Does MyFitnessPal really work? (Newbie)



  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    Yes it does work. My gosh, why do people expect results straight away?? If you're on here Im assuming its for a lifestyle change, not a quick fix no?
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    mfp is a TOOL. A tool used to either lose or maintain weight. HOW YOU USE it will determine IF it WORKS.
    Like many things we use in our journey to health.... EVERYTHING falls back on the USER. What you do determines the outcome.
    IF used with a willingness, a committment and an abiity to learn what works for you personally and do it...the possibilities are wonderful.
  • Chantal34
    Chantal34 Posts: 128
    It works if you stick with it.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Why should I do that? I just though that if I put it to 1200 cals a day then I would lose weight faster?

    Do what MFP says regarding calories :)

    ^^This and it does work
  • mikebook87
    mikebook87 Posts: 12
    I myself just started here a few days ago. I'm going to be honest I think this does work. My friend who suggested this site to me has lost wonderful amounts of weight and she is the best she has looked in ages.

    I did let MFP actually choose the calories for me and its helped me in the last few days. I have more energy everyday. For being a third shifter sometimes that energy is hard but since I've started I'm feeling great. I actually had the motivation to go for a mile walk, something I haven't done in a while.

    I'm not going to weigh myself within the first week of doing this because I know I'm not going to get the result I want. I do know when it comes to weight loss it takes a while for it to come up. I know its going to take me at least a few weeks to start seein results. I know I wont see my belly shrink.
  • prophetessmom
    prophetessmom Posts: 37 Member
    Sometimes you have to eat a little more to lose weight. If you drop your calories too low, it can set your body into "starvation mode" and you won't lose. I would do what others have suggested and let MFP tell you what to eat. I'll bet you'll lose if you do that and keep exercising!
  • biancamcewan
    You need to give it time, as you havnt even finished your first week, do not be surprised to see no difference on the scales. Dont give up on it, esp as you had a baby recently, the weight doesnt just drop off in an instant. I am six days in, weighed myself yesterday with no change on the scales however i appear slimmer around the face, upper body, thighs and waist. So it wont take me long to see the 2kg i need to lose come off over the next few weeks. Good Luck :smile:
  • SRikard
    SRikard Posts: 6 Member
    Oh yes it works! I've lost 67 lbs with it's help. It takes time just like it did to gain the weight, but don't give up. U can do it!
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Obviously, with all these lbs. Lost and kg Lost tickers, it is totally whack and not worth wasting your time on. You are probably undereating for your weight. If you let MFP figure out your calorie goals, drink a minimum of 10 cups of water a day, and MEASURE portions, it'll work.
  • EightDMB
    EightDMB Posts: 155 Member
    I think that the calories MFP calculates for exercise is inflated, so I wouldn't eat all those calories. You should give the program and yourself a little bit of time, though. You just had a baby, and your body is adjusting still to that. You will lose the weight and great job on your effort and commitment so far: it is hard to work out and eat well when you are sleep deprived!!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    The big thing about MFP to me is...not only have I lost fifty pounds...but I can continue to KEEP it off by simply continuing to track my calories.

    I used to think tracking calories was a bunch of nonsense, a cliche trend of dieting, then I actually tried it and stuck with it and learned that you can't fool with the math. If you burn 3500 calories more than you consume each week, you will burn a pound a week. Burning a difference of 7000 a week will render off two pounds a week.

    Now I am a big fan of MFO and counting calories.
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    I haven't read everyone's post so forgive me if I repeat... I think it depends on the person and how dedicated you are to making changes, plus it takes time. Personally, I didn't lose weight the first two weeks then cut back on eating my burned calories. Since I was already eating healthier than before I started the weight came rolling off. I've been on MFP for almost 6 weeks and have lost 9 pounds. As you can tell from other posters, some of the people here have lost substantial amounts. So, yes, it works and I've learned alot about portion control and made some friends so give it a try for a bit.
  • mbeis
    mbeis Posts: 19 Member
    Well, the program itself doesn't "work," you have to work the program. But, if you stick to the limits, and workout and log all that then it is a wonderful tool for your weight loss. I've lost 36 lbs, now some of that was before mfp, I used to use the little calculator on my computer to count my calories, but I'd forget stuff and always had to read labels or look up nutritional value on google, so this is a much easier, simpler, and faster way to do it. Essentially, mfp is a calorie, sugar, fat, and other nutrient counter. It is also a place for support and motivation. Stick with it, it's fun for me now, so I really love mfp. You'll do great, keep it up. I am also losing baby weight (actually if you gain 50 lbs, it's not really baby weight, it's just fat ;p haha I guess I just feel better calling it 'baby weight')

    ^^this, entirely <3
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    yes but PLANNING is the key!
    plan your meals ahead and LOG EVERYTHING! :drinker:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Works for some, not for others. It's mainly activity level that seems to affect how well it works, because the more exercise you do, the more discrepency in the numbers you can cause. If it's not working for you, there is a 'second way'. Have a look at the Eat More to Weigh Less group.
  • almostfortysix
    Are you nursing? If you are you are eating too few calories. If you haven't lost anything and you are not you might need to give yourself a few hundred extra calories. your body may think it needs to hold the fat. Remember your body has been through BIG CHANGES in the past year. You didn't gain an extra 20 pounds overnight it took a few months. It will take a few months to get it off.
    Also I think you could ask anyone with just 20 lbs to lose and they'll tell you it was a fight to get it off.
    MFP really works but you have to work it. Please feel free to add me as a friend also you could post a topic Looking for New Mom Friends and find other women trying to lose the baby chub:)
    Have a great day and congratulations on your new baby:)
  • ljarv
    ljarv Posts: 1 Member
    The program works if you follow it. I have lost 29 pounds in the last 3 months. I think it is the best thing going for weight loss. I tried a bunch of other programs in the past and could not keep my weight off after I was done but this program has provided a lifestyle change that will help me keep the weight off. I exercise as well but I have always done that so this program was the thing I needed to get those pounds OFF for GOOD! Go for it!!