what diet is everyone on?



  • rgsmi
    rgsmi Posts: 30 Member
    I'm currently on my most successful diet...and it's not a named diet of any sort.

    I avoid the situations that cause me to want to binge/nervous/stress/boredom eat.
    I avoid the foods that I know I can't handle in moderation.
    I eat four meals, including two light breakfasts, and something every two hours.
    I write down everything I eat.
    I do an "eat this not that" when I feel like a treat.
    I keep that daily MFP total as close to zero as possible without going over or under.
    I work out while watching TV, instead of just watching TV in the evening.

    And I've chosen not to weigh myself until the end of May...because I know weighing myself just discourages me.

    Rather, I'm trusting the math, and my increased energy level to help me over the long haul.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm on the "Exercise Your Bum Off So You Can Eat What You Want" diet.

    I still have pizza, cake, cookies, and all the other yummies I always liked. Just less of them, and I exercise a lot more.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I'm not on a diet. I'm changing my lifestyle.

    I have to agree with this. I don't consider what I am doing a diet because I'll never be able to go back to the way I was eating before. I have to do something that is sustainable for the rest of my life.

  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    I am doing the Primal lifestyle. I have found it works great for me. I know this is a lifestyle I can maintain forever, not just a fad diet. I cut carbs to 50-100 (which isn't drastic to me, I actually get to eat quite a bit) to lose weight and 100-150 carbs to maintain. I have also looked for recipes to replace the things I have given up, so I don't feel deprived and give it up quickly.

    I started MFP with the mindset I wanted to be skinny and look great in a swimsuit by this summer and changed to making healthy choices for me and my family. I think this is the best site to find what works for you and have a great support system working with you.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    whole foods, clean eating as much as possible but not 100%.. my focus is on filling, healthy, whole grain, nutritional, LOW SODIUM, unprocessed *S*
    but it all also means i go without nothing *S* just cooking from scratch more.
    i don't worry if i have too much lean protein or healthy fats, or even sugars from fruit and carbs, cause i know i am eating well.. and intend to eat this way for the rest of my life.. no diets for me anymore *S*

    (my diary is public if you want to have a look)
  • pooma
    pooma Posts: 25 Member
    This site helps you identify portions and portion control and see what foods are good/healthy choices thru the nutritional information. That, and the AMAZING support from friends you'll make. I found a food scale at a thrift store for $2 and is great to identify appropriate amounts, versus 'oh, there was only a few bites-little left in the bowl-can't throw this away-there are starving children in the world (my mother's favorite to guilt us unto cleaning our plates), etc... Good luck!! And Welcome!
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    I'm on the Use-Common-Sense-And-Don't-Eat-Like-A-Moron diet.

    It works.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I'm on the Use-Common-Sense-And-Don't-Eat-Like-A-Moron diet.

    It works.
    This is freaking awesome! I am so using it next time someone asks me what i am doing hahaha
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm on the Use-Common-Sense-And-Don't-Eat-Like-A-Moron diet.

    It works.
    oh, snap, me too!! but I thought it was called the Stop-and-think-before-you-put-that-in-your-mouth diet? or is it the you-cant-just-do-no-exercise diet?

    either way, it works :)

    I am on both of these! LMBO!!!
  • BonitaAppleBomb87
    I'm not on a diet either, I just changed my eating lifestyle.. More veggies, fruits, whole grains, plenty of water and exercise... I still eat some things but at the same time I know my limit and that's all...
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    I'm on the Use-Common-Sense-And-Don't-Eat-Like-A-Moron diet.


    Not necessarily a diet, but the only different approach (though seems fairly commonplace here) I apply is what's called the "100 gram carb cure".
  • monoxidechick
    I agree with the rest, the word diet has always scared me and I can not stick with it. This idea that everyone else is talking about is the only thing that I can see working for me. I slip up at times, but I know that I can keep going and get back on track tomorrow and things will not fall apart. I make the best choices that I can, plan ahead, and enjoy opportunities that come around when I really really want them.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I do agree that it is not a "diet" but there are things you should learn as you go in order to understand WHY you are doing it. The quality of the food you eat is pretty important. I also follow a pretty clean diet, avoiding processed and packaged foods. But I think starting with what MFP offers you within the diary is a great start! It is structured. I have since changed all my percentages and have customized my entire intake.
    Each night I sit down and enter the entire next take doing my best to meet my macro nutrients and meeting fruit and veggie servings! Fresher is better for sure, but I find that planning ahead is what really helps me along and keeps me focused. I look forward to the yummy meals I have planned the next day and I do my best to stick to my planned day, making changes where necessary of course.
    Exercise is a big part of it as well, but honestly, nutrition is a bigger part! Start with moving more and focusing on meeting the MFP guidelines within your diary...
    Set a goal for yourself each week, and each day. When you accomplish that goal you will feel very accomplished and it will keep you motivated to keep impressing yourself with your self control and new handle on your health.

    Feel free to send me a message if you want a buddy to give you some ideas... I am part of a challenge group that sets weekly nutrition and fitness goals. I love it, they are wonderful people and it keeps me focused on the little things as I work on the whole picture.
    Contact me if you want a PUSH! ;) Good luck!!!
  • ducksinarow
    I guess I used the "wrong" word..."diet"...I was just wondering what was working for everyone...I am looking for a lifestyle change and not a quick fix by any means...but I just have to say...I am glad that everyone is on the "don't act like a moron diet"...but I just wanted to know what the "not acting like a moron" part was for everyone so I could incorporate the new ideas into my changes...simply sounding but I am sure you all were in my shoes at one time--remember, starting is not as easy as it seems!!! Of course exercise is necessary and important, too!! I know I didn't gain the weight overnight and I will not loose it overnight either...was just looking for ideas to help get started and motivation to keep going.

    Oh well, thanks for the ideas I did get!!!
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    Well you just eat 1200 calories, work out, and try to eat as healthy as possible and incorporate that into your lifestyle.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I'm on the Use-Common-Sense-And-Don't-Eat-Like-A-Moron diet.


    Not necessarily a diet, but the only different approach (though seems fairly commonplace here) I apply is what's called the "100 gram carb cure".
    This is an interesting concept in that you watch your carbs but don't cut too low...
    BUT whole grains are an important part of energy supply.
    I carb cycle with 4 days between 120-130g carbs and a high (day5) of over 250g. With evryday keeping my protein around 140g
    The purpose is so the body doesn't get used to the LOW carbs and so the body doesn't experience the drained feeling.
    A main focus for me in this process is grains in the am and lunch only... PM carbs being ONLY from veggies and a fruit at post workout. Anyhow, I understand where this makes sense. I just think there are certain things that should not be forgotten... such as energy filled oatmeal, brown rice, whole grains, barley and much much more.... again, only in the AM. :-D

    anyhow... interesting for sure.
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I guess I used the "wrong" word..."diet"...I was just wondering what was working for everyone...I am looking for a lifestyle change and not a quick fix by any means...but I just have to say...I am glad that everyone is on the "don't act like a moron diet"...but I just wanted to know what the "not acting like a moron" part was for everyone so I could incorporate the new ideas into my changes...simply sounding but I am sure you all were in my shoes at one time--remember, starting is not as easy as it seems!!! Of course exercise is necessary and important, too!! I know I didn't gain the weight overnight and I will not loose it overnight either...was just looking for ideas to help get started and motivation to keep going.

    Oh well, thanks for the ideas I did get!!!
    Start simple.... track your food, all of it.. anything you eat and everything you drink... evaluate where that puts you and make changes where necessary. Start with the basics, that's the best way. introduce yourself to new changes in your lifestyle change. Maybe try a new recipe and track EVERYTHING ... you can do it. Whether your accomplishments are small or HUGE- they still count as ACCOMPLISHMENTS! :-D
  • canaussie
    canaussie Posts: 168 Member
    I'm on the Use-Common-Sense-And-Don't-Eat-Like-A-Moron diet.

    It works.

    Looks like this is the diet that wins the prize... it's working for me! :)
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member

    This is an interesting concept in that you watch your carbs but don't cut too low...
    BUT whole grains are an important part of energy supply.
    I carb cycle with 4 days between 120-130g carbs and a high (day5) of over 250g. With evryday keeping my protein around 140g
    The purpose is so the body doesn't get used to the LOW carbs and so the body doesn't experience the drained feeling.
    A main focus for me in this process is grains in the am and lunch only... PM carbs being ONLY from veggies and a fruit at post workout. Anyhow, I understand where this makes sense. I just think there are certain things that should not be forgotten... such as energy filled oatmeal, brown rice, whole grains, barley and much much more.... again, only in the AM. :-D

    Well, if you look at my food diary, you'll see that I don't follow it to a T either. I do a similar carb cycling where I'll load up on days I know for sure I'm going to do strenuous weight training. Likewise for endurance trainers (triathlete, marathoner, swimmers), carb intake should be much higher. But for the general population, it seems like a good rule of thumb.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I guess I used the "wrong" word..."diet"...I was just wondering what was working for everyone...I am looking for a lifestyle change and not a quick fix by any means...but I just have to say...I am glad that everyone is on the "don't act like a moron diet"...but I just wanted to know what the "not acting like a moron" part was for everyone so I could incorporate the new ideas into my changes...simply sounding but I am sure you all were in my shoes at one time--remember, starting is not as easy as it seems!!! Of course exercise is necessary and important, too!! I know I didn't gain the weight overnight and I will not loose it overnight either...was just looking for ideas to help get started and motivation to keep going.

    Oh well, thanks for the ideas I did get!!!

    I’m a string advocate of starting from the place where you are at, and adding change as it fits. Focusing on your own journey, and not worrying what anyone else is doing, what works for them, or whose eating plan they have read.

    Just start by logging. Eat the way you always have, but log it. See what it looks like in numbers. Learn how the choices you make right now affect the numbers.

    When that is easy and routine, start trying to hit your calorie goal. You will immediately start to see things—how little food you’re able to eat if you eat poorly, for instance—and this will drive you toward change.

    It’s okay for this process to go slowly and for the change to be gradual. It’s okay to make mistakes. If you’re logging in here every day and logging each every thing you eat into that diary and consistently come in at or slightly under your calorie goal—regardless of the food choices you make or how much you do (or don’t) exercise—a year from now you will weigh less than you do today.

    So, let’s get started :-)