*Snowflkes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #13 4.1.11



  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hello Snowflakes!!! Happy Tuesday!! I hope everyone is having a great week so far!! I have finally got my butt back in gear this week!!! I started working out yesterday and I plan to keep it up without any long breaks like last time :laugh: 3 weeks off was definately too long, after doing only 20 mins of No More Trouble Zones last night my legs are killing me!!! my thighs have been burning off since then!!! OUCH!!! but i pushed myself to walk with a little jogging today anyway!!!! :happy: It feels so good to be back on track!!! Woo hoo!!! good luck this week everyone :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I hava question for my favorite melt-aways (this means u!)

    So for April, I am really focusing on interval training and circuits to build endurance and lose fat. We all know about reasonable weight loss goals but I'm curious, what do you all think is a reasonable monthly goal to lose inches? Those of you who measure, what kinds of results have you been getting on a monthly basis? I know everyone is different but I would just like to have a sense so can set something reasonable for myself...

    This is an awesome question to ask...and one that I am going to look into as well. I don't measure as much as I should..I just kind of look at how my clothes fit..but it is good to have a definite number, especially when you are doing circuit and strength training workout!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hello Snowflakes!!! Happy Tuesday!! I hope everyone is having a great week so far!! I have finally got my butt back in gear this week!!! I started working out yesterday and I plan to keep it up without any long breaks like last time :laugh: 3 weeks off was definately too long, after doing only 20 mins of No More Trouble Zones last night my legs are killing me!!! my thighs have been burning off since then!!! OUCH!!! but i pushed myself to walk with a little jogging today anyway!!!! :happy: It feels so good to be back on track!!! Woo hoo!!! good luck this week everyone :)

    Glad to see you back on it girly! That's the way to do it!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Last week I found out I got into a teacher's education program, and I am so excited! Just another motivation to reach my goals! I have about 50 days until the event I am attending with friends that haven't seen me in since Christmas, and about 150 days until I go back to school. Time to get moving!

    LW: 177.5
    CW: 178

    So, it's April!! I spent last week eating really badly, and I'm done with that now, thank goodness. I really want to hop back into the 176 range, which I saw for only a couple days. 177 and 178 are getting really old...

    My 3 (or 4) goals this week are:
    - Burn 500 calories/day (my goal is to get over 13,163 calories burnt this month, which was my number for March)
    - Eat reasonable (aka stay under calorie and limit junk)
    - Keep running with the C25K program (week 3)
    - Do my workouts BEFORE I log into MFP...

    My goals are always a little vague, because if I get too specific, I tend to abandon them altogether.

    Great job on getting into the program! It is always good to have an extra motivator! Awesome! The goals you have sound great...especially the one about doing the workouts before logging in. That is huge for me to start doing, because sometimes I get on here and Facebook and then get distracted for hours lol! So great job!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I finally stepped on the scale today - haven't done so since I feel like I've been retaining water like never before (and no tom), and indeed - the scale showed I was up 6! pounds - I've never had that happen!! I really did not do any good exercising, but was under my calories all week and I was higher on the sodium - but never over the 2500. Wow, pretty discouraging!

    Yesterday I got a good hour long brisk walk in and today hit the gym/water bottle hard so I'm hoping that that will clear this up soon. What a giant leap BACKWARDS!!! UGH!! :frown:

    Let's not even talk about water retention! I feel like a beluga whale thanks to TOM this week! So I am over it! However, I know I need to step the water intake up. Just try your best to eat more veggies and fresh fruits to avoid as much sodium ad possible and chug chug chug until you are sprinting to the bathroom! LOL. You can do it girl!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    It's monday-and the start of a brand new week!!!
    I hope everyone is keeping the focus! We can and will do this!

    One day at a time:)
    Work on the exercise, water and calorie counting-and things will fall into place! When you struggle-look to someone for help. It is always good to have people you can count on and that will help pick you back up. That is why we are all here, right?

    Have a great week!!

    This is so true! That is what everyone is here for...to talk each other through those hard times and those times where it feels like we just cannot do it! Great attitude girl!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I just want to let everyone know that you are all doing a great job! I am so sorry for not responding as much on the thread as I usually do! I have been running around a lot since not working so I am trying to stay up to date with everyone via the BlackBerry! I hate to neglect my girls! For those of you that are down this week...just remember that we have all been there and this to shall pass...just be honest with yourself and make sure that you are doing everything right...and that is Nutrition included..that is honestly the most important part...are you logging everything you put in your mouth? Are you getting the water in? You are under you calories but should you be eating more based on your calorie burns? You can do this ladies! DO NOT GIVE UP! We have lost a good amount of people since January 1, but I am confident that with the group we have now...we are going to see this thing all the way through! So let's do it!!!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I think I found my problem ... my net calories was lower than 1000 each day for the past month and half which is basically how long I have been going back and forth with these darn 2lbs. I have made sure to get 1200-1350 net calories this week and I saw a nice loss on the scale this morning :) if anyone is struggling right now with a similar issue I highly recommend going to the report tab, click nutrition, net calores, and take a peak. I love those charts :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Sorry I have been MIA but very busy.

    Here is an article some of you may enjoy or like to read on the scale.

    I am still sticking with weighing daily because of my food addiction. 3 days of binging and I could be up over 5 pounds. At least if I weigh daily I will put a halt on binges when I see it reflected on my trusty friend the scale. It keeps me out of self denial. But I know this does not work for everyone and this article is good for those trying to break away from the scale for a minute. Link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/210470-break-free-from-the-scale
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I think I found my problem ... my net calories was lower than 1000 each day for the past month and half which is basically how long I have been going back and forth with these darn 2lbs. I have made sure to get 1200-1350 net calories this week and I saw a nice loss on the scale this morning :) if anyone is struggling right now with a similar issue I highly recommend going to the report tab, click nutrition, net calores, and take a peak. I love those charts :)

    Isn't it awesome and powerful feeling when you can pinpoint what is working in this journey! I love those little charts too. I've started paying attention to sodium, carbs and fiber just to note if there are patterns to my gains and losses. Great stuff
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Hi Snowflakes!!! Happy Hump-Day!!! I have to say I got on the scale this morning and I am up 4lbs!!! 4 freaking pounds!!! I know it is because I started working out again and my muscles are retaining water and I know the scale is not going to be good to me this week, so I am really not looking forward to it!!! I dont know what I can do to lose while working out...its like when i am working out im not losing weight....it sucks!! but on another note its almost summer so i really want to start looking better in my clothes so its crunch time for me :)
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great week and enjoying some sunshine!!! Today is beautiful here, sunshine and 74 degrees!! So im going out for a run this afternoon. I am trying something new with my food choices. I didnt realize that I was WAY over on my sugars most days and the culprit ~~~~ My Fruit choices!! I think I may be eating to many fruits and at the wrong time of the day so for this week and next I am going to try to get more protein and fewer fruits. We'll see how this works.

    Just two more days ladies and we'll get to see the fruits of our labors!!!!

    Shine on Sunshines!!:flowerforyou:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Positive self talk that is where it be! A lot of stuff is going on at work! The County Budget didn't get passed that means more layoffs $800,000 plus has to be cut from the budget. Then also State just passed a bill that effects our retirement. It doesn't hurt me that much because I'm vested (10 years or more of service by July 2011 I will have 15 years in May) But for those people that aren't they will have to work 25 years and be 50 before they can retire. I'm still at 20 years and 45 but I have to work 25 years as I will only be 40 when I have 20 years of service in. So trying to be positive at work, come up with solution instead of a problem. We can all sit back in complain about what ever it may be but what does that get you? So POSITIVE is what I'm choosing! I will be 155 lbs come on body start feeling it too! :smile:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Positive self talk that is where it be! A lot of stuff is going on at work! The County Budget didn't get passed that means more layoffs $800,000 plus has to be cut from the budget. Then also State just passed a bill that effects our retirement. It doesn't hurt me that much because I'm vested (10 years or more of service by July 2011 I will have 15 years in May) But for those people that aren't they will have to work 25 years and be 50 before they can retire. I'm still at 20 years and 45 but I have to work 25 years as I will only be 40 when I have 20 years of service in. So trying to be positive at work, come up with solution instead of a problem. We can all sit back in complain about what ever it may be but what does that get you? So POSITIVE is what I'm choosing! I will be 155 lbs come on body start feeling it too! :smile:

    It amazes me how they cut budgets from such important jobs! Grrrr everything will be ok...you just have to stay strong and have faith. Our entire country is at odds right now about budgets and where to cut and blah blah blah....lord have mercy! Don't get me started on a soap box all night girl because I will ramble on forever!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    This has been a great week for me so far. Last night, I got a good night's sleep. The first time in a long time. I have plenty of fruits and veggies on hand and a good workout schedule planned out for the rest of the week.
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Well ladies I've been slacking this week. I went out of town for the weekend (at least I kept up with my food journal!) and came home sick :( I have completely lost my voice and haven't really gotten on my computer except to log my food. My goals for this week are:
    1. Always take my vitamins.
    2. Change up my cardio and my routine.
    3. Get over the scale habit!

    Okay so these things seem simple enough but they are things that will help. I also met with my dietitian. Not so happy with the eating plan she put me on. She wants me to eat only between 1000 and 1200 calories a day now and exercise for 3 hours. Who has time for that?! I am actually hanging in there with the calories (its amazing how much you don't want to eat when you are sick!) but not doing so well with her exercise plans for me. I am just happy to get a little bit in right now. I think she is just trying to jump start my loss, but who can stick to that? Anyway, enough complaining. I am so happy to see all the losses this week. Everyone has made such progress since starting this thing!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Last week I found out I got into a teacher's education program, and I am so excited! Just another motivation to reach my goals! I have about 50 days until the event I am attending with friends that haven't seen me in since Christmas, and about 150 days until I go back to school. Time to get moving!

    I can't believe i missed this earlier! Congrats on the teacher's education program Steph!! Very awesome
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I am totally off the wagon....I feel so out of it lately!!! I started this journey back in October and have done great up until the middle of march and since then i have been horrible!!! I havent been working out, i have been eating everything in sight, and i have even been slacking in school lately!!! i really need to get out of this i dont give a damn anymore attitude.....I just cant figure out how to get myself back on track....
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am totally off the wagon....I feel so out of it lately!!! I started this journey back in October and have done great up until the middle of march and since then i have been horrible!!! I havent been working out, i have been eating everything in sight, and i have even been slacking in school lately!!! i really need to get out of this i dont give a damn anymore attitude.....I just cant figure out how to get myself back on track....
    When you figure it out, please let me know what you did!