

  • Jane1320
    Jane1320 Posts: 20 Member
    Weigh yourself once a month.....or not at all....your're invovled and Obessive compulsive behavior....go by how you look and feel don't be a slave to a number....that's crazy...what could happen is... if you lose weight than you give yourself permission to maybe eat extra or eat a bad choice if you've gainned you may still eat because your depressed that you gainned...lose/lose situation

    There is more to life than a scale and a number, get out there and live it. I think most people can feel when they lose or gain and weight is so much a perspective thing like age, people never believe my weigh or my age,,,,luckily they always think I look lighter which isn't light at all by the way and look younger.

    I have had a lot of experience with this believe me.....you need to live your life, eat healthy, excercise, concentate on friends, family, school, work NOT A NUMBER ON THE SCALE

    on side note, it also has to do with immediate gratifcation....seeing the lost pounds...but your not going to see 5 or 10 pounds or weight ever your goal is in one day.

    Good Luck!
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    Weigh yourself once a month.....or not at all....your're invovled and Obessive compulsive behavior....go by how you look and feel don't be a slave to a number....that's crazy...what could happen is... if you lose weight than you give yourself permission to maybe eat extra or eat a bad choice if you've gainned you may still eat because your depressed that you gainned...lose/lose situation

    There is more to life than a scale and a number, get out there and live it. I think most people can feel when they lose or gain and weight is so much a perspective thing like age, people never believe my weigh or my age,,,,luckily they always think I look lighter which isn't light at all by the way and look younger.

    I have had a lot of experience with this believe me.....you need to live your life, eat healthy, excercise, concentate on friends, family, school, work NOT A NUMBER ON THE SCALE

    on side note, it also has to do with immediate gratifcation....seeing the lost pounds...but your not going to see 5 or 10 pounds or weight ever your goal is in one day.

    Good Luck!

    Oh wow, thank you so much for the advice, thats exactly what was happening to me, if i lost some weight i was giving myself permission to eat a little more but i gained weight i was feeling so sad and depressed that i started to eat anyway. OMG you just explained what was happened to me
  • Adudynski
    Adudynski Posts: 31
    I will totally join you starting when I weigh tomorrow! I am horrible about weight 4 or 5 times a day and I KNOW better lol
  • brndabrnda
    I had the same problem. I put my weigh scale out of sight - in the linen closet. I will get it back out on Mothers Day. There, now I have committed to that. Remember 1 cup of water weighs 1/2 a pound.

    If you have to, give your scale to a trusted friend. The problem is that you lose a pound and are elated but then you gain it back and you want to quit. But if you give yourself one month to get things going and keep to a steady eating and exercise change, you can see if you need to adjust it based on real data, not just a drink of water or less salt the day before that changes things a tiny bit.

    Talk to you May 8th!
  • ThePinkSheep
    ThePinkSheep Posts: 24 Member
    I started my WL journey two months ago. I weigh-in once an week, but have been so discouraged because I have not "lost" any weight for 5 straight weeks.

    BUT, I measured myself the other day (just started last month measuring) and was 1/2" smaller in my hips/thighs/calfs (I wish it was my belly area, but oh well). And, I was able to fit into a new pair of jeans a size smaller and hubby says my face looks a lot thinner.

    So I am learning that it is not about the number on the scale which was totes depressing me, it's other factors too and that the exercise I've been doing is paying off. I'd gained muscle from it which caused the scale not to budge. But now I'm like, ok when are the pounds going to shed, I have enough muscle!

    I have to agree with Jane1320 and wish I had seen that post a few weeks ago and not gotten so frustrated.
  • millygrl
    millygrl Posts: 98 Member
    I am definitely going to start only weighing myself once a week. I was up TWO lbs this morning, but had done so well yesterday. It was so discouraging. It made me feel like my efforts weren't worth it. Which I know isn't true. It also made me not want to eat anything today. Very unhealthy.
    So, yes. I'm on board with weighing in only once a week!
  • emma2309
    emma2309 Posts: 203 Member
    thanks for adding me!I think I did a bit better last week weighed myself every second day Id say, it's just a habit, I know it's not helping me, I don't get really down about it or anything Id just prefer not to rely on it for results every single day!
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    I weigh myself EVERY morning while naked before getting in the shower. I don't weigh again until the next morning. I'm happy doing this! Whatever floats your boat!

    I do the same thing and some days I am good with it and some days I am not because that # decides my day... Every morning. Is that good or bad; can depend on the person. It works for some and not for others.
    It does not set my day in any way! So it does work for me! :)
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    Weigh yourself once a month.....or not at all....your're invovled and Obessive compulsive behavior....go by how you look and feel don't be a slave to a number....that's crazy...what could happen is... if you lose weight than you give yourself permission to maybe eat extra or eat a bad choice if you've gainned you may still eat because your depressed that you gainned...lose/lose situation

    There is more to life than a scale and a number, get out there and live it. I think most people can feel when they lose or gain and weight is so much a perspective thing like age, people never believe my weigh or my age,,,,luckily they always think I look lighter which isn't light at all by the way and look younger.

    I have had a lot of experience with this believe me.....you need to live your life, eat healthy, excercise, concentate on friends, family, school, work NOT A NUMBER ON THE SCALE

    on side note, it also has to do with immediate gratifcation....seeing the lost pounds...but your not going to see 5 or 10 pounds or weight ever your goal is in one day.

    Good Luck!

    I just don't see it this way, but realize that some people do. It's just fun for me to see what the scale says every morning. I gradually have watched myself lose 8 lbs in just a few weeks. I have never allowed myself extra food. I wouldn't because I'm on a roll and want to keep it that way. Also, if the number is up a bit, I don't care! Doesn't make me sad. I know that it's going to be several months to get to my goal weight.