Biggest Loser Challenge! MAKE SURE TO READ EVERYTHING!



  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    I'm excited to be starting this challenge! I have a really hard time with getting motivated on my own, and I am a competitive person so I hope this works for me and I'm not "voted" off any time soon! Anyone that wants to can friend me!
  • loro1971
    loro1971 Posts: 135
    hahhahaha sorry Gary!!! and MEN!!!!!! DIDNT SEE YOU THERE..... YOU DA MAN!!!! :wink:
  • crackerjack345
    crackerjack345 Posts: 129 Member
    I have a feeling I may be saying goodbye tomorrow. But, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I'm in this for the long haul, so as long as I'm moving in the right direction I'm happy.
  • lchalmers
    lchalmers Posts: 52

    Team 1:
    Chrystal559 SW: 302.6 CW: 299.8 percent loss: 0.93%
    cama2681 SW: 197 CW: 195 percent loss: 1.02%

    Team 2:
    crackerjack345 SW: 299.8 CW: 297.6 percent loss: 0.73%
    LadyTep SW: 144.5 CW: 141 percent loss: 2.42 %

    Team 3:
    Dtough SW: 191 CW: 189.2 percent loss: 0.94%
    Alita2011 SW: 153.6 CW: 152.2 percent loss: 0.91 %

    Team 4:
    JulieSmiles1 SW: 199.7 CW: 198.8 percent loss: 0.45%
    Gary1977 SW: 603.5 CW: 590.5 percent loss: 2.15 %

    Team 5:
    lchalmers SW: 229 CW: 226 percent loss: 1.31 %
    Hannahrenee86 SW: 176 CW: 174 percent loss: 1.14 %

    Team 6:
    kmcoulon SW: 185.4 CW: 181 percent loss: 2.37%
    loro1971 SW: 193 CW: 190.4 percent loss: 1.35 %

    Team 7:
    KaylaPeterson24 SW: 193 CW: 192.5 percent loss: 0.26%
    frostiegurl SW: 197 CW: 192 percent loss: 2.54 %

    Individual Rankings:
    1. frostiegurl 2.54%
    2. LadyTep 2.42%
    3. kmcoulon 2.37%
    4. Gary1977 2.15 %
    5. loro1971 1.35 %
    6. lchalmers 1.31%
    7. Hannahrenee86 1.14 %
    8. cama2681 1.02%
    9. Dtough 0.94%
    10. Chrystal559 0.93 %
    11. Alita2011 0.91%
    12. crackerjack345 0.73%
    13. JulieSmiles1 0.45%
    14. KaylaPeterson24 0.26 %

    Team Rankings:
    1. Team 6 ..... 3.72%
    2. Team 2 ..... 3.15%
    3. Team 7 ..... 2.80%
    4. Team 4 ..... 2.60%
    5. Team 5 ...... 2.45%
    6. Team 1 ...... 1.95%
    7. Team 3 ..... 1.85%

    Lowest Percent Loss:
    Team 3.... & your team member with the lowest percent loss was Alita2011 with a 0.91% loss.... sorry Alita2011, you are no longer in this competition! :( GOOD LUCK!

  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Sorry Alita2011. I know you will continue to do your best. How about this? Just like on the biggest loser, we can see who has the best % of weight loss for those eliminated before the "finale". That will help to contiue to motivate those who get eliminated throughout. After all, we are all in this together to be the healthest "me" we can be! Good luck to everyone in the following week and wish you much success.:bigsmile:
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    Awww man! I'm sorry girl! I think gary had a good idea though!
  • Please let me know if there is going to be a part two to this challenge...I would love to sign up!! GO TEAMS!!! YOU CAN AND YOU WILL DO THIS!!!
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Wow....I enjoyed the competition anyway..thanks u guys..
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Wow....I enjoyed the competition anyway..thanks u guys..

    I know you did your best. Keep giving it your all and stay in touch with the rest of us. Feel free to send me a message anytime. Check back in @ the end and let's see the wonderful progress that we all know you will make. Stay strong and fight the good fight!
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Alita, you'll be missed. Don't let this hinder your progress though. You did great last week and you're going to continue making great choices to reach your goal.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    I almost lost... I have to work my butt off this week... my mom has been in the hospital, so hard for me to get in my exercise. but there is no excuses.. I just need to work harder...
  • lchalmers
    lchalmers Posts: 52
    Gary, thats a great idea! Keep up the good work, Alita! :) Look forward to watching you progress and seeing where your at before our "finale" :)
  • lchalmers
    lchalmers Posts: 52

    Percent loss by team (team avg.) :
    Team 1: 0.75%
    Team 2: 1.01%
    Team 3: 1.37%
    Team 4: 0.58%
    Team 5: 0.68%
    Team 6: 0.99%
    Team 7: 1.41% (one member didnt weigh in, so thats just one member's percentage)

    Individual Rankings:

    1. frostiegurl: 1.77%

    2. LadyTep: 1.42%

    3. Dtough: 1.37%

    4. Kaylapeterson24: 1.04%

    5. cama2681: 1.03%

    6. kmcoulon: 0.99%

    7. Hannahrenee86: 0.92%

    8. Gary1977: 0.76%

    9. crackerjack345: 0.60%

    10. Chrystal559: 0.47%

    11. Lchalmers: 0.44%

    12. JulieSmiles1: 0.40%

    13. loro1971: N/A

    The person leaving us this week is loro1971 of Team 6 .... she did not weigh in this week. SORRY LORO :(
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Looks great. I think you accidentally noted that someone from team #7 didn't update their weight when I think it was team six. I'm loving all the losses I'm seeing from all the teams.
  • kmcoulon
    kmcoulon Posts: 70 Member
    So....does that mean I'm at a disadvantage now? Obviously my weight loss by itself won't be better than some 2 person teams!
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    So....does that mean I'm at a disadvantage now? Obviously my weight loss by itself won't be better than some 2 person teams!

    It's done by percentage lost. So with two person teams, their percentages are added together and divided by 2 so there wouldn't be any disadvantage.
  • KaylaPeterson24
    KaylaPeterson24 Posts: 60 Member
    I think you made a mistake! Team seven (me and Frostiegurl) both weighed in. Yay!!! Go team 7!!! :bigsmile:
  • loro1971
    loro1971 Posts: 135
    i am soooo sorry i forgot to weigh in.... been a crazy week,, my grandma is in the hospital with pneumonia and we had water in the basement from flooding,,,, CRAAAZY WEEK!... I AM DOWN 1.6 LBS...... IF I AM OUT.. I APOLOGIZE TO MY PARTNER, AND TO ALL OF YOU FOR NOT POSTING,,,, good luck all.. and i will continue to follow along and wish success to you all.:frown:
  • kmcoulon
    kmcoulon Posts: 70 Member
    Awwwww Loro I'm srry you had a bad week =/
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    Kmcoulon - I'm on my own too it didnt hurt me being alone. We can pair up to make everyone teams again if you want!
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