Fit and Fun Sized April 2010



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: welcome, jen, you sound so fit already :bigsmile: I see from your profile that you are a Zumba instructor:bigsmile: what a fun way to stay fit.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: babygurl, I'm so glad to hear that the weather is cooperating for your race tomorrow :bigsmile: I know you will do a great job :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: we recorded the Royal Wedding on our DVR and have been trying to watch it in between walking dogs, going to line dance, going for a walk on the Discovery Trail, and going to the dog park:flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Babygurl - Good luck tomorrow. I can't wait to hear how it goes.

    Jen - You are so right. We have to stay fit at our heights (or should I say lack there of) Everything shows up more on us shorties. Welcome. Looking forward to see how you do and what exercises you do.

    Barbie - I hope you get a chance to see the wedding. I wish them the best of luck.

    I had the most unbelievable thing said to me at a doctor's today. It's had me down all day. It will be a few days before I can make light of it. Everyone is alright.

    Have a great Friday night all,

  • ashleighasbury
    I'm a shorty short too! But I am addicted to working out...although, like everyone else said, losing the weight is super hard!!! I'm doing a ZUMBATHON tomorrow and I am soooo excited! ;)))
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Barbiecat and Jeannie, thank you for the welcome! :flowerforyou: You both have had amazing success!!! Congratulations!:drinker:

    Jeannie, sorry the doctor's news has you down :cry: Chin up and hope everything is ok.

    Barbiecat , sounds like a fun filled day!!

    Babygurl1, good luck and have fun tomorrow!! I ran my first race last month. Can't wait for my next one!

    Ashleigh, have fun tomorrow! I love Zumbathons!!! I'm going to one next weekend and I am having a mastercalss in 3 weeks. Can't wait!!!

    So are we supposed to be posting our daily exercise routines or something on here?!?!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: Jen, many of us post our exercise here as a way to be accountable and to share with others but not everyone does that.

    :bigsmile: my exercising is my line dance classes, the exercise bike in the middle of my living room facing the TV, and a lot of walking
    some with dogs on leashes, some at the off leash dog park while the dogs play, and some walking on the Olympic Discovery Trail either alone or with a friend or with my hubby.:bigsmile: I have been adding squats and some upper body exercises but so far they are not structured and happen just when it crosses my mind to do them (like when I'm watching TV with hubby)

    :bigsmile: I know that I'm interested in what all of you are doing to stay fit :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: Jen, many of us post our exercise here as a way to be accountable and to share with others but not everyone does that.

    :bigsmile: my exercising is my line dance classes, the exercise bike in the middle of my living room facing the TV, and a lot of walking
    some with dogs on leashes, some at the off leash dog park while the dogs play, and some walking on the Olympic Discovery Trail either alone or with a friend or with my hubby.:bigsmile: I have been adding squats and some upper body exercises but so far they are not structured and happen just when it crosses my mind to do them (like when I'm watching TV with hubby)

    :bigsmile: I know that I'm interested in what all of you are doing to stay fit :bigsmile:
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Hey gals! Happy Saturday! Just checking in =)

    jam0525 - Thanks for the welcome! I hope we both can reach our goals, get fit and get healthy!

    babygurl1 - I hope your run goes well today!

    jenomaha - Whoo, my name is Jennifer too =D

    ashleighasbury - Zumbathon sounds so fun! I have yet to take a Zumba class, but one day I will!

    barbiecat - Hi! Thought I'd share my workout regimen. I try to go to the gym 4-5 times a week and I like to go backpacking/hiking. My typical workout would include Cardio 3-4x a week. I usually run intervals on the treadmill for 2-3 miles or sometimes hop on the elliptical when my legs need a little rest. I sometimes do JM's 30DS in the mornings when I feel like it. I also strength train 3x week. I've been loosely following a routine from the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women." I'm almost done with Stage 1, which consisted of lunges, squats, push-ups, step ups, abs, lat-pull downs, seated row, etc. It also included deadlifts, but I haven't really been doing them =X. Overall, I am stronger, but I probably would see better results if I really stuck to the workouts. I'm really trying to focus on increasing my strength training as I get closer to my goal. I sort of slack on it, but trying my best to stick to the routines.

    Anyhoo, would love to hear what others do too! Have a great day =D
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome Ashleighasbury! Zumba sounds like so much fun. I hope to try it someday. Maybe between you and BarbieCat the momentum will just overwhelm me and I will just try it this summer.

    When this forum first began it was more exercise oriented. We have all realized at our height we need to do both diet and exercise for many reasons. Also, I think making a commitment on goals for all to see helps us keep them. Just posting about what ever is on your mind is fine too. We all need to support each other.

    Dailyorange - I'd be interested to see what the routine is you are talking about. I do think lifting is different for women.

    I messaged Choco as it has been a long time since she has posted here. She is overwhelmed with work and had some back issues, but otherwise OK.

    What the doctor said (this is about my son's back)
    Dr - He needs PT 2xweek for eight weeks.
    Me- He's been in and out of the hospital twice since January, we have a lot of followup from that and we can't afford the $320.00 a month right now. Can we get exercises to try at home first?
    Dr - Do you work?
    Me- Yes
    Dr- Do you have insurance?
    Me - Yes. PT is $40 a visit, that's $80 a week. We just don't have that kind of extra money right now.
    Dr. Then you need to get a 2nd job.

    I feel much better today. Obviously, we are switching doctors. The Ortho group will get us in with another back doctor for follow up for the MRI. After that we will switch clinics. It is a shame as we have used this clinic before. The last 3 years now has been full of ortho things for my family and parents. lol We need to not get sick or hurt for a year or two to catch up.

    Oh, I start back full time next week after working 30 hours a week for years now since my parents came to live with me. The money will be good, but I will have to rethink my exercise routines and my calories. I won't have the time I had to exercise anymore.

    Happy Saturday!

  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Jeannie - I will be in on that motivation to try and get you to try Zumba!!! I teach it at least 5 times a week :bigsmile: Sorry to hear about how rude the doctor was. Need a different Doc for sure!

    Barbie, thanks, I will start posting my exercise on here today!

    Jen (Daily Orange) - woot for Jens!!! I completed the whole program of New Rules of Lifting for Women and LOVED it! I gained so much strength and was able to do those pull ups before the end of the program. I still pull exercises from it now :wink: Hope you get as much success from it as I did!

    Ok, here is today's workout:

    25 min of HIIT on the treadmill - 3 min warm up at 4.0, 2 min high intensity, 2 min recovery. 2.0 incline, high levels 6.0-8.0, 3 min cool down. 175 cals burned, 2.25 miles total

    20 min Fat Burner on Step mill, level 10 (my first time going this long) I was dripping sweat!!! 215 cals burned

    Happy Saturday all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just got off the phone with a friend who has been fighting with her weight for years and still seems unclear on the relationship between exercise and weight loss.....she has some health issues and is afraid to go for a walk outdoors by herself so I suggested that she go to WalMart and walk there for 30 minutes every day.:bigsmile: we are so blessed to know that being fit and exercising every day is a key to keeping our weight down.

    :flowerforyou: I decided months ago to allow myself no more than 30 minutes at a time on the computer because it is so addictive and not a fitness activity.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: babygurl, I am thinking about you today on your run and wishing the very best for you :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jeannie, you definitely need a new doctor......i remember how you coached your daughter through all her exercises after her back surgery......I'll bet there's a solution like that for your son......never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: I am older than the rest of you and my body doesn't do well with some of the high energy, high impact stuff you do:laugh: on the other hand, I don't work full time so i have more time so I can do things that take longer and ultimately burn the same number of calories.

    :flowerforyou: jenomaha,do you go to a gym to work on that apparatus?

    :flowerforyou: dailyorange, is the gym near where you live? is it open 24/7 or do you have to go during business hours? I live in a beautiful part of the country with fabulous hiking/backpacking opportunities but I tend to stick to the paved Olympic Discovery Trail that goes through forest and farm land and state park and along the water and have a great walk with great scenery.

    :flowerforyou: ashleighasbury, the Zumbathon sounds like so much fun. My line dance classes are two hours long and it never seems long enough but when I tell other people they are amazed that the classes are soooooo long.:laugh: I'm going to an all day line dance workshop (9AM to 10PM)in June and I can hardly wait:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Saturday is a relaxing day for me. I walked the dogs on the hill first thing then walked them on leashes for 30 minutes after breakfast. My breakfast is an Isagenix shake that I can eat while riding the exercise bike and watching TV for 20 minutes. After lunch I took the dogs to the dog park where they played and I walked for 50 minutes. I've been helping my husband wash and groom the dogs ( they are Standard Poodles) and he does most of the work but I dry them, walk them, hold them for some of the trickier trimming, and clean up after so it's a bit of a workout. My job right now is to be available in case he needs me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I may get a chance to work out in the yard later :bigsmile:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Barbie- yes, the apparatus is at the gym. It kind of looks like a mini escalator. The stairs just keep rotating. I warm up facing forward and then take 5 min per side, going up sideways. I was DRENCHED!! first time I didi it that long!!

    Sounds like you live in a beautiful area!! You ar elucky to have that so close :smile:
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks ladies...2 hrs a 37 minutes was my time. My legs are sore but everything else is good talk at you guys tomorrow.
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Hi everyone!

    jam0525 - The routines that I follow come from the book "New rules of lifting for women" and the funny thing is, is that it addresses the fact that lifting shouldn't be any different between men and women. The author explains that women shouldn't be afraid of lifting heavier.

    An example of one of the routines is:

    A. Squats - 2 sets 15 reps, 60 second rest
    B1. Push ups - 2 sets 15 reps, 60 second rest
    B2. Seated row - 2 sets, 15 reps, 60 second rest
    C1. Step up - 2 sets, 15 reps, 60 second rest
    C2. Prone Jackknife - 2 sets, 8 reps, 60 second rest

    The B1, B2 and C1, C2 are alternating sets, so you do one exercise and switch to the next and switch back. The objective is to gradually increase the weights and lower the reps. There are a total of 7 stages and I just started stage 2. I would check the book out if you are interested!

    jenomaha - Wow, that's awesome that you finished it! I've been slacking, but I'm getting back into doing the routines on a regular basis. I'm excited to move onto the next stage and I hope to eventually do pull-ups too! Now I know who to go to if I have any questions about the exercises. So don't be surprised if I bother you from time to time :bigsmile:

    barbiecat - The gym I go to has multiple locations and is 24/7. I tend to go during peak hours, which can be very hectic! But on the weekends, if I don't go out I like to go at night when it's nice and empty or early mornings. You're so lucky to live in such a beautiful area, Manhattan is busy busy busy! That's why i like to go upstate NY to catch a break. There are several state parks with tons of trails. I've been hiking through Harriman State Park and Bear Mountain. During the summer I hope to climb up Mt. Washington and check out other trails in the New England area. By the way, what kind of dogs do you have? I have a mini pinscher chihuahua mix and although she's small, she's a handful! :laugh:

    babygurl1 - Once again, congrats on your race! Let us know more in details :smile:

    My weekend was pretty relaxing. I swam and was on the elliptical on Saturday. This morning I got to the gym early and lifted and swam again. i find swimming so fun and relaxing. I have to thank my mom for making me take all those YMCA lessons when i was young! Speaking of moms, this Sunday is Mother's day and I hope all you mothers know that you are appreciated and are so inspirational to me that you can find time to work out and take care of your children! Any thoughts of a good mother's day present? I probably will buy some nice flowers for my lovely mom :flowerforyou: . Well I'm off to enjoy the rest of this wonderful Sunday :glasses: . Take care!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Before I forget (like I did last month) here is the link to the May thread. Will catch up on posts and reply there.

    Jeannie (JAM)