Get Fit by the Summer (July 2011)

Anybody down for joining in with me on losing at least 15-30lbs by July 2011?


  • jeschberger
    jeschberger Posts: 1 Member
    I'm for it! I'm new to this so any helpful information appreciated!
  • queenak77
    queenak77 Posts: 13 Member
    i'm down!!
  • kaitlynsmom
    kaitlynsmom Posts: 140 Member
    I am also down for it!!!
  • ItsAsha
    ItsAsha Posts: 78
    me! me! me!
    what are you doing to lose?
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Im in too when is going to be our weigh in days ?
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    me too! I"m in a group now with the end day of June 9. I'll try to join as many as I can to help keep me motivated.
  • Mahora
    Mahora Posts: 15
    I would like to join to!

    I've been training and on IP until October, I've lost 35 pounds since, I would like to lose 17 more but I kind of it a plateau for the last few moths. Any advises?
  • samantharae121205
    im in! :)
    170lbs as of this morning.
    sooo 140-155 by july!!.
    lets doo this!!
  • samantharae121205
    are yu gonna have weigh in days?
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    i'm in

    195 on sunday
    this should keep me going on low days :smile:
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    i would like in
  • simply_lovable08
    Sounds good to me. Are we going to choose a weigh in schedule?

    Everyone, feel free to save me as a friend.
  • comebackgirl
    I'm definitely down I'm trying to lose 20 more pounds by june!
  • shellypoo7
    shellypoo7 Posts: 56 Member
    Im in too when is going to be our weigh in days ?

    What do you all suggest? HOW OFTEN SHOULD WE WEIGH OURSELVES? I was told one shouldn't be on the scale too often. What do you think about once a week or once every two weeks?
  • samantharae121205
    Im in too when is going to be our weigh in days ?

    What do you all suggest? HOW OFTEN SHOULD WE WEIGH OURSELVES? I was told one shouldn't be on the scale too often. What do you think about once a week or once every two weeks?

    its your post :):) what would you prefer??
  • Nakei
    Nakei Posts: 6
    I'm down. I just had a baby (Actually 2 in 2 yrs) I have weight to lose for sure. 185 now would love to be 155. It's gonna be hard let's all be great support to each other! Good luck everyone!
  • simply_lovable08
    Im in too when is going to be our weigh in days ?

    What do you all suggest? HOW OFTEN SHOULD WE WEIGH OURSELVES? I was told one shouldn't be on the scale too often. What do you think about once a week or once every two weeks?

    its your post :):) what would you prefer??

    I typically weigh myself once every 2 weeks. That seems like a nice amount of time. Not too often and not too less. Unless other prefer one week weight-ins. I can go with the majority.
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    Im in too when is going to be our weigh in days ?

    What do you all suggest? HOW OFTEN SHOULD WE WEIGH OURSELVES? I was told one shouldn't be on the scale too often. What do you think about once a week or once every two weeks?

    how often we going with i dont mind which ever is good with me
    its your post :):) what would you prefer??

    I typically weigh myself once every 2 weeks. That seems like a nice amount of time. Not too often and not too less. Unless other prefer one week weight-ins. I can go with the majority.
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    how often we going with, i dont mind which ever:happy:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I need this. Been on here for about 9 weeks and have only lost 9 lbs. Been exercising less and feeling lazy! I think when the weather gets nice I'll be ready to start exercising again! Need to turn myself around before I get too discouraged!!!