No reason to continue



  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I am measuring everything, I am almost always eating back what I exercise unless it is just way too much sometimes I have an extra 700 cals and I dont want to blow that on unhealthy food so I eat something good and the rest seems to go to waste. I feel like I have tried everythng. 12 of the 14 came off in the first 2 weeks, then I plateau'd for 6 weeks, then I went on vacation gained back 2 and lost those 2 and the last 2 of the 14 within a week of being back but have gained back 4 (haven't logged it since it just depresses me). This puts me back at my plateau weight yet again. I even changed thing since I came back from New Orelans...
    Thanks all for your help I really need some encouragement. I will open my diary to everyone not just friends...
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    Sometimes it's not the calories, but rather the kind of food you are eating. The suggestions to take food & exercise diary to nutritionist or trainer is good. Don't give up! I went from doing not much exercise and eating crappy to running 20 miles a week and eating healthily. I thought I would lose the weight right away, but it took a solid 3 months and then I started seeing some results. You really just need to keep at it.
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    don't give up!
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    Would it help to think of it not in terms of weight loss, but in terms of just being healthier? If you're truly eating better and exercising more, then you are helping your body to be healthier. Even if you aren't seeing "progress" you can take heart knowing that you are doing your body good. If you just give up because you're not losing weight or inches then you're just going to get back to doing things that are unhealthy and harmful.

    Keep your head up and know that you are making a lifestyle change! Think of it as an ongoing process for EVER and not just something that you're doing to get to a specific goal and then you stop doing it. I know that changing my thinking like this has made this the first time I've seen real, lasting significant changes in my body!

    Good luck!!!!!!
  • tiggy73
    tiggy73 Posts: 52 Member
    Well I'm not a doctor, but it might be worth going to see a doctor just to make sure you don't have any thyroid issues or anything else that might be preventing you from losing weight.

    What you have lost is something to be very proud of. Please don't give up! It's better to not lose any more than to gain and go back to where you were before. You will probably break through your plateau very soon.

    Hang in there!! Please add me if you want some extra encouragement.

    Tina :)
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I have been at stuck at the same weight for a YEAR! I eat my alotted cals and workout 3-5 times a week. Plus, I"ve trained for half marathons. So I've gotten into running. I finally lowered my cals by 200. I've lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks.

    It will take time. I know things get repeated and you get sick of seeing the same old crap over and over. But, all of it is true. I kept posting questions about how to jumpstart the loss but nothing came out that was new.

    Even though the loss didn't happen for a year; I did notice changes. I was able to run longer distances. I made better choices about food (especially when out to eat).

    We are all here for you : )

    Keep it up and stay positive (even when it's hard too)
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    Ok i made my diary public...hopefully it shows Oh and this morning I was irritated, so ignore my bad start!!! lol
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    STAY MOTIVATED!!! Look at all the support you have, we are cheering you on!!

    I agree maybe add some more friends and open up your food diary and see if anyone can help. Also I might suggest seeing a doctor. About ten years ago I was working out six days a week for over an hour a day and eating right and I wasnt losing at all I was gaining. I finally went to see my doctor and come to find out I had an insulin deffiency. Once I was on the right medication to help I started losing weight right away.

    You have done well, dont throw away all that hard work!

    Feel free to add me if you need some extra motivation and support.
  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member
    Please dont give up! You CAN do this! Like it has been said 14 lbs is nothing to shake off, that is great! Something else that may be going on is you have be exercising too hard, deping on you heart rate you may not be in a fat buring stage... IDK just a thought
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    What have you logged your activity level as? The first time I joined here I put my activity as moderately active, but still logged my exercise, which turned out to be wrong, I should have put sedentary then logged it, or not logged it and have the calories included in my basic daily amount.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    when I say free day I basically don't count calories that day. i am cautious but I allow myself to indulge. Things like pizza for dinner or if I am at a family event, birthday party, ect. I still try, but not as hard. I do some sort of exercise every day even if it is a short walk to the pool or with the dog...something. Sometimes I don't log the shorter ones.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    Sorry, one more thing I use a heart rate monitor to track my calories and heart rate. I try to stay within range as much as possible in workouts (usually stay in it aroundd 70% of the time). It also accurately tracks my calories burned too.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Kristin,

    I took a quick peak at your diary. I would first of all encourage you to track sodium....if you have to give up a tracked item to fit it in give up sugar (unless you're a diabetic). Sodium can really represent an issue in the weight-loss game. MFP sets your "goal" at 2,500mg, but really that is too high and most experts now counsel you to keep it at or around 1,500 mg. If you are eating processed foods several times daily, you need to know how much sodium you're consuming. The more you make your own food the less sodium is hidden in it.

    I would also encourage you to eat more "whole" foods. More whole grains, substitute millet for rice, etc. If you have to buy a processed item read your label, look for something with fewer ingredients.

    Good luck, we're all cheering for you!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    OK This is April Fools right?

    Your breakfast today is part of the joke.

    Your diary looks good (what do I know) before today.

    Your funning us right???
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I am really looking for a reason to not give up, because I am right there wondering why I should keep going.

    I understand your frustration...really I do! I have had several major plateaus over the years and it STINKS! However, here's a reason to keep going. I was where you are at a few years ago... a 3 mos plateau while doing everything right. So, I gave up. I didn't start binge eating or anything...just stopped tracking what I was eating and ate normally...what the rest of the family ate. I ate a cookie here, a plate of lasagna there and within 3-5 months, I had regained almost 40 lbs! I will NEVER make that mistake frustrating as it is, you are making progress in inches and in health, whether you see it or not. And, the best part of all, you are NOT GAINING! My theory is this: If this is a lifestyle, there is no "giving up". You are learning to eat this way, hopefully forever. Time is going to pass one way or another, so I would rather see it pass losing or even maintaining than gaining!

    Don't give patient and stick it out. I agree about opening your diary so people can see what your eating and give you input.
  • deverez
    deverez Posts: 34 Member
    You should consider lowering your carbohydrate intake substantially. Perhaps try 100 grams or less!
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    HOLY MOLY! Don't give up... Number 1 Reason... Look at all the support and friends who are trying to encourage you to STICK WITH IT!! We may not all know each other on a personal level but we are ALL here for similar reasons... To lose weight, get healthy, tone that sexy body... whatever it is WE ALL HAVE A GOAL and none of us are there yet.. and we are still here working HARD to stay at it!! If we don't give up you shouldn't either. I understand doing what everyone says you should do is very frustrating.. so don't focus on that, maybe look at what worked for you in the past.. what did you do to lose the 14lbs? Then take what works for you and modify it all the while getting your encouragement from everyone and anyone who is willing to help keep you motivated but above all stick with it! YOU WILL GET THERE and time is your friend!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I know you said you use a heartrate monitor, but I think part of the problem may still be overcalculated the calories burned. I am amble to eat 1470 calories a day(that puts me at one pound a week loss) and mfp rarely tells me I can eat more than 2000 calories and still lose weight. On days I exersice, I am usually allowed to eat 1800, or 1900. I started at 190, and now weight about 184.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    You might consider focusing on non-scale goals. For me the following non-scale goals are just as important as the scale:

    -How long of a distance/time I can run without stopping
    -Average running speed
    -Body measurements (hips/waist/chest/legs/neck/etc.)
    -How long I can row on the rowing machine without stopping
    -How heavy of weights I can lift
    -Increased muscle definition (hellooooo tricep muscles!)

    You can make fitness related goals for whatever it is you like to do - elliptical, stairclimbing, walking, swimming... whatever

    Also, Try focusing on how you *feel* - I know that I feel a million times better mentally and emotionally (and physically!) when I am eating healthy (quality AND quantity) and exercising regularly.

    -It might help to keep a journal, if you don't already, so you can reflect on some of the emotional/mental aspects to weight loss and fitness - it's not an easy journey and you have to dig inside if you really want to make lasting changes.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    I just glanced at your food diary, and I don't understand why your calorie goal is so high. Is that because of exercise? My CW is 210 and MFP set my calorie goal at 1340 per day. If I ate more than 1340 per day, I wouldn't lose. Maybe your settings are off?