I'm SO hungry, I could eat an elephant.



  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I usually reach for the vege's -- either raw or cooked. And I will eat them plain. I figure if I'm hungry enough to eat plain vege's then I really am hungry.

    I do have to admit, the chocolate covered elephant does sound quite good at times!
  • whtrbt
    whtrbt Posts: 5
    I find that during the day at work when I am busy, I don't think about food. Also, when I play video games, I don't think about food, either. so when I am distracted, I am fine. When I can think about being hungry, it's worse.

    Water, coffee, and tea help pacify the hunger. I am doing Body for Life --- so 6 small meals spaced out during the day. For example, a "meal" is cottage cheese and an apple. Spacing the food out helps.

    I also allow myself one Skinny Cow at the end of the day. It's the last thing I eat before closing the books on the day.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    i want some ice cream so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:

    ICE CREAM. You scream for ice scream. I scream for ice cream. WE all scream for ice cream.....I can't remember the last time I had ice cream. I think I'll have it for my cheat day this Sunday. YUM
    Skinny cow rocks....We have a whole new song for it at my house....*skips away singing skinny cowwww skinny cowww how I love my skinnny cowwww*
  • VictorinoDennis
    Do you all take vitamins? It seems to me that if your still hungry then your not getting all the nutrients fromyour food. Are you eating calories burned? You may also be under your needs. I say if your still hungry eat just be sensible about it.
  • sar586
    sar586 Posts: 40 Member
    Good advice!! You'll regret it tomorrow!
  • hezzie7
    hezzie7 Posts: 8
    You need more protein and you need fiber! Can not stress the need for high fiber with water. The protein stabilizes your cravings. Get the protein into you early enough in the day though. Try a low fat protein smoothie in the morning. I take a scoop of powder, 1/2 cup vanilla low fat / sugar free yogurt, 1/2 cup skim milk, a small banana and a handful of ice and throw it all into the blender. Give it a whirl and you have yourself a breakfast that is going to sustain you through til lunch....or later. Add fiber to this by throwing in a handful of flaxseed. Lunch up your fiber by eating a fiber bar such as Kelloggs Bran Bars (130 cal. per bar) and chase that with at least 16 oz of water and then have raw baby carrots and snowpeas. Lots of fiber in that lunch and I promise at dinner time you will not have eaten your pets. Dinner make sure you eat protein again and reward yourself with a low fat sugar free ice cream/frozen yogurt treat that is about 90 cal. Make sure you are full and you should have almost drank all of your 8 cups of water by now and be ready to stop eating at 7 pm. If you need to eat in the evening choose vegetables not fruit. Eat ALL your alloted calories everyday or you will go into starvation mode. Once you go into that nasty mode it is brutal to get your body to let go of any weight. Good luck.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I was like this last night and ended up gobbling 4 slices of jam on toast and half an orange (gave the other 1/2 to the dog lol)

    I'm trying to make sure I get a good dollop of protein and salads or veggies in with every meal now to keep me full!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Up your protein and cut down the carbs. Many find this approach reduces cravings and keeps the hunger pangs at bay.
  • jsavy
    jsavy Posts: 28 Member
    Save back a few calories for times like that, Laughing Cow on crackers, celery etc... or there is a fudge tuffle bar made by Skinny Cow for a 100 calores worth every bite.I don`t dwell on it if I get hungry I eat, just enough to say I had something.
  • traceyrbb
    traceyrbb Posts: 39 Member
    I definately believe the carb theory....I notice if I eat too many carbs in a day I want to keep eating but when I have more protein then I'm good to go. Some days you can't help the cravings though and I believe you can't deprive yourself of things you like from time to time or you'll give up. And I definately make myself exercise longer if I've gone over too much. Tough battle with the cravings but it's all part of being human!:wink:
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    The only way I can keep myself from feeling hungry all day is to eat a 1/2 c. or so of fruit and veg. with every small meal / snack. I still get after-dinner cravings, but it takes longer to get there if I'm still munching on my cucumbers and berries.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I haven't been hit by a crave for a while but when I did, I got a bottle of water and added a flavor packet. That usually helped. Since starting this program, I really haven't had any craves, but I noticed that if I keep my protein levels even, I don't feel hungry. I am waiting for the overwhelming urge for ice cream or chocolate....I better have a case of water ready...LOL