Chub Rub and Other Funny Reasons to Finally Lose the Weight



  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    You crack me up!! I have chub rub issues as well :( Wah!
  • Ramseyyy
    Ramseyyy Posts: 58 Member
    Those are HYSTERICAL! And I have used and or thought of some of the very same reasons!

    In addition to the chub-rub how about not have every pair of shorts I put on crawl up into never-neverland! Because there just isn't anything sexier than a chubby girl having to pull her shorts out from her crotch!

    They were all funny but this really spoke to me... haven't worn shorts in 20 years, lol.

    True story:

    I was working at a residential school for juvenille delinquents/emotionally disturbed kids. One day one of them had an episode of acting out and bit me on the stomach. It was a reqiurement by the company for all injuries to be photographed. The security guard was the one who had to take the pic because it was evening shift and HR dept was closed. He grabs his camera (and BTW he was a professional photographer in his spare time, weddings, that kind of thing), asked me to show him the bite mark, looked at it and said: " Oh let me just get the wide angle lens".

    I was never easily offended about remarks of my weight so I burst out laughing, and he was confused, thought about it, then apologized. He said that the lens he wanted would be better for detail.

    :(. Awwwn.
  • Ramseyyy
    Ramseyyy Posts: 58 Member
    This is hilarious !
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member