Butter or margarine?



  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Do a search on trans fat, which is basically what margarine is. Butter is a saturated fat, but it is 100% natural. The benefits of a few less calories far outweigh the artery clogging risks.

    For years you've heard that eating saturated fat is like pouring superglue into your arteries. But the fact is, this forbidden fat actually increases your HDL (good) cholesterol, which helps remove plaque from your artery walls, decreasing your risk of heart disease.

    Read more: http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/saturated_fat/#ixzz1IPol0lSM

    Rock on, Girl! I eat Paleo which means cooking grassfed beef, pork, chicken, wild game, etc in pastured butter. I use Kerry Gold Irish butter along with coconut oil, bacon grease and sometimes lard. As long as I keep my carb intake under 50g's per day I don't need to watch calories and I'll continue to lose weight/drop bodyfat.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Butter or olive oil--sparingly, measured. I can't handle the idea of fake butter.
  • MeredithLee11
    MeredithLee11 Posts: 192 Member
    I like the taste of margarine more than butter, but I hate hydrogenated oils. So Smart Balance has been my go-to. Love the stuff.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Do a search on trans fat, which is basically what margarine is. Butter is a saturated fat, but it is 100% natural. The benefits of a few less calories far outweigh the artery clogging risks.

    There honestly aren't artery clogging risks in saturated fats - eat real butter and real fat. The stuff created in labs isn't what our body's are made to take.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Do a search on trans fat, which is basically what margarine is. Butter is a saturated fat, but it is 100% natural. The benefits of a few less calories far outweigh the artery clogging risks.

    For years you've heard that eating saturated fat is like pouring superglue into your arteries. But the fact is, this forbidden fat actually increases your HDL (good) cholesterol, which helps remove plaque from your artery walls, decreasing your risk of heart disease.

    Read more: http://www.menshealth.com/mhlists/saturated_fat/#ixzz1IPol0lSM

    YES! Perfect!
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Do a search on trans fat, which is basically what margarine is. Butter is a saturated fat, but it is 100% natural. The benefits of a few less calories far outweigh the artery clogging risks.

    There honestly aren't artery clogging risks in saturated fats - eat real butter and real fat. The stuff created in labs isn't what our body's are made to take.

  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    Butter, everything else would make a better lubricant for diesel engines rather than being something you should eat. Although, I saw this movie recently involving 7 hot dogs and a stick of butter that was pretty amazing.
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