

  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Quick frozen sweet to replace other stuffs (need a food processor):

    Throw a bag of frozen mixed berries in the FP with a large container of plain yogurt and some sweetener. Process. Enjoy (some of it, and save the rest for later in the freezer).
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Instead of forcing yourself to do things, try thinking of it as a reward for your body. Instead of working out and eating healthy to lose weight, try thinking of it as a healthy lifestyle that will improve your well-being, improve your energy, stamina, mood, etc, and as an added benefit, make you look super hot!

    Try making small little changes in your lifestyle to get you to a healthier place. Start out with 30 minutes of working out every other day, and slowly work your way up to more vigorous exercises. Only do things that you enjoy. Don't start an exercise regime that you don't think you can commit to for the long-term, otherwise you are going to stop doing it and just go back to the way you were before. Basically, you want to do things that won't drastically alter the way you are living your life now so that it is something that will come naturally for you and will become part of your routine.

    Don't give up, just keep trying to find things that you like to do!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I don't plan in advance, but I do eat mostly the same things. it will be if I'm around ANY kind of other food I just eat it. That's it. I just can't help it. I just eat whatevers around. Yesrday I had steak, 2 servings of froot loops, 2 granola bars, 1 and a hlaf cups of milk, and a chocolate pudding for lunch. The day before I had 4 flippin donuts after supper! I can't stop once I start.

    Do you space snacks throughout the day? Your lunch sounds like something someone might have had if they skipped breakfast or waited a long time between meals. between 8 and 6pm I eat approximately every 2-3 hours (breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, dinner) which helps me never feel ravenously hungry.

    Also, I think of treats as minutes on the treadmill. Most of the time that's enough to talk me out of sweets like candy bars. I'd have to jog for 30 minutes just to burn off a Snickers.. eew!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    I don't plan in advance, but I do eat mostly the same things. it will be if I'm around ANY kind of other food I just eat it. That's it. I just can't help it. I just eat whatevers around. Yesrday I had steak, 2 servings of froot loops, 2 granola bars, 1 and a hlaf cups of milk, and a chocolate pudding for lunch. The day before I had 4 flippin donuts after supper! I can't stop once I start.

    From what you just said here, it sounds like you may have a sugar and/or carb addiction. The more you have, the more you want it? Food can be an addiction, just like drugs or alcohol; you can actually have withdrawal symptoms when you stop eating the foods that trigger you most. So take baby steps, and do it one piece at a time. For instance, try replacing the Froot Loops with real fruit. After a few days of doing that successfully, pick something else to tackle - maybe it will be using 12 grain bread instead of white, or cutting the amount of cream in your coffee in half. You get the idea?

    Give yourself a binge day. One day a week, when you can have whatever you want, and not feel guilty about it. Keep a list of all your cravings during the week, and tell yourself "I am so gonna eat ___ on Saturday!". It helps - really!

    Also, don't beat yourself up about it. Any step in the right direction is a positive move, even if there are no results yet. We are always our own worst critic.

    And exercise is not just to help you lose weight - it improves blood pressure, breathing, cholesterol, brain function, and all those other things that improve the overall quality of your life.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    I also just looked at the past week of your food diary. You are not eating anywhere near enough protein. That may have something to do with it. The more exercise you do, the more protein you need to eat. Protein can be found in:

    Meat, fish, chicken
    Nuts and nut butters

    *Beans are actually really good to have, because besides the protein, they have "good" carbs and fiber that help you feel full longer.
  • keepsiejess
    keepsiejess Posts: 51 Member
    What you are trying to do is very hard. It is no small thing. It takes a long time, and lots of practice. You have some habits to change and you want to see results.
    I'd say planning is smart. Especially if you are really busy.
    Also! Try not to drink your calories.
    Also! treat yourself, but make it a reasonable treat.
    It is so hard to change habits and ingrained food practices. i noticed that a fair amount of stuff you eat comes from a box or is considered "processed". Start with simple, uncomplicated foods and build on what you like. You have to like it, else it wont be able to stick.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Okay, stop, take a deep breath and listen to me for a second. This happens to ALL of us once in a while. I had 4 very bad weeks, but I refuse to give up on me cause if I do there is no one else to help me. Give yourself some positive self talk, keep up your exercise and slow go the course. I promised myself everyday, and I mean everday that tomorrow I would get it back together and it took 40 or so of those tomorrows but i amsloe going the course and I WILL not quit! You hang in there and if you need someone to talk to that know EXACTLY what you are saying, friend me and we will do this together....get yourself a buddy that knows the stuff that you are feeling right now. Chin up, pat yourself on the back and smile! This is your time to shine and YOU can do this!! Best wishes!!! Shelia
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    I can relate to you so much. I was at where your at for 4-5 years off and on. But THIS time I am ready to lose the weight for real and have lost 42 pounds over the past 9 months. During the 4-5 year period I would work out 5x a week with cardio and weights but could not stay strict on my eating. Some days I would eat super healthy, but many other days I would eat out like nobody's business. I would go to the gym for 60 minutes, then go to Starbucks afterwards and get a caramel machiatto and slice of lemon loaf. Then I'd go to Red Robin that night. I ended up gaining weight during this time, SO MUCH weight. However, my legs were completely firm and I had energy. I would get frustrated and stop working out because what's the point if you're not losing weight? Well, when I stopped working out I gained even MORE weight and the muscle that I built started deteriorating. And I got lazy, tired and ate whatever I wanted I was so frustrated. I thought going to the gym was supposed to make you thin? NOPE.

    I had my aha moment when I came back from a vacation last May having eaten fast food every single day and stepped on the Wii Fit and it told me I was obese. Me, obese? at 22 (then) years old? I just freaked out internally and was so ashamed that I let my weight skyrocket that far. I knew all along what caused it, and that my diet was the real culprit. That was the day that cause me to change my ways to lose the weight for real. It was like a brick hit me in the head! I started off by eating less. Eating CRAPPY foods but cutting everything in half. Instead of eating my usual Gyros with fries for lunch, I would get a chicken gyros with no sauce. Instead of drinking diet soda I drank water. Instead of eating a whole plate of pasta, I would split it. That first month I lost 15 pounds, didn't even work out or record what I ate. The next month I stepped it up a notch and started working out 5x a week and making healthier choices. No plan, just moderation. 5 pounds off that month. Next month, amped up work outs and stayed pretty moderate on my diet, another 5 pounds. Next month I joined MFP and started recording everything I ate. In three months I have lost 17 pounds here! And still losing... And I know it's going to stay off because I am mentally ready for that to happen. I have no more excuses. But that's my story. Why do YOU want to lose the weight? Why are you finally ready this time? There has got to be something stopping you, because if you were ready to lose the weight for good you would be making well rounded choices, plan and simple.

    You have to really want it, something needs to really click in your head that you are ready to make the change. It's not easy, and you will have to sacrifice alot of your old eating habits. If you're not there yet that is okay, everyone has their own journey. You KNOW what you need to do to lose weight (even if it's just 10 pounds), so if you are ready just go for it and do it! Kind of like quitting smoking, you need to be READY to quit!
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I can relate to you so much. I was at where your at for 4-5 years off and on. But THIS time I am ready to lose the weight for real and have lost 42 pounds over the past 9 months. During the 4-5 year period I would work out 5x a week with cardio and weights but could not stay strict on my eating. Some days I would eat super healthy, but many other days I would eat out like nobody's business. I would go to the gym for 60 minutes, then go to Starbucks afterwards and get a caramel machiatto and slice of lemon loaf. Then I'd go to Red Robin that night. I ended up gaining weight during this time, SO MUCH weight. However, my legs were completely firm and I had energy. I would get frustrated and stop working out because what's the point if you're not losing weight? Well, when I stopped working out I gained even MORE weight and the muscle that I built started deteriorating. And I got lazy, tired and ate whatever I wanted I was so frustrated. I thought going to the gym was supposed to make you thin? NOPE.

    I had my aha moment when I came back from a vacation last May having eaten fast food every single day and stepped on the Wii Fit and it told me I was obese. Me, obese? at 22 (then) years old? I just freaked out internally and was so ashamed that I let my weight skyrocket that far. I knew all along what caused it, and that my diet was the real culprit. That was the day that cause me to change my ways to lose the weight for real. It was like a brick hit me in the head! I started off by eating less. Eating CRAPPY foods but cutting everything in half. Instead of eating my usual Gyros with fries for lunch, I would get a chicken gyros with no sauce. Instead of drinking diet soda I drank water. Instead of eating a whole plate of pasta, I would split it. That first month I lost 15 pounds, didn't even work out or record what I ate. The next month I stepped it up a notch and started working out 5x a week and making healthier choices. No plan, just moderation. 5 pounds off that month. Next month, amped up work outs and stayed pretty moderate on my diet, another 5 pounds. Next month I joined MFP and started recording everything I ate. In three months I have lost 17 pounds here! And still losing... And I know it's going to stay off because I am mentally ready for that to happen. I have no more excuses. But that's my story. Why do YOU want to lose the weight? Why are you finally ready this time? There has got to be something stopping you, because if you were ready to lose the weight for good you would be making well rounded choices, plan and simple.

    You have to really want it, something needs to really click in your head that you are ready to make the change. It's not easy, and you will have to sacrifice alot of your old eating habits. If you're not there yet that is okay, everyone has their own journey. You KNOW what you need to do to lose weight (even if it's just 10 pounds), so if you are ready just go for it and do it! Kind of like quitting smoking, you need to be READY to quit!

    Great post, noltes2. I was thinking the same thing. You have to be truly ready, mentally, for the challenge. Once you are, you will succeed. Don't give up hope!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    This helped me when I was stressing over hitting my target....
    I've posted this so many times everyone must be sick of it BUT IT HELPED ME SO MUCH that I'm a bit of a zealot.

    It dawned on me that it's not hitting a number exactly, but falling within a range consistently...
    So, I went to the goals section and kept playing with the data I input. to get the following info
    You can figure out yours, but here's the idea...

    To lose 1lb/week I get 1240 cal (target)

    To lose 1/2lb/week I get 1470 cal

    To maintain my GOAL weight I get 1670 cal
    ....unless I consistently go over my target by 400 cal
    I should still lose (maybe a little more slowly, but no reason to throw in the towel).

    To maintain my CURRENT weight I get 1720 cal
    ....unless I consistently go over my target goal 500 cal
    I should not gain. So I'm not losing any ground. (I can take a break and then pick-up where I left off)

    So bottom of my range is 1200 cal and top of my range is my maintain goal weight cal (1670)
    I'm usually between My low days are usually between 1200-1300, my high days are usually between 1400-1500.
    I'm much less stress now that I've given myself some wiggle room. And the way I see it if I"m stress and unhappy I'll never stick with it.

    Even if I am not hitting every goal dead on every day I'm still doing much than I was before MFP.
    which, for me, is reason enough to stick with it.

    Remember, it's not about being perfect it's about doing better.
    No matter where you start from it's all about taking baby steps.
    Later you look back and realize that all those baby steps add up to something substantial.

    Also recently read a couple of articles, one said that one factor in successful weight loss is having measurable goals.
    I think this site is great for that. The other said that the slower you lose weight the more likely you are to keep it off.

    Good Luck! Keep at it!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    3 pages of answers I'm sure you'e stopped reading by now.


    You're only here to lose a few vanity pounds.

    Watch your sugar intake... Sugar increases your appetite and decreases the absorption on nutrients (esp calcium)
    Watch out for sugars hidden in "REAL FOOD" I'm amazed at how much sugar (under many different names) I find in things sold as real foods. (I forgot to check sugar on a lean cuisine meal I picked up the other day it had 30g of sugar, I only get 25g per day, my favorite cookies are 9g for 15 cookies) I personally would rather cut sugar out of my "real food" and have a sweet snack once in a while.

    Artificial sweeteners (aside from having nasty chemicals) also increase your appetite if I have a DIET COKE during the day odds are I'll be going over on my calories that day.

    Getting thru the first two weeks without sugar is tough, but once you get past that it's much easier (not easy, just easier)

    Sometimes one is worse than none. Watch out for "trigger foods" (for lots of folks it's sugar) those are the foods that once you start you can't stop. When you do want to treat yourself, buy the individual serving size at the convenience store.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Thank you everyone for the encouragement :) It really is amazing that so many people are here to support each other every day. I'm not going to quit, but I think I'm going to look into a few changes. Thanks everyone!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    I don't plan in advance, but I do eat mostly the same things. it will be if I'm around ANY kind of other food I just eat it. That's it. I just can't help it. I just eat whatevers around. Yesrday I had steak, 2 servings of froot loops, 2 granola bars, 1 and a hlaf cups of milk, and a chocolate pudding for lunch. The day before I had 4 flippin donuts after supper! I can't stop once I start.

    Well i think you should plan your meals the night before on MFP and therefore....you shouldnt stray!! It works for me so hopefully it works for you!!

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • utah_angel1971
    dont EVER give up. Hon i have PCOS and low thyroid. Both condition that not only make it nearly impossible to lose weight, but PCOS makes you gain. I worked out 75 min a day at Golds, for 5 days a week for a year and lost 2 lbs in that year. I KNOW how frustrating it can be. and i DID give up. Every dr always told me watch what you eat, work out. No one ever thought maybe there was something else going on on. Until this last year.
    I still struggle i have to work 5x's harder than most people to lose 1 lb while others are losing like 15 lbs. i got so frustrated i'd cry.
    and my mom went through the same thing she really struggled losing weight, with low thyroid. I'll tell you like i told her, and yes i've been told but advice is always easier given than taken lol.
    OK so you're exercising and NOT losing weight, you're increasing muscle strength, you're increasing lean body mass, you're improving your cardio-pulmonary strength. All in all, where i would look for the results are in your over all healthy.
    Last october my friend went to put sandbags in the bag of my pickup. I could barely lift one iwthout getting out of breath.
    Although i still havent lost much. Last weekend when i went to throw them out? i picked them all up threw them out of my truck with ease. So whil i may not be seeing results in the scale, THAT was a huge change for me.
    So keep it up.
    Also, people assume when they try to eat healthy they have to cut out all those treats. Then what happens is they then over-indulge. which makes them gain. Eat healthy, exercise your butt off. But everyonce in a while allow yourself a treat, and trying to lose weight wont seem like such a burden or a life sentence.
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    dont give up. i no its hard and your the only one that can help your self.i have not lost any weight for ove three weeks and its hard to keep going but in the back of my mind i do.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    My question to you is WHAT IS YOUR ALTERNATIVE??? You don't want to feel out of control, gain weight, and be unhealthy. Please sit down and consider your options. You are having a rough patch, but you WILL do this. Anything I can do to help - just let me know.