What WOULDN'T you change about yourself?



  • yeaah
    yeaah Posts: 34
    My sense of humor, because I make everyone laugh, and when spreading joy I get so happy myself and then I laugh and I love to laugh :D I think my laughter is also something people laugh of, so I would never change my laughter either. It's a trait.

    Yes, I would NEVER change my special laughter. :) Nor my eyes...and butt.
  • jeyoung03
    jeyoung03 Posts: 83
    I would never change my legs! Everyone compliments me on them ;)
    My butt, boobs, and face can stay too.

    The middle section is what needs some work! =P
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Apparently I have been told I have beautiful eyes....

    My lips

    My personality :wink:

    *rubs your temples*

    You DO have beautiful lips......:bigsmile:
    Yep thats what SHE said LOL
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    I like my eyes, my sarcastic wit and sense of humor, and my legs, the have always been muscular and tone.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    I love my eyes and eyelashes! (whenever I go on a date guys always say I love ur eyes lol)

    I also love my bum :)

    and the weird one - my feet - well the top of my feet and how perfectly my toes are in line! xxx
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    Being nice even though it usually is "too nice".
    Oh my gosh me too!! I get taken advantage of all the time because I am too nice but it is a quality I feel is important and I would like to never change. How great would this world be if we were all like this!! :smile:

    ^^^ THIS!! and my awesome fun-loving personality heeheeheehee:D
  • samantharae121205
    <3 personality :):) eyes, facial expressions!!.
  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    my eyes.........................oh and my imagination.............both normally lead to trouble, but in a very good way :tongue:
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    Great post!

    I would never change my personality :bigsmile:
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Aside from continuing to lose weight, I wouldn't change a single thing.
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    My bubbly/crazy/SUPER funny/outrageous personality, and the 2 "beauty marks" smack dab in the middle of my nose...i mean who can say they have that? lol
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    i love my sense of humor and my creativity. also, i love all my scars, cuz every single one of them has a ridiculous story attached to it that could be some crazy plot in a sitcom! im a total clutz, have been since i was a baby apparently :)
  • dalzinho
    dalzinho Posts: 52
    My thick and bushy moustache, of course.
  • krisvtx8777
    krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
    My hips, although they are big-they keep my waist to appear smaller :wink:
  • alvi002
    alvi002 Posts: 23
    my hilarious sense of humor and my unselfishness to please a woman :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    I hope I don't loose mine either!!