Les Mills Classes - calorie burn.



  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I'm really hoping so. But it justifies not eating exercise calories - no idea how much I'm burning so def not about to eat extra!
  • jonbairam11
    jonbairam11 Posts: 37
    Hi I am not sure if this thread is still live but I am male, 6ft 1" 114kg (currently, was a lot more) and I burn about 1000cals in a combat or body step class according to 2 different HRMs. I work very hard in combat and do not take any options, full movement on all punches through the body and hips etc...it really makes a difference, some people on our class barely break a sweat which is fine for them but I prefer to blast it. It also makes a big difference how big you are, the bigger you are the more calories you burn to move about.
    one thing I would say is that if you work on our technique you will burn loads more calories as you can work harder and harder at each track and not waste time getting int wrong or being unsure of the move....
    check the internet for videos of classes and learn from them...i find it really helps, sad I know but my workout time is limited so I need to maximise the benefits....

  • ldove
    ldove Posts: 7
    A Les Mills rep was just at my fitness center earlier this week. This is from their boards:

    BodyPump - up to 560 calories
    BodyCombat - up to 545
    BodyBalance/BodyFlow - up to 340
    RPM - up to 620
    BodyAttack - up to 730
    BodyStep - up to 620
    BodyVive - up to 420
    BodyJam - up to 530
    Sh'Bam - up to 400
    CX30 - up to 250

    awesome thank you!!
  • LMDelphia
    I'm 5'10", 19, and 170 (just had a thyroid fix, so I am trying pretty diligently to get back to my normal weight, which has always been 120 to 125 after I stopped growing three years ago). Got a HR yesterday and did the elliptical, in which my HR said I burned 680 in 75 minutes (high intensity). I plan on going to body combat tonight, but if these numbers apply to me, I may be better off doing my own cardio and weights afterwards!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm 5'4" and now at 125#. I'm an instructor for BodyPump and BodyStep this is what I've found:

    Body Pump - I usually get 350 or so, but I lift heavy and am breathing heavy at the end of every track. When I have to take it light because I'm teaching 2 days in a row I get 250, still panting a bit at the end of the track. If you are not breathing like your working out, up your weight.
    Body Combat - 400 - 750 (I log 380) - I don't do this, but the Les Mills numbers on this should be pretty accurate as long as you are sincerely pushing yourself.
    Body Jam - 400 - 600 (I log 300) See above
    Body Step - 400 - 800 (I log 400) - I push hard, on tracks 4, 6 and 10 I now get my hr up to 175 (used to be 200). I burn just over 500, when I was 160 or so pounds I'd burn 800 - 900
    Body Balance - 250 - 380 (I log 280) - I never burn more than 150
    Body Attack - 500 - 900 (don't have it at my gym but when I try it elsewhere I will log it at 400) - it's goinig to be right around the same as combat or jam, I think 900 is really high. I've only done this 1 or 2 times because all that jumping around and what not makes me pee (not a problem in Step, but impossible to keep things under control in attack)
  • LMDelphia
    Hey! Sorry I forgot that I planned on coming back to this. My heart rate monitor is like gold; I feel so naked working out without it now! So, here is my data so far:

    Body Combat: 935 calories in 65 minutes
    Elliptical (w/ resistance intervals): 1200 calories in 120 minutes
    Spin class: haven't done it yet. my bad.
    Weight room circuit, heavy weights: 750 calories in 65 minutes

    So, I burn a lot of calories. Body Combat is awesome if you have a great teacher, and put 100% into it.
    Again, I'm 19 years old, 5'10"ish, and 170 lbs (yes, I'm big but in shape. work in progress, ok?)
  • pattiwatson
    pattiwatson Posts: 1 Member
    For what amount of time are the calorie ranges for LesMills?
  • hollyt93
    I am hoping that I am hitting the higher calorie burn.
    I just attended my first Body Jam class and I thought it was fantastic!
    Really fun and high energy (shame I seem to be the biggest person there).
    I am 20 and 215lbs. I was maroon red and very out of breath by the time I was done.
    I can't afford a heart rate monitor so how much do you think I would burn?
  • Jecka987
    Jecka987 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi I am 26 and around 5"4 130 pounds. When I do Body Jam I wear my heart monitor and consistently burn 500-600 calories in the hour. I normally log at 500. I go very hard - jumping around like a mad person :smiley:
  • mariposa808
    mariposa808 Posts: 16 Member
    Bodyjam is not like zumba fyi. It's more like a beginner's jazz dance class. Zumba is not a progressive dance class; the dance moves change every song. In jazz dance and Bodyjam class, you are constantly building onto a dance routine (progressive); which is why some people find this class harder than zumba or sh'bam.