Zumba and calories burned



  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    Okay so eating my exercise calories didn't work but I have a new plan and I lost two lbs last night doing it. No more fast food unless it's like McAlister's, Newk's or Taziki's (places where I can get healthy things)on lunch, Lean Cuisine's and cooking healthy for dinner. Exercise for 3 nights and take a night off to rest my body. Drinking lots of water instead of diet drinks. (Still drinking one diet a day but I'm trying. I was drinking 6/day.

    Yesterday I woke up and weighed 175.8....TERRIBLE 2lb gain
    Ate my bagel for breakfast, ate a sandwhich on wheat, fruit, past salad (1/2 cup) and an oatmeal raisin cookie (1/8...gotta have my sweetness) for lunch
    For dinner I had a lean cuisine and ate a smart ones dessert. Didn't exercise because it was my day off.
    This morning weigh in was 173.4....loss of 2.4 lbs plus I usually don't weigh in on Saturdays until about 11:00 (that's when I always wake up) So maybe if I keep this up I can lose a couple more by weigh in Saturday and not feel discouraged anymore. I got my bday present yesterday (My birthday is April 19th.) and it's swimsuits from Victoria Secret but I want to look good in them for Memorial Day! I pray I can keep this up. Fast food is my weakness because it's quick, easy, and filling.
  • Melzie2121
    I don't really want nor need to build muscle. I just want to lose lbs. I want to be at a healthy BMI.

    My Husband says absolutely everyone (including women looking to lose weight) should be doing some sort of weight lifting. You'll lose more fat than you gain in muscle. I'm not an expert, and I'm way overweight, but he's very fit and has done a lot of research. May be something you want to check into?

    By the way, I LOVE Zumba. I work my butt off in the gym but don't sweat nearly as much as when I'm doing Zumba.
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    Lost another .6 lbs today. So yeah found out what works. All water, 1 diet drink a day, no greasy fast food (cooking and lean cuisines), exercise 3X a week not 6X. I think I was overexercising. Tomorrow is the official weigh in day...I'm kind of excited. My hubby and I have date night tonight though so pray for me that I can pick something to eat that isn't terrible for me. So eating my exercise calories wasn't my problem. I just needed to find what was right for me. So glad that scale is moving again! :D
  • keyariluvs
    @mwel8819 Is Zumba for the Wii your only workout? I have the game as well on kinect, along with two other dance games and use all three of them and have had good results thus far. Waiting on my HRM to come in the mail so I can see how much i'm burning.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Lifted from another thread. Explains weight gain related to execise.

  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    Yes I have lots of dancing workouts and just dance 2. Zumba burns WAYYYY more calories though. I'm good now though. Lost another lb today. Got it all figured out. No fast food, lots of water, and exercise only 3x a weeks. I'm great now and motivated again.
  • fishermanwife
    you said you adjusted your diet by not eating as much not so healthy to go dinners those always have tons of sodium in them and that always killed my weight, good luck!
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    Well I bought a few dinners but mostly we are cooking now. Eating steamed veggies and whatnot...anything is better than all the grease I was ingesting before now.
  • justin_time
    the most accurate way is to use a HRM, however for a quick easy to use tool based on metabolic averages using your weight and workout intensity level try http://sites.google.com/site/zumbacaloriesburnt