can someone please critique my diary?



  • MeganH81
    MeganH81 Posts: 38
  • jaia07
    jaia07 Posts: 22
    Looks to me like you're eating a lot of junk with little nutritional value... and lots of carbs. You need veggies and fruit and fresh unprocessed foods. Also, I don't really believe in those weightloss shakes, I'm sure you could create something better yourself... that's just me though, lots of people swear by them.
  • Thexplodingirl
    I lost about 50 lbs using the shakes in 2003- and gained it all back because it never taught me how to eat real food healthily. I think I could use more veggies so i've been having a 5 oz low sodium v8 every day to compensate. If you can force yourself to drink a12 oz can of weight loss shake then 5 oz of v8 should be no problem. You CAN lose weight by calorie counting only, and still enjoy all the fatty foods you want, I've just noticed I tend to choose healthier stuff just because I can eat more quantity. Your diet is your personal journey and you will find what works and what doesn't in your own time. I've been having a blast finding the lowest calorie versions of my favorite foods....
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    When you asked the question you knew what the response would be, eat healthier....then you came back and defended your diet. Did you actually want help and criticism or someone to pat you on the back and say the diet shakes are a great staple to your diet?
  • rakelros
    rakelros Posts: 67
    One way to help with changing your diet.
    If you like to eat carbs, such as potatos, rice, and pasta, try not to eat them after 3pm. Eat them at lunch instead, and eat protein rich foods for dinner, such as chicken or fish.
    If you absolutely need to have carbs with your dinner, try to restrict the amount to about 1-2 tablespoons in a meal.

    Go Go Go, you can do this! :)
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    When you asked the question you knew what the response would be, eat healthier....then you came back and defended your diet. Did you actually want help and criticism or someone to pat you on the back and say the diet shakes are a great staple to your diet?

    My thoughts exactly. Don't ask if you don't want answers that you don't want to hear. If you were opposed to veggies in the first place, you could have said so. Just sayin :)
  • pchinow2000
    I think everyone's body is different and do what works for you. However I have heard over and over to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism going.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    need more veggies.

    why are you 1000 cals under your goal? If you're only gonna eat 1500 cals a day, adjust your macros so you can shoot for similar numbers daily.

    why eat 400 cals all day then have an 800 calorie dinner. You might have better luck feeling satisfied if you spread those calories out.

    Keep your protein intake fairly high to avoid muscle loss while losing weight. Your body doesn't just burn fat.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    I think you need higher quality foods be good to yourself in that way
    Higher volumes of low cal stuff like fruits and veggies
    Lower volumes on processed and starchy foods like the 3 cups of pasta
    Eat your calories....leaving too many behind will put your metabolism into shut down mode

    My motto Eat clean to get lean....less processed less cooked beyond recognition more whole natural single ingredient foods
    If it has a long lable...don't bring it to the table

    Remember low fat brings in high sugar!
    Don't drink all you fruits and veggies like in juices since they are basically straight shots of sugar that your body has to just absorp like a sponge but not process or work on breaking down like eating an orange vs drinking OJ
  • kteej
    kteej Posts: 46 Member
    How do you view someone else's diary?
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    For my opinion you eat not enough and healthy enough for breakfast and to many of the bad carbs, like white bread etc Whole grain is a better choice. The dinner is huge with many calories, because you don't eat a healthy breakfast and you are probably hungry in the evening. Try to equal your meals a little. I am not a big fan of veggies either, so I can undestand you there. But one fruit a day might be a good idea (fiber).
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    I find it weird to hear soemone say, I tried veggies adn i don`t like them.

    Really? You tried every vegetable prepared in every single manner veggies can be prepared?

    By reducing your amount how highly processsed, high sugar, high salt, high fat foods you will learn to enjoy the subtle tastes in fruits and vegetables. You should give it all a fair chance. I can understand not like a certain vegeatble, but to write them all off is close minded.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    If you go to the bottom of your food diary and click full report you can see multiple days all on the same page and a lot more of the nutritional information. On the days that you didn't use the quick calories your sodium intake was really high (should be 2300-2500mg). That will cause you to retain water and can cause other health issues. Try adding some fresh fruits/veggies and less processed foods. They have less calories and you can actually eat more :smile:
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I have found that the easier the food choice, the easier it is to lose control of calories. i.e. fast food. If you don't like veggies, and I agree that there is no way to have tried every veggie in every preparation, then you need to up your fruit intake and really be mindful that your remaining nutrition choices have benefits to health but also pack higher cals. You acknowledge that you need to do a better job logging. Hold yourself to that. You have the phone app. Your phone is probably with you at all times. The app is great! Use it. Also, if you are really busy like I am, look for the fast food calorie counter app. It shows you the nutritional value at SEVERAL dining choices so you can be informed when you have to eat and you are on the go. Best of luck
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    How do you view someone else's diary?

    Just go to their profile and you should be able to click on "View Diary" next to their pic. If that box doesn't appear it means they either don't have it open to public or only viewable by their friends (if you are not their friend).
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    Switch from ground beef to ground turkey or chicken...and make sure you check the labels because some ground turkey/chicken is just as fatty as ground beef! look for extra lean.
    and eat more vegetables and less processed food!
  • MeganH81
    MeganH81 Posts: 38
    When you asked the question you knew what the response would be, eat healthier....then you came back and defended your diet. Did you actually want help and criticism or someone to pat you on the back and say the diet shakes are a great staple to your diet?

    My thoughts EXACTLY..... That's why I said "WOW!!!"
    I wasn't sure I could say anything else but you did it for me! Thanks!!! :wink:
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    All I see is a lot of processed food and a lack of restraint with goodies..treating yourself is good... in moderation. 1 whole box of Hot Pockets (which contains 2)...why not 1 hotpocket? A lot of junk food...cookies, rice crispie treats, etc. Diet shakes are fine if you follow their program...most of them are designed to be used as a meal replacement, not a drink that you drink throughout the day in place of soda ...for one of your breakfasts you had 2 shakes which made your breakfast almost 800 calories and then had an under 200 calorie lunch. You may not like veggies but there are other alternatives to eat better and incorporate some good nutrients into your diet.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    When you asked the question you knew what the response would be, eat healthier....then you came back and defended your diet. Did you actually want help and criticism or someone to pat you on the back and say the diet shakes are a great staple to your diet?

    Just what I thought, couldn't have said it better myself.
  • qbanyto
    qbanyto Posts: 18 Member
    Don't need ur pat on my back, u smartass.

    Also if u gained wright back from losing it, then it's ur fault for beiing ignorant and thinking shakes are magic when they are not. They just supplement.

    Yes I have ate veggies every way possible. Dot believe me? That's ur problem. :)


    Thanks u guys (well most of u anyways) for the critisms. Ive been losing weight eating this way. Didnt think it be so easy to count calories!