No Motivation :(

megan090 Posts: 7
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I really want to lose weight and some weeks I'll really be motivated to exercise. But other weeks I will have absoultly no motivation to do anything. Another problem i have is watching my calories, I have a problem I love food way to much!! I love eating food so much!!!!

I just don't know how to get the motivation to keep going and exercise! Or get the displine to put down that burger!!!



  • megan090
    megan090 Posts: 7
    I really want to lose weight and some weeks I'll really be motivated to exercise. But other weeks I will have absoultly no motivation to do anything. Another problem i have is watching my calories, I have a problem I love food way to much!! I love eating food so much!!!!

    I just don't know how to get the motivation to keep going and exercise! Or get the displine to put down that burger!!!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I personally think that "motivation" is somewhat of a myth. I still rarely feel "motivated" to exercise. . .but I follow the Nike advice and "just do it". Sometimes it helps to remember how amazing I feel when I'm finished, but sometimes I just drag my *kitten* to the gym.

    Examine why you love food. I love food, too. . .but for a long time I overate because I was looking for food to do things other than taste delicious and nourish my body.

    There's no magic. Just keep going. Every day/meal/bite is a new opportunity to make a better choice.:flowerforyou:
  • JennyBanker
    JennyBanker Posts: 49 Member
    The only motivation you need is the desire to be healthy. you can eat whatever you want, no need to stress yourself. It is very simple, eat less and move more and drink lots of water. It is better to eat your calories than drink them. Alot of the time when we feel hungry really we are thirsty so beofre you eat drink a glass of water and wait 15 minutes if you are still hungry eat some fruit or veggies. At meal times make a big veggi or fruit salad to go with dinner and make that your largest portion and eat slow to really savor your food and drink water with your meal. It takes 6 week to break a habit and yes you will be hungry in the beginning but tell yourself this you are hungry because you want to be healthy and it will go away soon ,you are not hungry because of lack of malnuritment. I have lost over 45lbs since April 5th and yes it was hard at the beginning but that is what I kept telling myself and now I feel full with what I eat and I am not hungry often. Good Luck!!
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    What I find works for me is to work out heavily (for me, 50 minutes) EVERY OTHER DAY. That way, if I choose to work out on day's I'm not scheduled to work out, it's a bonus. The motivation for me is knowing how I'm feeling these days, now that I have exercise in my life, and the results, which are tangible, such as fitting into things I have not dared to put on in 2 years.

    I had a cute black dress I love to wear but it made me look like a sausage:grumble: . 7 lbs later, it fits better, and I dared wear it to work. People noticed. ON a bad day, I would have said "Ahhh, the healing power of black!", but yesterday, I could say "That's me, minus 7 lbs, thank you!":blushing:

    Another source: Two + years ago, I quit smoking. My husband still smokes, sadly:ohwell: He has watched me lose these few pounds, and obviously notices what I do and what I eat, and the results. He said to me today "Julie, you know, I have to say that you amaze me. When you decide you're doing something, it gets done! I admire your willpower and your tenacity. I don't know how you do it, but you are completely dedicated to this 100%; I wish I had half your committment."

    :happy: :happy: :happy:
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