I'm not a lush, but can't I just drink my extra calories? (y



  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Glad I found this post! Now I won't feel guilty when I enjoy a glass of wine this weekend. Can't give up who I am, but I can limit my indulgences :)
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    :drinker: I am glad I saw this! I will be adding some vodka to my diet V8!:drinker:
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one.....I love a few shots of vodka...in moderation of course.
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    While I am no expert on the subject, I advise you to take my thoughts on this with a grain of salt.


    Thought for sure there was a margarita mention when I saw grain of salt. Sorry.... :(

    No offense intended.
  • BlazedBetty
    I felt more at home in the first few posts than I did the last few...

    I drink almost everyday.. and have continued to drink almost everyday since joining MFP.

    There are days that I don't... but it' not a calorie reason, it's because I don't want to.

    The way I figure it, this is supposed to be about life change. And I'm not gonna stop drinking AFTER I lose the weight, so why stop while I'm losing the weight. This is not a life change that is going to happen. Not for me anyway, if you wanna quit drinking, why go right ahead... I don't judge your or your life, so please don't judge mine.

    The only thing I have changed is what and how I drink. I used to drink heavy lagers like Yuengling and Sam Adams to chase down shots of all kinds... Now I order vodka and water and add Mio... and if I do a shot it's a chilled shot of a straight liquor I can calculate the calories for

    Have you heard of Mio? It's amazing.. they call it "water enhancer" but basically... it's like liquid crystal light..
    It has no calories, but it does have artificial sweeteners and colors...

    I have Strawberry Watermelon right now.. and it is way yummy in a vodka water....

    I have been recommending this "cocktail" to all my girlfriends on a diet... (and almost all of them are, it is April and I do live in Florida)

    I have yet to try out the other Mio flavors, but I'm gonna eventually get there :-)

    (And to those party animals go ahead and add me as a friend)
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Sounds better than a drinking a milkshake for your extra calories!

    Exactly, unless said milkshake is from Max Burger and therefore spiked =]
    I'm currently enjoying wine as I got all my portions of protein, carbs, fat and so on, with calories left over.