose 60 because of her 180 pound status.
    I think she looks good, and is in great shape. Just got a few pounds to lose, but 60 is too many pound to lose.

    Anyway, I called her this morning and told her. I'll help her in the right way like I help everyone else, but I can't support the fad diet. I've done a few myself "years" ago and I can't step in the path of this... I try to stay far away from it. I don't even like those quick weight loss post that are on these weight loss sites, but that's them. Not me! So I told her.. Do it her way, but don't look for my support in the poor diets scams..

    I even used a few of your words to her.. Asked her some questions, and she was like. Dont you won't me to look good for the summer. HELL! Don't you want to live to see the summer.

    Lisa my friend said.. It won't last. Let her do it her way, and then we will listen to her B and cry when it all comes back double time. But I don't won't that for my friend. I won't her to beat this the healthy way. Not the fad way, but she's grown and has her on way of thinking... I have to let it be .. It is what it is..
    Atkins, but I stayed at under 20g of carbs a day for two months. Lost about 50-60 pounds AND went crazy. I was literally crying because I wanted a bagel.

    Once I went on an expired dairy product binge for a week in hopes that I would get food poisoning to drop some pounds. :blushing:

    Sometimes you just need a quick fix to show yourself that weight loss is possible. When your friend's plans fail and she gains it back tell her something like, "I'm glad you got to experience you at X pounds. Want to go back permanently?"

    She did the atkins too.. And gain back her weight and then an extra 10 pounds. This is funny, because she would not be in this boat if she would have listen to me the first time around. We were at the gym 3 days a week together and meeting up with my friend Lisa at the track, and she is a track coach and she was running us with the boys and girls.. Pushing us to move the weight and running us through the drills of cardio fitness last year.. And I lost 20 pounds in 40 days. Training hard with her group of high school track stars and doing everything, and what kept me going was the girls and the boys asking. Ms Lynn, how much did you weigh this week. They thought I was an inspiration, but she didn't feel like one. My quick weight loss "friend".
    She just wants that quick fix, and a super models waist line.. AH! It will happen, when she start doing the work. Until then.. She's going to crash and burn and be happy with the weight loss, but upset with the crash.. It's been going on for years.. But to ask me to support her in it.. Fix it so it's doable for her.. AH! I think not.. I can't help with that right there.. Just can't do it.
    She'll learn..
    with my weight loss people ask me what I do and when I tell them watch my calories, hard work , sweat, tears, they get discouraged. people want a easy out. I think you done all you can. you gave your advice, point of views if your friend does not want to listen and do it her own way, then there's not much you can do. you can disagree with her choices but support her in other ways. like going to the gym or walking, riding bikes together.

    They don't want to do the work. They are all for the quick fixes..
    You see.. It's easy to sit around and gain the weight, no exercise in gaining it.. and they also think they can lose it the same way they gain it.. Sitting on A** doing nothing, and eating this x amount of calories and doing nothings is going to make it happen.
    I had one friend who said. If I eat 10 grams of fat fat per day.. I'm thinking I can lose 2 pounds per week. I said. What are you going to eat, because ranch has 7 grams of fat. And that's a far cry for weight loss.. She goes. OH it just has a few bugs in it. I'll work it out.. Crashed and burned on day 2... So many people look for that quick fix, and I was one 17 years ago, and after 10 years of mistakes and failures.. I went on a 7 year journey of dusting off and getting back on the horse until it stuck...
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Number 1 is the only healthy move in her plan. nothing wrong that protein level. She can buffer it with fat too. She is obviously try to enter ketosis which is actually a good strategy to try and dump that much weight.

    The rest will just make her malnourished. We all already know how this ends. In failure measured in many ways.
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    I don't understand the quick fix mentality. Being healthy is about having a healthy lifestyle. Yo yo dieting doesn't help anyone.

    I will be honest and say...I WANT a quick fix...My body is fine except for I have stupid belly fat that I wish would just disappear!! I'm on MFP bc I finally understand after years of being fat/thin off and on that I just want to be healthy too...BUT I WOULD BE NICE TO NOT HAVE THIS BELLY IMMEDIATELY :)
    Pyro13g, I do understand the pros and cons on entering into a ketosis state, and it has some side effects.. "some" and she has picked her diet with the help of a friend. I just didn't want to be the one she blames when everything pans out. Now that she is all happy about the choice.. And that is "1"... I'm sure she will see some weight loss, but I pray its not a heavy drop of weight loss, and the advice from the "trainer" who is a track coach our friend will take her all the way to her weight loss goal of 60 pounds in 180 days. Some people can talk people into another direction.. I just don't know how when it comes to my friends.. But we are okay.

    Mkcalvert, Yeah! I had the quick fix blues and ups and downs from quick fix diets.. Also I had sparked a thyroid issue from doing them over the years. Making my thyroid slugglish, and I was trying to explain those things to my friend..Only to be called an hater. But I'm sure we will be okay. I just wish her the best of luck, and she bet me dollar for dollar for pound. Asking me to shake on it..
    I don't think so, because I don't want this to become more personal than it already is.. It's personal with me to lose weight. I don't want it to become personal with a "friend"...
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Response to her...

    I cannot support your decision and I would just like to tell you that after you lose it (if your crazy unhealthy plan works) you WILL gain it back. It's not a forever change and you will gain it back and more. It's better to lose it slowly and healthily and create forever change than to do these unhealthy quick fixes because that's all they really are...quick fixes. Good luck.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    Yeah we're all on a healthy path now, but that's because we all learned there is no magic quick fix... many of us learned that the hard way. We've all prob done fads just like the ones she's researched it's only by process of elimination that we get the real answer it's just hard work.

    I would tell her to try "your way" for 2 weeks first. Get her to log her calories and set her a reasonable calorie deficit just like MFP teaches. Give her an idea of a healthy balance of carbs, fat and protein. And tell her if you promise to stick to "my way" for 2 weeks and do everything as I say, you'll see results. If she does indeed stick to your plan w/ you guiding her she'll see results and will likely stick with it.

    Even if she doesn't come to the conclusion right away that those diets suck, she'll figure it out eventually. Just try to approach her with an attitude "I'm doing it with you and I want you to understand some myths that I learned by trial and error" She'll come around. :flowerforyou:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I think many of us have been the ones looking for the "quick fix". I know I have been there...but now I am focusing on healthy and happy...I had someone I had not seen for several months recently ask me what I did to drop my weight (a total of about 12 pounds in the past 5 weeks)...I think she thought I was on some crazy diet...I was like, no--basically I eat less and I move more. It's a little more scientific than that, and I have to be very thoughtful about what I am putting in my body and what I am doing WITH it for exercise...but that's basically it. It took me years to figure out what worked for me, and it may take your friend years...but I think you are being the most supportive you can be under the circumstances. I wish you the best and I hope your friend reconsiders her "plan".
  • krystleRD
    krystleRD Posts: 188 Member
    I agree with everyone..... Being over weight we are all in denial, we want it quick n easy.... Im 388 and for the past month I have sweated,walked,ran and danced by big butt off. Your friend needs to realize that quick 30 in 2 months can easily make her gain double of what she lost.. May she find luck in whatever she does but, stubborness will get her no where...
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Well I have just about died ended up with a colostomy, have no large intestine, am in renal failure and still have trouble..yes I have anorexia but sounds like your friend is on her way. Unfortunatley at different times in my life I would do ANYTHING to lose weight...for what I dont really know..hasnt gotten me anywhere but in the hospital and miserable. I hope your friend is ok. If I dont stop what i am doing it will kill me..that is why I am trying so hard this time
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    You can't help those who refuse to help themselves. If this was an easy process then everyone would be healthy. I have had to learn the hard way and crash and burn a few times to start down the path of doing things the right way. I have finally come to terms with the fact that "living" this way and being conscious of what I'm eating and exercising regularly is something I will have to do for the rest of my life. There is no quick fix and I know this but I do have my moments where I look at the success of those who have done the b12 shots with the crack in the bottle pills who only eat 800 -1000 calories a day and am jealous of how quickly the weight just seems to fall off, and all without exercise or proper diet. But then I snap back into reality and look at the number of people who stop the program and gain it all back and then some and wasted not only time but lots of money ($250 down, $75 a week or more) and laugh. The program I follow is free, it's called portion control and choices and although I do have a gym membership exericse can be found free as well. I don't need weekly meetings to make art's and crafts and talk about my feeling (not to offend anyone on WW just saying it wasn't for me), I've got amazing MFP peeps who are not only supportive but full of knowledge and experience and do not hesitate to call me out when I've been slacking. You can't put a price on that, not ever!